新目标九年级英语下期中复习题及答案Units 17

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《新目标九年级英语下期中复习题及答案Units 17》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标九年级英语下期中复习题及答案Units 17(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新目标九年级Units 1-7 期中模块测评 词汇专练. A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。(10分)1. Parents should buy some e books for children to read.2. Do you know C ? Hes an important Chinese thinker.3. Tom often s_ the Internet on weekends.4. I like going hiking. I can always e new places.5. The diamond ring is really f .6. How p it is i

2、n the countryside!7. My brother told me a t story of ghosts.8. W you do, you should do it well.9. This underground doesnt go d .10. We shouldnt take away others things without p .B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)11. Listen!Someofthegirls (talk)aboutHarryPotter.12.WhereisMrGreennow?Ihaventseenhimforafewdays.He (

3、go)toHongKong.13. Youdbetter_(noteat)toomuchmeat.Youarealreadyoverweight.14. Titanic isaverynicefilm.I (see)ittwice.15.She doesnt look like her mother. She (take) after her father.16.Ispenthalfanhour (finish)doingmyhomework.17.TheteachertoldXiaoMing (notbe)lateforschoolagain.18.Pleasewritetomeassoon

4、asyou (reach)Shanghai.19.We have to help (clean) up the tables at the party.20.Whentheheadmastercameintothehall,allthestudents (stand)up.C) 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空词数不限。(10分)21. 汤姆的确在这场篮球赛中表现出色。Tom _ in this basketball match.22. 她喜欢能够一起舞起来的音乐。She likes music _.23. 我有一个月没收到我澳大利亚笔友的来信了。24. 王叔叔教我们修自行车。Uncle Wang

5、teaches us _.25. 昨晚妈妈脸上露出了满意的笑容。Mother _ on her face last night.26. 这幢建筑使我想起了我的母校。This building _.27. 你对这部新影片有什么看法?What do you _ the new film?28. 这顶帽子非常适合您,女士!This hat _, madam!29. 导演正在为他的新影片寻找一位女演员。The director _ for his new film.30. 快,电影已经开演约十分钟了。Hurry up! The film _ for about ten minutes.语法专练. 单项

6、选择。(40分)1. thefootballmatch?Great!A.Howdoyouthinkof B.WhatdoyouthinkC.Whatdoyoulike2.Thisquestionis_easy,and allthestudentscananswerthequestion.A.toomuchB.toomanyC.muchtoo3.Thisbook_Tomsfathers,becausehisnameis onthebook.A. mustbeB.mustC.maybe4.WhodoesthisT-shirtbelong_?A.inB.onC.to5.Wewent to a bea

7、ch a picnic.A.onB.inC.for6.He_beahistoryteacher.A.usedtoB.beusedtoC.beuseto7.Pleasetry_EnglishifyouwanttolearnEnglishwell.A.practiceB.topracticeC.practicing8.WeshouldtalkinEnglishas_aspossible.A.muchB.manyC.more9.Whatdoes“anxious”_?A.meanB.meansC.meaning10.Idliketogowithyou,_,myhandsarefull.A.butB.o


9、perienced an aeroplane crash.A.flyB.offlyingC.flying16. I prefer watching TV to _ music every day.A. listen to B. listening C. listening to17. Look at that girl _ name is Lucy.A. who B. whose C. which18. Youll be late you leave at once.A. or B. unless C. if19. I hate people _ talk much but do little

10、.A. who B. that C. which20. Do you know what _?A. his favorite song is B. is his favorite songC. his most favorite song is21. I like the music that I can sing _.A. along and B. along with C. with D. along22. I like this kind of music that I can dance _.A. to B. in C. along23. The story reminded me _

11、 an experience I once had.A. of B. to C. at24. you do, you cant change the situation.A. whoever B. what ever C. whatever25. Beijing is one of the _ in the world today.A. busiest city B. busiest cities C. busy cities26. I mean _ a class meeting on Monday afternoon.A. have B. to have C. to having27. Mary sings English songs well and _.A. Jane does too B. so does Jane C. so Jane does28. I didnt know _.A. where did he live B. where do he livesC. where he lived29. What the boy said sounds _.A.


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