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1、 2020-2020下学期五年级英语第四单元 听力部分(50分)一 听读音,圈出所听到的单词。(对10题得满分)(10分)1.stone Stonehenge 2.clever answer3.take took 4.photo phone5.am pm 6.evening night7.policeman nurse 8.early late9.11 oclock 10 oclock 10.chopsticks sticks11.draw painted 12.string stick2 听音选词选择正确的图片。(10分)( )1.A. B.( )2.A. B.( )3.A. B.( )4.

2、A. B.( )5.A. B.( )6.A. B.( )7.A. B.( )8.A. B.( )9.A . B.( )10.A. B.三,听音给图片判断正误。(/ 对5个得满分10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )4 听读音,排序。(6分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五、听读音。(对4个满分。4分)( )1. A. He is a policeman B. He can run.( )2. A.Yes, she does. B. Yes,she is.( )3. A.7 oclock. B. Its very happy.( )4. A.Yes,I do.

3、 B.Yes, I will.( )5. A.Yes,It is. B.Yes,It do.( )6.A. Yes, we has. B.Yes, we have.六听句子,选择正确的单词填空 (对5题满分,10分)( get up ) (go to school) (go home) (have dinner ) (have breakfast ) (have lunch)1. I _ at half past 11.2. I _ at 7 oclock AM.3. I _ at 5 oclock PM.4. I _ at 6 oclock AM.5. I _ at 6 oclock PM.

4、6. I _ at half past 6 AM.笔试部分(48分 书写分2分)一,正确书写下列句子。4分Will you help me yes i willdoes simon like this kite二:根据图片内容选择正确的句子,把序号填在括号内。6分 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1. My father is a policeman,He goes to work at 8 oclock.2. My father is a busy actor.3. My mother will take our to school,she is a taxi driver.4

5、. We can play football now.5. Lets make a dragon kite.6. She is playing the violin.三:听短文,圈出你所听到的单词。(对6题得满分,6分)I draw/drew a dragon on a piece of yellow /red paper. I paint/painted it. I cut/cuts the paper with scissors/knife. I put/puts sticks on it. I tie/tied strings to it.Then I can/could fly my

6、kite.四:将下列句子排序号(6分)( ) I put sticks on it.( ) I painted it.( ) I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow paper.( ) I cut the paper with scissors.( ) Then I could fly my kite.( ) I tied strings to it.五:读一读 选择正确的句子,序号填入括号内。对5题满分 (6分)( )1 What did you do before? a) He worked in an office( )2 Where did your

7、grandpa work before? b)I was a teacher before( )3 When did you have lunch ? c)I had fish and rice( )4 What did you have for lunch? d) I had lunch at 12 oclock.( ) 5 Did you visit your cousin last weekend? e)Yes I have( ) 6 Have you got an English DVD? f) No I didnt六:单项选择(8分)1 I am going to my cousin

8、 in New York?A see B visit C find2 What present can I ? A make B do C take3 you help me? A Do B will C be4 His mother and grandma Chinese.A is B am C are5 We a short bus ride. A made B took C came6 We took a helicopter ride Stonehenge.A on B in C over7 There I a big surprise . A short B had C hour8

9、My father to work at 8 oclock every morning.A go B goes C went七:阅读理解 正确的写T 错误的写F 8I am Amy. I am 12 years old. There are four people in my family. My father goes to work at 8 oclock. He is a policeman He works in the policestation. My mother goes to the work at 6 oclock every evening. She is an acto

10、r . She is very busy. My sister goes to work at 11 oclock every night. She is a nurse. She is very busy too.I am a student. I go to school at 8 oclock. There are four classes in the morning. and two classes in the after, I have lunch in the school. I go home at 5 oclock. I have dinner at 6 oclock. I

11、 usually go to bed at 9 oclock.( ) 1.There are five people in Amys family.( )2. Amys father goes to work at 9 oclock.( ) 3.Amys mother is a policeman and she goes to work at 6 oclock.( ) 4.Her sister goes to work at 11 oclock( ) 5.I usually have lunch at home八:作文 4分(二选一)明天是六一儿童节,介绍Daming明天的活动计划。例句: Daming will go swimming tomorrow.


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