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1、四年级下册重点单词句子 Unit1重点: first floor(一楼) second floor(二楼)library (图书馆) teachers office (教师办公室) playground (操场) computer room (电脑房) art room ( 画室) garden (花园 )music room(音乐室) gym (体育室) next to ( 紧挨)补充:ruler(尺子) pencil(铅笔) eraser(橡皮) crayon(蜡笔)bag(包) pen(钢笔) pencil box(铅笔盒) book(书)classroom(教室)window (窗)b

2、lackboard(黑板)light(电灯)picture(图片)door(门) teachers desk (老师讲台)computer(电脑)fan (电风扇)wall (墙)floor(地板)TV(电视)schoolbag(书包) maths book (数学书)English book(英语书) Chinese book(语文书) story book(故事书)notebook (笔记本)football (足球) basketball (篮球) baseball(棒球)student(学生) pupil (小学生) teacher(老师) boy(男孩) girl (女孩) frie

3、nd (朋友)1, Is this the teachers office ? 这是老师办公室吗? Yes, it is . 是的,它是。 / No, it isnt. 不,它不是。2, Is that the playground ? 那是操场吗? Yes, it is . 是的,它是。 / No, it isnt. 不,它不是。3.Excuse me . 打扰一下 Where is the library? 图书馆在哪里?Its on the first floor. 它在一楼。Its next to the music room. 它紧挨着音乐教室。4.How many students

4、 are there in your class? 你班有多少学生?Forty-five.45。5.Do you have an art room? 你们有美术教室吗?Yes, we do. 是的,我们有 / No, we dont. / 不,我们没有。 unit 2重点: lunch 午餐 breakfast 早餐 dinner 晚餐music class 音乐课 P.E class体育课 English class (英语课)get up 起床 go home 回家 go to bed 上床睡觉go to school 上学 补充:maths (数学 )Chinese (语文 )art(美

5、术) computer(电脑)One(一)two(二) three(三) four(四) five(五) six(六) seven(七) eight(八) nine (九)ten(十)eleven(十一) twelve(十二) thirteen(十三) fourteen(十四)fifteen(十五) sixteen(十六)seventeen(十七) eighteen (十八) nineteen(十九) twenty(二十)1. What time is it?几点钟了?Its nine oclock.九点钟了。2. Its time for English class.该上英语课了。3. It

6、s time to go to school. 该上学了。4Lets go to the playground. 我们一起去操场吧。 OK ! / Great ! / Good idea !Unit 3重点: cold (寒冷) cool (凉爽) warm (暖和) hot (热 )sunny (晴朗的)windy (有风的) cloudy (多云的) snowy (下雪的) rainy (下雨的) weather (天气) weather report (天气预报)补充:open (打开) close(关上) make (做) eat (吃) drink (喝) cut (切) go to

7、 school (去学校) row a boat (划船) bounce a ball (拍球) drive a car (开车) put on a cap (戴帽子) read a map (看地图) turn on the light(打开灯) put up the picture (挂上图片) clean the blackboard (擦黑板) Watch TV (看电视) read a book(看书) have a snack (吃点心) have a nap(睡一会) take a shower (洗澡) play football( 踢足球) play basketball (

8、打篮球) play baseball(打棒球) fly a kite(放风筝) swim (游泳) make a puppet ( 做木偶)1Whats the weather like in New York? 纽约天气怎么样?Its sunny. 今天天气晴朗。 I can fly a kite .我能放风筝。2. Is it cold?天气 冷吗?Yes, it is. 是的,很冷 / No, its not. 不,不冷。 Its 26 degrees。温度有26度呢。 3. Its warm in Beijing today. 今天北京天气很暖和。4. Can I go outside

9、 now? 我现在能出去吗?Yes, you can. 是的,你能。 / No, you cant. / 不,你不能。5Be careful . 小心。 Unit 4 重点:vegetable (蔬菜) tomato (西红柿) potato (土豆) green beans(青豆) carrot (胡萝卜) onion(洋葱) animal(动物) horse (马)cow (奶牛)sheep (绵羊)hen (母鸡)goat (山羊)farm (农场)补充:duck(鸭子) pig(猪) cat(猫) bear(熊) dog(狗)elephant(大象) monkey(猴子) bird(鸟

10、)tiger(老虎)panda (熊猫) giraffe ( 长颈鹿) lion(狮子) fox(狐狸) wolf (狼) gorilla (猩猩) red(红色) green(绿色)yellow(黄色) blue(蓝色)black (黑色) brown(棕色) white (白色) orange(橙色)strong (强壮的) friendly (友好的) quiet(安静的) cute(可爱的) thin (瘦的) fat(胖的) short(矮的,短的) tall(高的) long (长的) big(大的) small(小的)1. What are these ?这些是什么?They a

11、re tomatoes . 他们是西红柿。What are those? 那些是什么? They are potatoes. 他们是土豆。2. Are these carrots? 这些是胡萝卜吗?Yes, they are. 是的,它们是。 / No, they arent. 不,它们不是。 Are those sheep? 那些是绵羊吗?Yes, they are. 是的,它们是。 / No, they arent. 不,它们不是3. Are they hens? 它们是母鸡吗?Yes, they are. / No, they arent.是的,它们是。/ 不,它们不是。 Unit 5重

12、点: clothes (衣服) pants (长裤 ) hat (帽子) dress (长裙)skirt (短裙) coat(大衣) sweater (毛衣) socks (袜子)shorts (短裤) jacket (夹克) shirt (衬衫 ) T-shirt(T恤) shoes (鞋子) glasses (眼镜) 补充:red(红色) green(绿色)yellow(黄色) blue(蓝色)black (黑色) brown(棕色) white (白色) orange(橙色)1. What colour is it ? 它是什么颜色? Its blue . 它是蓝色的。What colo

13、ur are they ? 它们是什么颜色?They are red . 它们是红色的。2 Is this Johns ? 这是John的吗? Yes. it is . 是的,它是。 No, it isnt. 不,它不是。 Its Mikes. 它是Mike的。3Are these yours ? 这些是你的吗? Yes, they are . 是的,他们是。No, they arent. 不,他们不是。Theyre Chen Jies. 他们是陈洁的。4. Whose coat is this ? 这是谁的大衣? Its mine . 是我的大衣。5. Whose pants are tho

14、se ? 那是谁的长裤?Theyre your fathers. 它们是你爸爸的。 unit 6 重点:glove (手套) scarf (围巾) umbrella(雨伞) sunglasses (太阳镜) pretty(漂亮的)cheap (便宜的 )expensive (贵的) nice(好的)补充:twenty 20 thirty 30 fourty 40 fifty 50 sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety 90 one hundred 1001 A: Can I help you ? 我能为你做点什么?B: How much is this skirt ? 这裙子多少钱?A: Its 89 yuan. 89元。B: Can I try it on ? 我能试穿一下吗?A: Of course. 当然可以。 B:


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