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1、| You have to believe, there is a way. The ancients said: the kingdom of heaven is trying to enter. Only when the reluctant step by step to go to it s time, must be managed to get one step down, only have struggled to achieve it. - Guo Ge Tech四年级复习资料 一、 句子回答练习:1. Where is the canteen? Its on the fir

2、st floor. 2. This is the teachers office. That is my classroom. 3.How many students are there in your class? Forty-five. 4. Do you have a library? Yes!5. The canteen is on the first floor. 6. This is my computer. That is your computer.7. Is this a teachers desk? Yes, it is.No, it isnt. 8. Is that th

3、e art room? Yes, it is.No, it isnt.9. What time is it? Its nine oclock. 10. Its time for English class. Breakfast is ready! 11. School is over. Lets go to the playground. 12. Lets go home. Im ready.13. Its 7:05. Its time to go to school. 14. Its 8:30 .Its time for music class.15. I like the white sw

4、eater with the green skirt.16. I like the blue dress. 17. Where is my skirt?18. What colour is it? Blue. 19. Is this your skirt?Yes, it is./No. it isnt. My T-shirt is red.20. Is that your T-shirt? No, its not. 21. Whose is it? Its my T-shirt.22. Whose is this? Its your baby brothers! 23. What are th

5、ey? These are your baby pants. Theyre so small. 24. Are those my shoes? Yes. But what for? 25. Our neighbour has a new baby!26. This is the weather report. Its cool in Lhasa. 27. Can I wear my new shirt today? No, you cant. /Yes, you can. 28. Its warm today. You can wear your new shirt. 29. Can I we

6、ar my T-shirt? Yes, you can. 30. What are you doing? Not much. 31. Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its rainy today. 32. How about New York? Its sunny. 33. Whats the matter? 34. Its windy now. I have to close the window.35. Look at that dress. Its colorful. Its very pretty. 36. Can I help you? Yes

7、. 37. How much is this dress? Its ninety-nine Yuan. 38. What size? Size five. 39. Are they all right? Yes, they are. 40. How much are they? Theyre thirty-five Yuan. 41. What are they? They are goats. 42. Are they sheep? No, they arent. They are goats. 43. Are they horses? No, they arent .They are do

8、nkeys. 44. Look at the hens. They are fat. 45. How many cows do you have? One hundred.46. What do you see in the picture? I see five cats. 47. Are these tomatoes? Yes, they are. /No, they arent. 48. What are these? They are carrots.二、连词成句练习1. is, my, this, computer (.) 2. your, is, that, computer (.

9、) 3. teachers desk, this, is, a (?) 4. is, it, time, what (?) 5. oclock, its, two (.) 6. time, math, for, its, class (.) 7. this, is, your, T-shirt (?) 8. colour, it, is, what (?) 9. warm, its, today (.) 10. play, lets, football (.) 11. much, how, it, is (?) 12. yuan, its, ten (.) 13. they, much, ho

10、w, are (?) 14. three, they, yuan, are (.) 15. they, ducks, are (?) 16. many, horses, there, are, how (?) 三、把下列句子译成英文。1.现在几点钟。 2.现在九点钟。 3.该是上学的时候了。 4.该是上英语课的时候了。 5.这是我们的教室。 6.那是教师办公室。 7.这是一台电脑吗?是的,它是。 8.那是一匹马吗? 不,它不是。 9.它是什么颜色? 它是绿色。 10.他们是什么颜色? 它们是黑白色。 11.它是多少钱? 它是八元。 12.它们是多少钱? 它们是三十三元。 13.这是什么? 它是一只洋葱。 14.那些是什么? 它们是猪。 15.有多少只绵羊? 十五只。 16.它是一只鸭子吗? 是的,它是。



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