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1、新标准英语 七年级下册 Module 4 Unit 2 Every family will have a small plane What will schools be like in the future 在未来学校将会是什么样子呢 1 Will we travel by bus or bike in the future 2 Will it be cheap to travel by plane 3 What will be like in the air in the future No we won t Yes it will Maybe there ll be traffic ja

2、ms in the air 4 Will there be more light rain and cold wind in spring 5 What will the weather be like in the future 6 What will happen to the sea level No there won t It will be quite warm or even hot all year with heavy rain and wind The sea level will rise Check the true sentences 1 People have to

3、 change clothes in hot weather 2 The weather will be warm in spring 3 A lot of people will travel by plane so maybe there will traffic jams in the air 4 People will have long holidays because machines will do heavy work Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box air cheap e

4、verywhere into rise true Will travel in the future be expensive No it ll be 1 We ll travel 2 by plane We ll be able to 3 over the traffic jams on the land and we ll be able to go 4 space But maybe there ll be traffic jams in the 5 too What do you think Do you think this idea about life in the future

5、 will come 6 cheap everywhere rise into air true 4 Match the words with their opposites Use the passage in Activity 2 to help you easy expensive hot large light long warm difficult cheap cold small heavy short cool Talk about life in the future I think everyone will have a small plane so traveling will be easy Yes but I think there will be traffic jams in the air


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