人教版高中英语必修三Unit 3《The Million Pound Bank Note》ppt阅读课件

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人教版高中英语必修三Unit 3《The Million Pound Bank Note》ppt阅读课件_第1页
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1、Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank note The Million Pound Bank Note The Million Pound Bank Note vA penniless poor and lost young American in London becomes the subject of a bet between two rich and eccentric 古怪的 English gentlemen They want to know how a poor man do and live with a million pound note And

2、a series of funny things happened The Million Pound Bank Note short story original version by Mark Twain play adapted from the short story film Directed by Ronald Neame If a rich person gives you a large amount of money to use as you like for example one million pound what will you do Discussion the

3、 bet vHave you ever made a bet with a friend If so what did you bet on How did you feel about the bet after it was won or lost Characters in the play Henry Adams An American businessman lost in London without money friends or a job Roderick and Oliver Roderick and Oliver Two rich brothers who made a

4、 bet Two rich brothers who made a bet Roderick believed that a man couldn t survive Roderick believed that a man couldn t survive in the city for a month with only a million in the city for a month with only a million pound bank note But Oliver believed he pound bank note But Oliver believed he coul

5、d could Main Characters v Characters in Scene 3 vHenry a lost American businessman in London vRoderick a rich Englishman Oliver s brother vOliver a rich Englishman Roderick s brother vServant to the brothers vCharacters in Scene 4 vPortia Oliver s daughter vMr Clemens a diner in the restaurant and e

6、xpert on bank notes Some new words incredible difficult to believe 难以置信的 stare at look at sb sth for a long time 凝视 nightfall the time in the evening when it becomes dark 傍晚 survive continue to live or exist 生存 存活 spot see or notice a person or thing 发现 account for to be the explanation or cause of

7、sth 是 的原因 charity 施舍 1 Who was Henry Fast Reading An American businessman who arrived in London by accident penniless hungry and lonely 2 How did Henry Adams come to England 3 Where did Henry work before How much did he have It was the ship that brought him to England He worked for a mining company

8、before and he had no money at all 4 What did the two gentlemen give Henry 5 When can Henry open the letter 6 Why did they chose Henry They give him a letter He can t open it until two o clock Because Henry was honest hard working and poor Put the following events in correct order A Henry wandered in

9、 London streets B About a month ago Henry Adams was sailing out of the bay C The next morning he was spotted by a ship D Towards nightfall he found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind E On the ship he earned his passage by working as an unpaid hand BDC EA vWhy did the narrator say you re abo

10、ut to hear the most incredible tale A Because Henry Adams survived at sea B Because Henry Adams earned his passage by working as an unpaid hand C Because Roderick and Oliver invited Henry to step in and asked him questions D Because Henry Adams a tramp was given some money for reasons unknown to him

11、 Now do the exercises in the textbook comprehending vAnswer key for Exercise 1 v1 F 2 F 3 O 4 O 5 O Answer key for Exercise 2 1 clever 2 confident 3 foolish 4 glad 5 jealous Sum up the main idea of the whole passage The story happened in in Henry a tramp who came from landed in Britain He earned his

12、 by working as an hand Wandering in London streets he met who asked him to their house After asking Henry many questions they gave him London 1903 San Francisco by accident passage unpaid two old brothers step inside a letter Please find out all the stage directions the Italics斜体字 and guess their fu

13、nctions in the play Functions 1 tone of voice 2 behaviour Divide up the class so that each group of students looks at one character and then share the idea of each group What kinds of people are Henry Adams Oliver and Roderick Find some adjectives or other words to describe them after reading The ch

14、aracteristics of Henry It is my first trip here Well to be honest I have none no money Well I can t say that I have any plans I don t want your charity I just want an honest job honest I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand Could you offer me some kind of work here I don t want your charit

15、y I just want an honest job hard working pround Well it may seem luck to you but not to me If this is your idea of some kind of joke I don t think it s very funny Now if you ll excuse me I think I ll be on my way careless direct I landed in Britain by accident The characteristics of Oliver and Roder

16、ick servants and not worrying about giving a stranger a million pound bank note prepared to bet one million pounds just for a bit of fun They see that Herry is honest and proud rich mischievous good judges of character Enjoy Scene 3 Explanation 1 A large quantity of money a large sum of money 常用于修饰不可数名词 2 Now he has a large amount of money He can do anything he wants with it 1 只用于修饰可数名词的有 2 dozens of 3 scores of 4 a great many 5 a big large great number of big large great numbers of 2 只用于修饰不可数名词


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