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1、Unit 4 Drawing in the park 三课时全 Period 1 Story time 一 教学目标 1 能听懂 会说 会读单词 draw picture park flower boat river easy difficult 2 能听懂 会读 会说日常交际用语 Good idea Sure it s easy It s difficult but I can try 3 能初步用以下句型 What can you see I can see 来对看到的 事物进行交流 初步用句型Can you 询问交流会做的事 4 能正确理解课文内容 5 能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导

2、下尝试表演 二 教学重点 1 能听懂 会说 会读单词 draw picture park flower boat river easy difficult 2 能听懂 会读 会说日常交际用语 Good idea Sure it s easy It s difficult but I can try 3 能正确理解朗读课文内容 三 教学难点 能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下表演 Unit 4 Enjoy the song Unit 4 park What parks in Nanjing do you know Free talk Learn the new words a river a

3、boat a flower a tree coat over In the park I can see See some trees over there In the park I can see See some flowers under the tree ChantMake a new chant Look and guess draw pictures Watch and chooseWhat do they draw Read and judge Can Tim draw all of them very well Tips 自读课文 在书上 将Tim能画得好 的东西标上星 画得

4、不好的东西标上三角 easy difficult容易的 困难的 反义词 Sure It s easy It s difficult but I can try Listen and repeat 好主意 Listen and repeat What can you see over there I can see a tree and some flowers Can you draw them Listen and repeat This is the tree and those are the flowers Well done Listen and repeat Can you see

5、 the boat on the river Yes Can you draw it It s difficult but I can try Listen and repeat Read the story Try to act Read fluently 流利的朗读 Read fluently and beautifully 流利 优美的朗读 Act it out emotionally 有感情地表演 Tips 同桌表演 注意要求哦 Try to talk 现在我们也来到公园 大家看到些什么 试着用我们 所学的句子来谈谈吧 Useful sentences Useful sentences

6、 What can you see I can see What can you see I can see Can you draw ride play fly a Can you draw ride play fly a Yes it s easy It s difficult but I can try Yes it s easy It s difficult but I can try Summary What can you do now 回忆一下 通过今天的课 你学会了做哪些事儿 相互说说自己的收获 I can sing read chant talk about say Home

7、work 1 听磁带 有感情地模仿熟读课文并 尝试背诵 2 将课文复述并试着写下来 3 和同桌编一段在公园里的对话 Unit 4 Drawing in the park Cartoon time Fun time Learning aims 1 I can name the things in the park 我能说出公园里的东西 2 I can use What can you do to do a survey 我能用 What can you do 来完成调查表 3 I can act out Cartoon time 我能跟读 表演Cartoon time Miss Li can y

8、ou Miss Li Miss Li what do you like Can you report 汇报 like this A what can you do B I can and A This is He She is great He She can and What can Bobby see in it At last 最后 Bobby is A scared B happy Let s act With correct and clear pronunciation 发音正确清晰 With emotion and action 有表情和动作 With an ending 有结尾

9、 What can you do What can you do We can read the words We can do a survey We can act Cartoon time YEAH Let s check Homework 1 跟读Cartoon time 模仿语音语调 2 和别组的同学交流一下调查表格 请使 用 What can you do I can 的句式哦 Unit 4Unit 4 Drawing in the parkDrawing in the park Period 3Period 3 Checkout time Song time Checkout t

10、ime Song time Sound time Ticking time Sound time Ticking time 3学习目标 I know the sound of the letter e I can sing the song What can you see I can talk about things in the park well Ken About Ken How old are you What can you do What do you like have 你能发现Ken修改后的画和之前有什么不同吗 C What can you see What can you

11、 see I can see I can see What can you see PK I can sing the song What can you see 我能唱What can you see 这首歌 组内互评 能改编歌词并演唱歌曲的得 能按原词演唱歌曲的得 仍然需要好好努力的得 1 ten to ten K Ke en it s tn it s te en to tn to te en n Go to bGo to be ed bd be eforfore e t te en n e 你能说出更多含有字母e发 e 的单词吗 e 先在小组内讨论一下吧 记得不要重复别人说的哦 pen

12、desk bed ten red 字母e在单词中的发音 tent belt Internet Bird s Nest pet wet best test jet hen I know the sound of the letter e 组内互评 能读准发音并且能说出类似单词的得 能读准书上单词和句子的得 仍然需要好好努力的得 我知道字母 e 的发音 2 Try to remember everything in Ken s picture 在5秒钟内记住Ken画中的每一样东西 some clouds some grass What can you see I can see a boat 仿照

13、例句 写一组对话吧 I can talk about things in the park well 我能很好地谈论公园内的事物 组内互评 能正确流利地谈论公园内事物的得 有一些小错或不太流利的得 仍然需要好好努力的得 3 Which park do I go today 今天去 哪个公园好呢 假设你们小组中的一人是Ken 其余三人分别是三个 公园的小志愿者 快拿着导图册给Ken介绍介绍为 什么自己负责的公园比较值得游玩吧 可用句型 What can we see We can see What can we do We can Do you like I like Homework 1 继续和小组成员谈论你的画 记得用上 What can you see 不少于三个轮回哦 2 搜集更多含有字母e发 e 的单词 以及字 母e在单词中的其它读音 3 演唱What can you see 给父母听 也可以 按自己改编的歌词演唱


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