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1、阿威:好久没聊了,不知道你英语作文怎么样啊!现在就说说我的一点经验。其实就是多背背一些句型短语,就和你写汉语作文一样,对于汉语作文来说可以有排比拟人夸张,还有名人名言等等都可以增砖添瓦,所以,你懂得。英语可不敢为了安全无错误而全用简单句,那你想想看,多枯燥啊多低调啊,用几个闪光的句型、短语,老师一下子就会被吸引的。但是千万别为了图新颖而出现单词错误语法混搭的情况。 对于你目前这种忙碌的生活我可是很佩服,所以加油。我就不残忍的要求你一周写多少多少作文了,就把你写过的成品半成品拍成照片发给我,这个活你妈妈可以帮你哦。我可以把你的作文好好地PS一下。希望帮到你少鹏 作文复习资料1.有很多同学早晨上学

2、不吃早餐,这是一个不好的习惯,对身体有很大的危害。请根据提示写一篇短文,指出不吃早餐的危害。70个词左右。提示:1.不吃早餐对身体有害;2.不吃早餐会影响上午听课。Every morning we have to go to school very early, so many of us dont have breakfast. Its very bad for our health. In the morning we usually have four classes. Its a long time before lunch. If we dont eat anything for b

3、reakfast, we may feel hungry and we cant listen to the teacher carefully. We need energy very much while we are growing. I really think that we should have a good breakfast.2 . How to keep healthyIf we want to keep our bodies healthy, we must have a good habit. We should get up and go to bed early a

4、nd sleep at least eight hours every day. Do more exercise, such as walking, swimming, playing balls and so on. We should also eat healthy foodmore fruit and vegetables and less meat. If you dont feel well, youd better see a doctor at once. And we should wash our hands before meals and drink enough b

5、oiled water every day. Its necessary for our health. We should not throw litter about, keep long fingernails and smoke etc. Its also very important. 3.假如你的爸爸是个医生,曾参加了2003年的非典防治工作,虽然非典已经过去了,但是他对一家人的健康仍然很重视。请你写一篇60词左右的短文,讲一下只要预防得当,疾病并不可怕。参考词汇:personal health个人健康 spit吐痰overwork使过于疲劳 food and drink饮食Kee

6、ping healthy3.My father is a doctor. In 2003, he took an active part in the battle against SARS. He said,“We dont have to be afraid of catching the illness. If we have good habits, we can keep the illness away.”My father and I like running in the morning. We keep the windows open so that the air in

7、the room is clean and fresh. We wash our hands before meals. We have healthy food and drink. We dont spit here and there. He told us not to overwork because too much work will make us tired and make it easy to get sick. 4.你的爸爸抽烟吗?请写一篇小短文描述抽烟的害处,回家后读给你的爸爸听。(60词左右)提示如下:1.抽烟有害健康,不能长寿;2.抽烟易导致疾病;3.抽烟还危害别

8、人。Smoking and HealthEveryone knows smoking is bad for health. People who smoke too much may not live long. Many people die from smoking each year. Smoking causes many illnesses. Smokers have bad teeth. A lot of people always cough because of smoking. Smoking can easily cause lung cancer. Smoking is

9、bad for smokers, and its also bad for women and children, too. I hope all the smokers can give up smoking for themselves and also for the people around them. Lets enjoy clean air. 5.假如你是Li Tao,请根据昨天的情况写一篇60词左右的日记。早上感到头疼,老打喷嚏(sneeze),妈妈带你去医院,医生检查了一下并问了一些情况,最后给你开了一些药并让你好好休息。第二天你觉得好多了。Wednesday, Octobe

10、r 12th, 2009I felt terrible yesterday morning. My mother took me to the hospital. “Whats your trouble, little boy?” the doctor asked. “I cant stop sneezing and I have a headache. ” “When did it start?” “This morning. ” “Open your mouth and say Ah. ” My mother was worried and asked the doctor, “Whats

11、 the matter with him?” “He has a bad cold, but its nothing serious. ” the doctor said. Then the doctor let me take some medicine. He asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest. I feel better after taking the medicine.6.假如李明是你的好朋友,根据提示写一篇80词左右的短文介绍李明的业余爱好。(短文开头已给出)提示语:1.李明以前是个电影迷, 一周至少去看两次电影,有时租VCD

12、在家里看,最喜欢的影星是姜文;2.李明现在的兴趣是集邮, 认为集邮非常有趣,可以从邮票上学到很多关于人物、地点、历史的知识, 有些旧邮票非常有价值;3.上周五是李明的生日, 他从朋友那里得到了许多邮票,非常高兴。Li Ming is my good friend. He has many hobbies. He used to be a movie fan. He went to the movie theater at least twice a week. Sometimes he rented VCDs and watched them at home. His favorite mov

13、ie star was Jiang Wen. Now Li Ming is interested in collecting stamps. He thinks its great fun. He can learn a lot about people, places, history and many other things from stamps. Some old stamps are very valuable. Last Friday was Li Mings birthday. He got many stamps from his friends. Li Ming was v

14、ery happy.7.以“How did you spend last Sunday? Did you have a good time? What were you doing at different times last Sunday?”为内容,写一篇80词左右的短文。提示:watch a movie, climb mountains, play basketball, visit friends, play computer games, do housework . happy, excited, sad .以My Hobbie A Happy SundayI had a happ

15、y day last Sunday. From 6: 30 to 7: 00, I was running along the road. At 8: 00 a. m. I was doing cleaning at home, because my parents were out. At 9: 50, I was watching a movie with my friend, Han Xingxing. The film was very interesting, and it made us excited. From 2: 20 to 4: 30, I was playing bas

16、ketball with my classmates on our school playground. At 6: 00 p.m. my grandparents, my parents and I were having a big dinner together in a restaurant. We all felt very happy and enjoyed it. I was watching TV from 7: 30 to 9: 30 at home in the evening, and then I went to bed. 8.依照下列问句,为题写一篇60词左右的短文。1.What hobbies d



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