人教版九年级英语 Unit 11单元测试题附答案

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1、初中英语九年级全一册 1 13 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry 单元单元测试测试03 一 听力测试 一 听力测试 15分 分 一 听句子 选择你听到的单词 5分 1 A driveB droveC drives 2 A flowerB showerC power 3 A catchB coatC coach 4 A agreeB agreementC disagreement 5 A disappointedB disappointC appointed 二 听句子 选择与你听到的句子相符的图片 5分 A B C D E 6 7 8 9 10 三 听对话 选择正确

2、的答案 5分 11 What s the matter with Peter A He s unhappy B He failed the test C His teacher can t help him 12 How does Peter like Chinese A It s easy B It s difficult C It s interesting 13 What subject is Peter good at A Math B Chinese C Science 14 When are they both free A Thursday afternoons B Saturd

3、ays C Sundays 15 Where will they study together A At school B At Ann s home C At Peter s home 二二 单项填空 单项填空 15分 分 16 The people in Ya an have met lots of difficulties but they haven t hope A picked upB given upC looked forD waited for 17 Li Na is famous all thetennis fans in China know her 初中英语九年级全一册

4、 2 13 A too toB enough toC as asD so that 18 Peter likes pop music but his father his mother likes it A both andB not only but alsoC neither norD either or 19 If our government pay attention to the safety of food our health in danger A isn t isB doesn t will beC won t isD isn t will be 20 Dear stude

5、nts please read every sentence carefully The more you are the mistakes you ll make A carefully fewerB careful lessC careful fewerD carefully less 21 Whatshe said made me A laughB to laughC laughingD laughed 22 What a heavy rain Soitis I prefer rather than on such a rainy day A to go out stay at home

6、B to stay a home go out C going out stay at homeD staying at home go out 23 Seeing their teacher into the classroom they stopped at once A walk tellingB entering to speakC enter to tellD walking talking 24 Are you a soccer player in your school Yes I the team two years ago I in the team for two year

7、s A have joined have beenB was joined am C joined wasD joined have been 25 Which do you prefer Chinese food or Westernfood I would rather Chinese food Let s have noodles A tohaveB havingC hadD have 三 完形填空 三 完形填空 15分 分 The most positive 乐观的 person I have ever seen is my dad He is so positive that I d

8、o not 26 hearing a single word from him which is related 相关的 to hopelessness Unlike most mums and dads my dad never says things that make me feel27 He is always there to give me encouragement and help 28I do wrong things he always tells me what s right in a positive way For example if I am in29 he o

9、ften tells me to open the books he bought me Then he asks me to read the30that can help me with the problems I m facing After that we havea31together 初中英语九年级全一册 3 13 Even though I m not always a good kid my dad32shouts or gets angry with me I know that he s33a day a day when I grow up and understand

10、 things in my life Ican see the reason that he is so positive is because he believes in34 And he believes that whatever35 it is under control So we have nothing to worry about Be positive 26 A mind B keepC like D remember 27 A goodB badC richD poor 28 A WhenB UntilC BeforeD Since 29 A fearB troubleC

11、 surpriseD danger 30 A titlesB ordersC storiesD questions 31 A discussionB practiceC meetingD review 32 A usuallyB everC sometimesD never 33 A looking forB worrying aboutC waiting forD thinking about 34 A itselfB myselfC himselfD yourself 35 A movesB happensC appearsD develops 四 阅读理解 四 阅读理解 20分 分 A

12、It isa very usual thing for a person to have a good friend My good friend is Diana She is a rich and proud 骄 傲的 girl She often thinks that she is too good for anyone One day after school I was waiting for Diana when Vivien came up to me She gave me a cake andI got it We talked and joked From then on

13、 I began to spend more time with Vivien than Diana However I also began to feel a little uneasy After a few days I went to see Diana with some snacks and at that time Vivien came and sat with me She gave me a sandwich She also gave one to Diana but Diana didn t get it She walked away I was angry wit

14、h Diana for her being so rude Never mind Vivien said I m used to 习惯 it After school I tried to catch upwith Diana When we walked home I tried to correct her attitude 态度 but she would not listen to me Shesaid Go and join your dear Vivien I know you make new friends and forget the old ones For the nex

15、t few weeks we did not talk to each other Then one day Diana came to Vivien and me saying I m really sorry about what I did I m a spoiled 宠坏的 girl but I also need good friends just like you Would you 初中英语九年级全一册 4 13 please forgive 原谅 me Vivien and I looked at each other and smiled From then on we ar

16、e best friends 36 The underlined word uneasy means A 不容易的B 忐忑不安的C 不简单的D 想不开的 37 The writer was angry with Diana A because she was too good for anyone B when Diana didn t get Vivien s sandwich C though she asked the writer to forgive her D so Diana walked away 38 Vivien s saying I m used to it shows that A someone didn t want to give her things B Vivien wasn t often rude to others C she liked to be polite D some people were rude to her before 39 Diana asked Vivien and the writer to forgive herbec


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