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1、 高考英语阅读理解之技法与实践 -题型识别与技巧点拨和实践 莘村中学 卓青-QuincyI. 阅读理解题的主要类型1.判断指代内容 2. 语意转换题 3. 是非判断题 4. 数字计算题 5. 归纳主旨要义(中心思想) 6. 选择文章标题 7. 猜测词句意义 8. 先后排序题 9. 作者的观点态度 10. 推断题( 1)因果推断题 2)推断隐含意义 3)推断写作目的 4)推断文章出处 )II、阅读理解题型识别今年高考英语阅读题共有4篇短文,这4篇中有易有难,而每篇短文中的几道题也有易有难,你能够以最快的速度判别出易、难篇以及识别出各篇中的易、难题,进而从易到难,各个突破吗?下面把阅读短文中常见的

2、题型归类,供同学们参考识别。一、 主要事实或特定细节题(较易) e.g.1. You can not travel to Indianapolis by _. A. boat B. train C. bike D. by air 2. Many buildings In Indianapolis are white because _.3. One reason that might explain her pins sleeplessness was _.4. The Norwegian Government tried to _.5. When did the armed policeme

3、n arrive at the hotel? 6. Why did Ron Mackie leave school at sixteen?*计算题 (中等难度), 如 英语周报 第26期 C篇的44题:How many German scientists mentioned in the passage won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986?A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four 二、猜测词义、句意题(中等难度) e.g.1. The underlined words “stap up” means _.2. The underli

4、ned phrase “canned music” (in paragragh1) refers to _. 3. The underlined word “context” (in paragraph3) most probably means “_”4. According to this passage, the “quality food” fed by some parents is actually _5. From the first paragraph, we know “ they are all just a few clicks away” means “_”三、先后排序

5、题(中等难度)如. 题干:Whats the correct order of the following events?a. The man got on a rock below the falls. b.The man was taken to hospital.c. The man jumped in the falls. d.Two American tourist took photos of the man. A. a, b , c , d B. c , d ,a , b C. c , a , d, b D. d , c , b , a四、主题思想(中心思想)题(包括给短文选标题

6、) (中等难度) e.g.1. The main subject of the passage is _. 2.What is the story mainly about? _3.What is the main idea of the paragraph / this passage? _4.The main idea of the passage is that _.5.What does this passage/ paragraph mainly discuss? _6.Which of the following is the best title for this passage

7、? _7.What would be the best title / headline for the text?五、推理判断题 (难度最大) e.g.1. From the story we can infer that the first man who was put into stocks in Boston was _2. We can infer from the passage that _.3. According to the text, which of the following is Not True? (逆问句子提问)4. Which of the followin

8、g is True according to the passage?5. From the passage we can draw/reach/ arrive at a conclusion that _六、作者观点、态度和写作意图题 (难度较大)e.g.1. What is the authors main purpose? _2. What is the writers attitude towards TV? _.3. What is the purpose of writing this article? _.4. According to this passage the writ

9、er is trying to _.5. According to the passage, the writer thinks that _.练习: 请根据下列各题识别出阅读题型 (把相应的字母代号填入括号内)A. 主要事实或特定细节题(包括计算题)。B. 猜测词义、句意题。C. 句子排序题。D. 主题思想(中心思想)题。E. 逻辑推理和判断题。F. 作者观点、态度和写作意图题。1. You can infer from the passage that _. ( )2. Give the right order of surname development in history. _ (

10、) A. b-a-e-c-d B. a-b-c-d-e C. a-b-c-e-d D. b-a-c-e-d 3. The passage mainly tells us _. ( )4. The cause of Markovs death was that _. ( )5. What does the underlined word “straightforward” in the last paragraph mean? ( )6. The purpose of writing this passage is to _. ( )III. 阅读理解的解题技巧与实践 1、 判断指代内容 特点:

11、要求考生根据语境判断代词 (this, that, it, they, them, one, both 等)或代动词 (do, does, did, do that 等)究竟指代什么。题干:1. what does the underlined phrase “” refer to? 2. what does the underlined word “they” refer to? 3. The underlined word “them” refers to _. 4. What does the word one in the line mean ? 5. The words did so

12、 in the last sentence mean _.解题技巧:一般说来,代词的指代内容大多在这一句的前、后句中,特别是前句中,或者是前几句中,有的甚至指代前一段话中的某个内容,找到指代的内容后把它放在那个代词的位置上,看看这句话是否合理,与前后的内容是否一致,然后再判定它是否为正确答案。如、1. You comforted me in my darkest hour,Vince, Youve found a way to deal with your own frustration. By destroying the porch, you let the sunshine in, I

13、like it very muchThe underlined word it in Paragraph 10 refers to the _.A. Darkest hour B. Frustration C. Sunshine D. porch 2. .These super-thin sports shoes are causing a stir in the world of running and fitness. Why? Because some experts believe they could make you a better, more efficient runner

14、and that traditional trainers could be doing you more harm than good.The underlined word They in paragraph2 refers to _.A. Experts B. Feet C. Shoes D. Runners.3. . Dr.Johnson invited Dr.Turner to have dinner with him in a restaurant before catching the train back to London. Dr. Turner noticed that Dr.Johnson was fond of good food and expensive wines. They had an excellent meal. When the bill was brought, Dr.Johnson felt in his pocket. Oh, dear, he said. Ive forgotten my money. Thats all right, Dr.Turn said. Ill



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