人教版九年级英语 Unit 12单元测试题附答案

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1、初中英语九年级全一册 1 13 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected 单元检测单元检测03 一 听力测试 一 听力测试 15分 分 一 听句子 选择你所听到的单词 5分 1 A blockB blackboardC backpack 2 A exceptB unexpectedC expected 3 A hoaxB boxC case 4 A dieB lieC pie 5 A cancelB costumeC birthday 二 听对话及问题 选择正确的答案 5分 6 A She got bad grades B She was ill C She

2、 was late for school 7 A She watched TV B She overslept C She took a shower 8 A No she did B Yes she did C No she didn t 9 A Yes she did B No she didn t C Yes she didn t 10 A By car B By bike C On foot 三 听短文 选择正确答案 5分 11 What did Mike do before he went to bed last night A He did his homework B He ta

3、lked with his mother C He watched TV 12 Why did Mike s mother have to wake him up this morning A Because he went to bed so late that he couldn t wake up B Because he wasn t feeling quite well then C Because he went to bed too early last might 13 What did Mike have for breakfast this morning A Eggs B

4、 Nothing C Milk 14 What did Mike leave at home at first A His schoolbag B His watch C His bike 初中英语九年级全一册 2 13 15 How do you think Mike would feel this morning A Excited B Pleased C Unhappy 二 单項填空 二 单項填空 15分 分 16 news it is Nobody it A What a surprising believes B What surprising believes C How a su

5、rprising believeD How surprising believe 17 When did the earthquake in Lushan happen It happened 8 02 the morning of April 20 2013 A on inB at inC at onD on on 18 Our teacher often asks us questions in groups A discussB to discuss C discussingD discussed 19 How many teachers are there in your school

6、 About four A hundreds ofB hundredC hundredsD hundred of 20 All the oil in the world will have some day Yeah What shall we use for power then A given awayB put awayC run outD set out 21 I wore sportsshoes to the ball 舞会 yesterday evening by mistake Oh dear you must be very at the ball A embarrassedB

7、 satisfiedC tiredD surprised 22 When I got to the hospital Mary there A leavesB leftC has leftD had left 23 What do you want I m not full I want some more milk shake A otherB moreC anyD else 24 She got John when she was 25 years old A marry toB marry with C married toD married with 25 Lucy called me

8、 to come to the party but she herself didn t A show aroundB show upC come outD put up 初中英语九年级全一册 3 13 三 完形填空 三 完形填空 15分 分 Life Is Full of Unexpected Things It was the last day of school and I planned to travel to my friend s hometown I hadn t seen him for years and this was a good26 to meet him agai

9、n I was busy at school so it was rather27when I came back home It was already 10 o clock atnight Time was running out After a hurried meal I left 28I found a taxi very soon Asking the driver to drive me fast to the station I relaxed for a while imagining what my friend looked like now I was soon at

10、the station and was sure that I would be able to29the train Unfortunately I fell over on the way to the platform and lost some time To my 30when I reached the platform I saw that the train had just left It was the last train so I had to31home My mother was glad to see me back as she had a bad feelin

11、g about my trip But I was unhappy I tried to relax and went to bed but I had a32sleep The next morning I was very tired As I was having breakfast the33 arrived I read over the pages and was shocked to34that the train I missedhad an accident How35I was that I missed the train 26 A signB chanceC sense

12、D dream 27 A strangeB coldC lateD quiet 28 A FinallyB SuddenlyC StrangelyD Luckily 29 A stopB seeC catchD miss 30 A satisfactionB hopeC surpriseD joy 31 A callB leaveC reachD return 32 A deepB badC greatD heavy 33 A newspaperB ticketC milkD train 34 A findB hearC feelD remember 35 A hopefulB thankfu

13、lC carefulD painful 四 阅读理解 四 阅读理解 20分 分 A When I was young I liked to play jokes on people I knew especially on my parents and friends One day my mother was cooking and I was playingwith my younger brother Tony Suddenly I ran to my mother and said Tony fell from the open window She was very worried

14、and ran out of the kitchen Then I said Don t worry I m just joking My mother shouted at me If you do it again I ll hit you 初中英语九年级全一册 4 13 Another day I went swimming with my friends in the sea I wanted to play a joke on them In the beginning I swam fast and Icalled out Help Allmy friends came to he

15、lp me However they found that I was joking But half an hour later I wasn tjoking I was so fast soon I got tired and couldn t swim on in water I tried my best to call my friends for help but this time nobody came to help me In the end they found I was telling the truth They came and saved my life The

16、y took me to the hospital This is the best lesson in my life From then on I haven t joked on anyone 36 When he was young the writer liked to A play with his brother B help his mother cook C play jokes on people D go swimming with his friends 37 What happened when the writer was playing with his brother A He got tired B He played a joke on his mother C Tony fell from the open window D His mother hit him 38 In the beginning all his friends came to help him because he A swam fastB called for help C


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