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1、基础自主梳理 考点分层突破 单元能力提升 Unit 4 Global warming 基础自主梳理 考点分层突破 当堂跟踪检测 单词回顾 分类识记 拓展运用 一 基础识记词汇 填一填 基础会书写 1 n 环境 情况 2 vt 使恢复 使振作 3 vt 拥护 提倡 主张 4 vi 同意 捐赠 订阅 vt 签署 文件 5 n 种类 范围 基础自主梳理 subscribe refresh circumstance range advocate 6 adj 平均的 n 平均水平 平均数 7 vi 看一下 扫视 n 一瞥 8 adj 普遍的 分布广的 9 adj 温和的 温柔的 淡的 基础自主梳理 wi

2、despread average mild glance 填一填 阅读识其义 1 data n 2 presentation n 3 random adj 4 measurement n 5 catastrophe n 6 electrical adj 7 existence n 基础自主梳理 衡量 测量 尺寸 显示 演出 资料 数据 大灾难 浩劫 胡乱的 任意的 电的 与电有关的 生存 存在 8 fuel n mitment n 10 graph n 基础自主梳理 燃料 承诺 交托 信奉 图表 坐标图 曲线图 用一用 语境推意 1 2018 全国卷 It s a science progra

3、mme on the origin of the universe I ll give a presentation on it in my class tomorrow 2 2018 天津卷 The author s purpose is to advocate a way to make group thinking more effective 3 2018 全国卷 I don t think we would have randomly invited him over but we appreciate it and the gifts 基础自主梳理 做演讲 提倡 倡导 任意地 随便

4、地 二 核心拓展词汇 填一填 掌握书写 1 vi 趋向 易于 照顾 vt 照顾 护理 n 倾向 趋势 2 vt 反对 反抗 与 某人 较量 adj 反对的 对立的 3 vt 消费 消耗 耗尽 吃完 n 消费 n 消费者 4 n 结果 后果 adj 随之发生的 5 vt 陈述 说明 n 声明 阐述 6 vi 存在 n 存在 基础自主梳理 opposed tendency tend consequence oppose consumeconsumption consumer consequent statement state exist existence 7 n 污染 vt 污染 8 n 贡献

5、 捐赠 投稿 vt 捐赠 投稿 增进 9 n 现象 pl 现象 10 adj 平稳的 持续的 稳固的 adv 平稳地 持续地 基础自主梳理 pollution pollute contributecontribution steadily steady phenomenon phenomen a 用一用 境中提升 1 Instead he hopes that his business will grow steady 2 2018 全国卷 This switch has decreased pollute in the country s major lakes and reservoirs

6、 and made drinking water safer for people 3 Who made a great contribute to the civil rights movement in the US 4 The government has put out a state denying these rumours 5 Your exist seems to have meaning for someone needs you and loves you 基础自主梳理 pollution steadily contribution statement existence

7、6 advocate by many well known experts and film stars the product was very popular at one time 7 At first he was oppose to the scheme but we managed to argue him into accepting it 基础自主梳理 opposed Advocated 记一记 词不离群 基础自主梳理 1 名词变复数的特殊变化小结 phenomenon phenomena 现象 datum data 数据 medium media 媒体 criterion c

8、riteria 标准 2 与 电 有关的单词荟萃 electrical adj 电的 与电有关的 electricity n 电 电流 electric adj 电 的 电动的 n 供电 electronic adj 电子的 electrics n 电路 electrician n 电工 电器技师 短语扫描 归纳积累 一网打尽 填一填 掌握书写 动词 介 副词 e 发生 造成 2 result 导致 造成 3 put with 忍受 容忍 4 go 上升 增长 升起 5 keep 继续 6 glance 瞥一眼 7 subscribe 预订 同意 订阅 介词 名词 形容词 8 average

9、平均 基础自主梳理 inabout up up onat to on be 形容词 介词 9 be opposed 反对 其他 10 quantities 大量的 11 tend do 倾向于 往往 12 even 即使 13 long 只要 14 and so 等等 15 the whole 大体上 基本上 16 behalf 代表 一方 作为 的代言人 基础自主梳理 to to of if though as so as on on on of 用一用 境中提升 选用以上短语填空 1 2018 全国卷 Experts say it s an invaluable social practi

10、ce that big benefits 2 Now my schoolmates I wish you a safe return I also hope that there will be more events of this kind in the future 3 2018 全国卷 I decided to play with him with only one toy for it would keep his interest 基础自主梳理 results in on behalf of as long as 4 We are still wondering how it th

11、at the experiment ended in failure 5 2016 10月浙江卷 You don t get to choose your teachers or your family but you still have to them 6 2016 四川卷 The common cold is a good example women get fewer colds than men 基础自主梳理 came about put up with on average 记一记 词不离群 基础自主梳理 动词 短语 with 必备短语荟萃 end up with 以 结束 do

12、away with 废除 get on along with 和 相处 deal with 处理 应付 go on with 继续 catch up with 赶上 keep up with 跟上 put up with 忍受 背句型 课本这样讲 记公式 公 式这样记 仿句子 高考这样考 1 In fact Hambley states More carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing It will make plants grow quicker crops will produce more it will encourage a grea

13、ter range of animals 事实上 Hambley说 更多的二氧化碳 实际上是一件好事 它使植物生长得更 快 庄稼产量更高 还会促进动物的分布 所有这些都能改善人类的生活 代词 of which 引 导的非限制 性定语从句 1 2016 四川卷 书面表达 When summer vacation for us students comes every year we can do all that we can t do during our school time going shopping with friends swimming in warm water and ev

14、en hiking and camping in the deep valleys 我认 为所有这些会让我充满自由 基础自主梳理 句式再现 攻克句型 对接高考 all of which I think lead me to full freedom all of which will make life for human beings better 背句型 课本这样讲 记公式 公式这样记 仿句子 高考这样考 2 It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on if not turn it off 只要你在使用电器设备 你可以让它开着 如果不用就把它关

15、掉 so as long as 只要 引导条件状 语从句 2 2015 全国卷 书面表达 你 可以写任何相关的内容 只要它是有趣 并且有益的 You can write anything relevant so long as you are using it 基础自主梳理 as long as it s interesting and informative 1 tend vi 趋向 易于 照顾 vt 照顾 护理 经典例句 1 教材原句P26 It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causin

16、g the global temperature to go up 这就意 味着更多的热能被困在了大气层中 因而造成了全球气温上升 2 Women tend to be more social in their behaviour They often share with others 女性在行为上更合群 她们经常相互分享 考点分层突破 核心词汇 考点分层突破 归纳拓展 tend to do sth 易于 往往会 趋向于做某事 tend to sb sth 照顾 看护某人 某物 have a tendency to do sth 倾向于做某事 have a tendency towards sth 有 的倾向 there is a tendency to do sth 有一种做 的倾向 即学即练 单句语法填空 1 The French instead tend shop daily walking to small shops and farmers markets 2 The storm tends to hit our city and we will observe the t


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