人教版高中英语必修三Unit 1《Festivals around the world》(第1课时)课件

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1、Festivals around the world Unit 1 第一课时 Warming up what they celebrate 2 either to help or to do harm 3 with bones on them 课文理解 Step 1 Fast Reading Scan the passage and then choose the best answers according to the passage 1 Most ancient festivals were held in order to A celebrate the end of cold wea

2、ther B celebrate harvest in autumn C celebrate planting in spring D all of the above 2 In which country do people celebrate the Day of the Dead in early November A Japan B Mexico C America D India 3 What is Columbus Day in the USA for A In memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New Wor

3、ld B In order to satisfy their ancestors C In order to offer food flowers and gifts to the dead D In order to celebrate the return of Jesus from the dead 4 The biggest difference between the Chinese Spring Festival and Easter in Christian countries lies in functions A culturalB political C religious

4、D educational 5 Which of the following festivals is to honour the dead A Obon B Mid Autumn Festival C Easter D Cherry Blossom Festival Step 2 Careful Reading 1 Read the passage and write down the main idea of it The text mainly tells us about some of today s festivals There are three kinds of festiv

5、al Some are some are and some are for 2 What is one important reason for us to have festivals and celebrations Step 3 Summary Read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks Festivals and celebrations have been held everywhere since ancient times There are all kinds of celebrations throughout the

6、world Today s festivals have many origins some 1 some seasonal and some for 2 Different countries have different festivals Festivals of the dead are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the 3 Festivals can also be held to honour famous people In China the 4 Festival honours the famous ancient poet

7、Qu Yuan The most energetic and important festival is 5 which looks forward to the end of winter and the coming of spring At the Spring Festival in China people eat such things as 6 fish and meat and give children 7 in red paper Some Western countries have very exciting 8 which take place forty days

8、before Easter usually in 9 Festivals let us enjoy life be proud of our 10 and forget our work for a little while Step 4 Discussion Should we Chinese students celebrate Western festivals like Christmas Why or why not 答案 Step 1 1 5 DBACA Step 2 1 religious seasonal special people or events 2 We can en

9、joy life be proud of our customs forget our work for a little while Step 3 1 religious 2 special people or events 3 ancestors 4 Dragon Boat 5 the Spring Festival 6 dumplings 7 lucky money 8 carnivals 9 February 10 customs Step 4 Yes We can share our happiness with each other and increase mutual unde

10、rstanding by celebrating western festivals Meanwhile we can learn more about western culture 课堂要点探究 1 starve 1 v 使人 挨饿 饿死 She s starving herself to try to lose weight 她正在用节食的方法减轻体重 These animals will starve to death if not given food soon 这些动物不赶快喂些食物就会饿死 2 v 缺乏 的 急需 的 She s lonely and starving for f

11、riendship 她很寂寞 渴望友谊 The patients are starved of starving for medicine 这些病人急需用药 归纳拓展 1 starve to death 饿死 starve for sth 渴望获得某物 缺乏 starve to do sth 渴望做某事 2 starvation n 饿死 starvation wages 不够维持基本生活的工资 名师点拨 long for sth 渴望某物 long to do sth 渴望做某事 be eager for sth 渴望某物 be eager to do sth 渴望做某事 be dying

12、for sth 渴望某物 be dying to do sth 渴望做某事 活学活用 完成句子 他们宁愿饿死也不向敌人妥协 They would rather give way to the enemy 他们迫切需要实际工作的经验 They the experience of practical work 答案 starve than starve for 2 belief n 信任 信心 信仰 More and more people have much belief in doctors of traditional Chinese medicine 越来越多的人信任中医 I think

13、he failed for lack of belief in himself 我认为他由于缺乏自信而失败 She is a woman with strong religious beliefs 她是一个有强烈宗教信仰的妇女 归纳拓展 1 have belief in 相信 对 有信心 beyond belief 不可信 难以置信 in the belief that从句 相信 2 believe vt 相信 认为 猜想 believe in 相信 的存在 信任 信赖 believe it or not 信不信由你 His story is beyond belief 他的故事令人难以置信

14、He came to me in the belief that I could help him 他到我这里来 因为相信我能帮助他 I can believe him but I cannot believe in him 我可以信其言 但不能信其人 活学活用 根据提示完成句子 I his honesty belief 我不太相信他的诚实 He did it he was right belief 他这么做是因为他坚信自己是对的 Some of the reports about him belief 有关他的一些传闻叫人难以相信 the famous singer will come to

15、 our town to give performances soon believe 信不信由你 那位著名歌手很快会来我们的 小镇进行表演 单项填空 2014 淄博市高一下学期期末 Charles Darwin explained the of species on earth in his book that came out in 1859 A ancestor B origin C beliefD custom 答案 haven t much belief in in the belief that are beyond belief Believe it or not B 句意 查理

16、斯达尔文在他1859年出版 的书中解释了物种起源 四个选项的含义分 别是 A ancestor 祖先 B origin起源 出 生 C belief 信念 D custom风俗 所以选 B 3 gain a vt 获得 得到 获益 Zou Shiming wanted to gain a world professional boxing title 邹市明想获得一个世界级的专业拳击头衔 You can only gain by further study 只有更进一步地学习 你才能提高 During the Spring Festival she gained much weight 春节期间 她体重增加了很多 b n 获益 He only seems to be interested in personal gain 他似乎只在乎个人的收益 归纳拓展 1 gain sth 获得某物 gain by from 从 获益 gain weight put on weight增加体重 2 No pains no gains 不劳无获 活学活用 完成句子 They this experime


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