人教版高中英语必修一Unit 4《Earthquakes》(Warming Up&ampamp; Reading(I))期末复习课件

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人教版高中英语必修一Unit 4《Earthquakes》(Warming Up&ampamp; Reading(I))期末复习课件_第1页
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《人教版高中英语必修一Unit 4《Earthquakes》(Warming Up&ampamp; Reading(I))期末复习课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高中英语必修一Unit 4《Earthquakes》(Warming Up&ampamp; Reading(I))期末复习课件(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 4 Earthquakes Warming Up Reading How many natural disasters do you know 有部分课件由于控制文件大小 内容不完整 请联系购买完整版 Typhoon 台风 Tsunami 海啸 tornado龙卷 风 hurricane 飓风 How many natural disasters do you know Drought 旱灾Flood 水灾 What else can you think After the earthquake happened in 1976 Tangshan was in ruins Afte

2、r the earthquake happened in 2008 Wenchuan was in ruins 地震发生时的72小时 Speaking What may happen before an earthquake Signs before an earthquake 动物界逃亡大迁徙 1976年7月25日上午 抚宁县100多只黄鼠狼 大的背 着或叼着小的从古墙洞钻出 向村外大转移 26日 27日 这群黄鼠狼继续向村外转移 一片惊慌景象 Signs before an earthquake 汶川地震的前兆 华西都市报 5月10日报道 四川绵竹市西南镇檀木 村出现大规模蟾蜍迁徙 数十万

3、蟾蜍拥挤着走上了马路 面对这一异常现象 村民们普遍表示担忧 害怕可能是地 震或其他自然灾害的预兆 The water in the wells and And some deep can be seen in the well walls A gas come out the cracks risesfalls cracks smelly What do you think will happen before an earthquake Mice run out of the fields places to hide Fish out of the water looking for ju

4、mp What do you think will happen before an earthquake The chickens and even pigs are nervous eat The dog is loudly again and again too to barking What do you think will happen before an earthquake People can see lights in the sky bright What do you think will happen before an earthquake Animals are

5、too nervous to sleep such as cats dogs chickens horses ducks and rabbits etc What might happen to a city when there is an earthquake Reading A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN T SLEEP Skimming 1 The text is written according to 根据 A place B time 2 Match 匹配 each paragraph with its main idea Tips Pay attention to

6、 注意 the first and second sentences of each paragraph Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Before the earthquake strange things began to happen but no one paid attention to them The earthquake destroyed the city of Tangshan The people were very shocked at the destruction The army came to help the survivors br

7、inging hope for a new life main ideas Para 1 Para 2 3 Damage during the earthquake Para 4Recovery after the earthquake Signs 前兆 before the earthquake Scanning Para 1 What were the signs before the earthquake water in wells came out of cracks chickens pigs mice fish appeared 出现 in the sky sound of pl

8、anescould be heard rose and fell well walls deep cracks smelly gas too nervous to eat jumped out of bowls and ponds ran out of looking for places to hide bright lights water pipescracked and burst Describing the earthquake 8 kilometres long two thirds 400 000 in fifteen seconds A huge crack that was

9、 eight kilometers long and thirty meters wide cut across houses roads and canals Describing the earthquake The railway tracks were useless pieces of steel Two thirds of people died or were injured during the earthquake The number of people who were killed or seriously injured reached more than 400 0

10、00 The suffering of people was extreme Half a million pigs and millions of chickens were dead In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins Most homes were gone Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves True T or false F statement 1 Two thirds of the nation felt the earthquake 2 All t

11、he people in Tangshan were dead or injured during the earthquake 3 All of the city s hospitals factories buildings and homes were damaged in the earthquake 4 Later that afternoon a terrible earthquake shook Tangshan again 5 People slept outdoors after the earthquake F One third F Two thirds F 75 75

12、90 T T Never abandon never give up Tangshan has grown a beautiful city after 30 years Discussion If you know an earthquake is coming what will you do Do hide cover crouch 蹲着 stay away from turn off guide avoid 避免 Don t panic 慌张的 falling objects 物体 Ways on self rescue Drop onto the ground and protect

13、 your head by putting your bag on your head Keep away from the power lines Keep away from the signs Keep away from the buildings Hide in the corner of the house Don t hide under the furniture but by the furniture Homework 1 Retell the story 2 Find out more knowledge about earthquake through the Internet magazines books etc


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