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1、 Content for Today s English Corner Guess the words Question common in business 6 Miss last name unmarried woman What does the separation of powers 三权分立 mean It means the separation of legislature executive and judiciary The separation of powers is a model for the governance state The typical divisi

2、on of branches is into a legislature an executive and a judiciary It can be contrasted with the fusion of powers in a parliamentary system where the executive and legislature and sometimes parts of the judiciary are unified People used to use The Pentagon 五角大 楼 to represent which department United S

3、tates Department of Defense Colored eggs and bunny are traditional symbols of which festival Easter Where is the international tennis championship held Wimbledon 温布尔登 or London Wimbledon 网球四大满贯 澳大利亚网球公开赛 Australian Open 1月 硬地 温布尔登网球公开赛Wimbledon Championships 6 7月 草地 最古老和最具声望赛事 法国网球公开赛French Open 5 6

4、月 红土地 美国网球公开赛U S Open 8 9月 硬地 Watch a video clip and answer the question What is Magellan s 麦哲伦 original goal to led the first expedition around the world Magellan s goal was purely commercial to find a Spanish route to the world s most precious commodity spices Watch a video clip and answer the que

5、stion How many kinds of sleep remedy 睡眠疗法 occur in this video clip First soaking foot in hot water 泡脚 Second body massage 身体按摩 Third improving sleep through eating 饮食 Watch a video clip and answer the question What are the occupations of the interviewees They are marketer hockey player and fashion j

6、ewelry designer 市场营销 曲棍球运动员 时尚珠宝设计师 Watch a video clip and answer the question Which year did the first man land on the moon What is the name of the first moon landing program July 16 1969 The Apollo Moon Landing 阿波罗登月计划 Word Relay For example Hand desert teacher research happy yesterday yoghurt Free Talk Topic 1 My experience of learning English is 2 My idol is I admire him her because 3 The person thing I can t forget is Thanks And have a nice day 此课件下载可自行编辑修改 此课件供参考 部分内容来源于网络 如有侵权请与我联系删除


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