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1、基础自主梳理 考点分层突破 单元能力提升 Unit 5 Travelling abroad 基础自主梳理 考点分层突破 当堂跟踪检测 单词回顾 分类识记 拓展运用 一 基础识记词汇 填一填 基础会书写 1 adj 平行的 相同的 类似的 2 n 队列 行列 vi 排队 3 n 讲课 4 n 习语 成语 5 n 草稿 草案 vt 草拟 起草 6 n 常规 日常事务 adj 通常的 例行的 7 adj 可选择的 随意的 基础自主梳理 idiom queue parallel draft lecture routine optional 填一填 阅读识其义 1 visa n 2 cafeteria

2、n 3 numb adj 4 autonomous adj 5 enterprise n 6 battery n 7 qualification n 8 agent n 基础自主梳理 事业 事业心 签证 电池 组 电瓶 炮台 资格 资历 代理人 经纪人 自助食堂 自助餐厅 麻木的 失去知觉的 自主的 自治的 独立的 9 contradict vt 10 academic adj 11 bachelor n 12 drill vi 学术的 反驳 驳斥 获学士学位的人 未婚男子 钻 孔 钻 钻机 演习 用一用 语境推意 1 2018 天津卷 Curiosity gave us all a natu

3、ral awareness But distinctions that were sharp to us as children become unclear we are numb to new stimulation 刺激 new ideas 2 2018 北京卷 In any unsafe situation simply press the button and a highly trained agent will get you the help you need 3 2018 天津卷 A fire drill will be conducted in your residence

4、 hall every semester 基础自主梳理 麻木的 一个训练有素的工作人员 消防演练 二 核心拓展词汇 填一填 掌握书写 1 vt 推荐 建议 n 推荐 介绍 提议 2 n 舒适 安慰 vt 安慰 adj 舒适的 adv 舒适地 3 n 代替者 代用品 vt 用 代替 n 代 替 取代 4 n 需要 要求 v 需要 5 vt 承认 确认 答谢 n 承认 基础自主梳理 comfortably comfort recommend substitution comfortable require requirement acknowledge recommendation substit

5、ute acknowledgement 6 vt 占用 占领 占据 n 占领 占据 7 n 道歉 谢罪 vt 道歉 8 n 资格 资历 adj 有资格的 能胜任的 9 n 准备 预备 v 准备 10 adj 丰富的 充裕的 n 丰富 11 vt 支配 管理 n 政府 基础自主梳理 qualification occupy occupation apologizeapology qualified preparation prepare abundant abundance govern government 用一用 境中提升 1 2017 浙江卷 Some people worry that

6、the new language require may cause conflicts 2 The family began making prepare immediately after one of the members saw the boat 3 You help organize sports activities and other outdoor pursuits and you could end up with a qualify as an instructor 4 As a senior next year I think extra periods should

7、be used to take option subjects 基础自主梳理 requirements preparation s qualification optional 5 The monitor substitute by his assistant to attend the school meeting in his absence last Friday 6 As soon as he arrived he made an apologize to his boss for being late 7 The tables near the window were all occ

8、upy so we had to find a place in a corner 8 Professor Hawking acknowledge as one of the greatest physicists in the world 基础自主梳理 was substituted apology occupied is acknowledged 记一记 词不离群 1 建议 高频词小结 recommend vt 建议 推荐 recommendation n 推荐 advice n 建议 advise vt 建议 忠告 suggest vt 建议 提议 suggestion n 建议 pro

9、posal n 提议 建议 propose vt 建议 2 与 旅游 相关的高频词汇集锦 destination n 目的地 tourist attraction 旅游景点 a place of interest 风景 名胜 schedule n 时刻表 accommodation n 住处 膳宿 guide n 向导 导游 route n 路线 travel agency 旅行社 基础自主梳理 记一记 词不离群 3 演讲 报道 相关词汇一览 lecture 演讲 讲座 speech 报告 演说 report 报告 报道 address 演讲 致辞 deliver a speech 发表演讲

10、make a speech 发表演讲 give a lecture 发表演讲 基础自主梳理 短语扫描 归纳积累 一网打尽 填一填 掌握书写 动词 介 副词 1 fit 相适应 2 settle 迁入新居 更换工作后 安顿下来 3 adjust 适应 调节 4 apply 申请 介词 名词 5 out the question 不可能的 不值得讨论的 基础自主梳理 for in to of in be 形容词 介词 6 be occupied 忙着做 7 get used 习惯于 其他 8 keep it 保持优秀成绩 继续干下去 9 as as one is concerned 就 而言 10

11、 day and day 日复一日 基础自主梳理 up with far to inout 用一用 境中提升 选用以上短语填空 1 That scientist was devoted to the study and finally he achieved great success 2 If I had seen the advertisement in time I would have the job 3 If you keep on eating like this losing weight is 4 If you someone a person begins to feel t

12、hat you are with him her on the same wavelength 基础自主梳理 out of the question day in and day out applied for adjust to 5 It s said that his youngest son with the rest of his new class 记一记 词不离群 基础自主梳理 1 fit 短语全掌握 be fit for 胜任 适合 合格 be fit to do sth 适合做 fit in with 适 应 适合 keep fit 保持健康 2 keep 短语聚焦 keep

13、up 坚持 维持 沿袭 keep up with 赶上 不落在后面 keep in touch with 与 保持联系 keep out of不使 入内 不惹事 keep away from 不 使 接近 fit in 背句型 课本这样讲 记公式 公式 这样记 仿句子 高考这样考 1 But I was also very nervous as I didn t know 但是我又非常紧张 因为我不知道我所 期望的是什么 what to expect属于 疑问词 不 定式 结构 1 2016 北京卷 书面表 达 许多同学不知道为保护 地球做些什么 Many students don t kno

14、w what to expect 基础自主梳理 句式再现 攻克句型 对接高考 what to do for protecting our earth 基础自主梳理 背句型 课本这样讲 记公式 公式 这样记 仿句子 高考这样考 2 Besides what other people thought was not the most important thing 此外 他认为别人的想法并 不是最重要的 as far as is was concerned 就 而言 在句中作 插入语 2 据我所知 你对中国文化 尤其是京剧 很熟悉 especially Peking Opera as far as

15、 he was concerned As far as I am concerned you are very familiar with Chinese culture 基础自主梳理 背句型 课本这样讲 记公式 公式这样记 仿句子 高考这样考 3 You which can take up all your concentration in the beginning 你得适应一种全新的生活方 式 在一开始的时候这会占 去你的全部精力 be get used to doing sth习惯于 做 3 2014 天津卷 书面表达 首先 我们的传统食物是馒头和 米饭 我希望你能很快适应它 们 Fi

16、rst our traditional foods are steam bread and rice soon I hope you can get used to them have to get used to a whole new way of life 1 recommend vt 推荐 建议 经典例句 1 教材原句P38 Xie Lei highly recommends it 谢蕾极力推荐它 预科课程 2 2016 浙江卷 Which book would you recommend to someone interested in children s mental images 你会推荐哪本书给对儿童的精神形象感兴趣的读者 考点分层突破 核心词汇 考点分层突破 归纳拓展 recommend to sb 向某人推荐 recommend sb for 推荐某人做 某职位 recommend sb as 推荐某人为 recommend sb to do sth 建议某人做某事 recommend doing sth 建议做某事 recommend that从句 建议 从句中


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