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1、牛津小学英语 5BUnit 8 At the weekends 教学设计教材简析: 本单元教学内容主要围绕“周末活动”这一主题展开,通过周末活动引出本单元的四会内容,涉及的句型有 How do you spend your weekends ? I often Sometimes I . How does she/he spend his/her weekends ? He/She often Sometimes he/she 。周末活动这一教学内容,学生非常感兴趣,所以教学中教师可以创设比较生动的情景,以便更有效地帮助学生复习有关动作类的词组,将教学内容与实际生活紧密联系起来,而动词词组的第

2、三人称单数形式是本单元教学的中难点所在,教师可以设计丰富多彩的教学活动来帮助学生复习理解。教学目标: 1. 能听懂,会说、会读和会拼写单词 weekend often spend 2. 能听懂,会说、会读和会写句型 How do you spend your weekends ? I often Sometimes I . How does she/he spend his/her weekends ? He/She often Sometimes he/she 教学重难点: 1. 会用句型 How do you spend your weekends ? I often Sometimes

3、I How does he/she spend his/her weekends ? He/She often Sometimes he/she 来获取有关信息 。2. 能够正确运用动词的第三人称单数形式 设计理念:小学英语课程标准提倡“任务型”的教学设计,主张“听说先行,然后读写”,要求尽量创建真实(半真实)的语言环境,引导学生在情景中学语言,开展多种类型的任务活动,提供给学生合作交流的空间和时间,促使学生为完成任务和同学进行合作,为完成任务进行探究性学习。立足这一点,我充分利用学生已有的知识和生活经验,创设生活化的真实情境(或半真实情境),引导学生在运用语言中学习语言,穿插听、说、读、写的

4、能力训练,从而达到在学习新的语言知识后创造性地运用语言(为用而学,在用中学,学了就用)。设计思路:本课的教学内容是牛津小学英语 5B 第八单元的第二课时,要求学生能掌握 C、D部分的句型并运用该句型来获取所需的信息。教学时,首先由学生已经掌握的有关单词和句型如:“What do you usually do on Sundays / Saturdays ?”引出所要掌握的一些表示周末活动的词组,如:listen to music , watch TV, surf the Internet然后进行逐步替换,由 usually 引出 often,等学生能熟练表达句型“I often Sometim

5、es”,最后出示其问句 How do you spend your weekends ?学生自然能回答,并通过相互的操练得到巩固。而本课的重点第三人称单数的教学则采用了猜的游戏形式,先猜老师的周末活动 ,再猜同学的相关活动,既调动了学生的学习兴趣,又很自然的完成了人称之间的衔接过渡。在学生对本课的第三人称单数有了初步理解后进行相关操练,操练时我设计了一个介绍同桌周末活动的环节来巩固动词的第三人称单数形式,随后我又设计了一个听力练习,不仅训练了学生的听,同时又很自然的过渡到讨论父母的周末活动环节中。五年级的学生应该具备一定写的能力,因此最后联系教学实际我设置了写一封信的教学活动,以信的形式鼓励学

6、生将本节课所学的内容运用起来,更好地巩固教学的效果,真正由知识走向能力。教学过程: Step1. Warming up and revision1. Greetings 2. Free talk (1) Whats your name ? Nice to see you . (2) What do you usually do on Sundays / Saturdays ? (贴有关动词词组卡片)(3) Whos your good friend ? (4) What does he /she usually do on Sundays / Saturdays? (贴有关动词词组卡片) 3.

7、 Review the phrases T: Very well .Now, look at the pictures .Can you say them quickly ? (Show the pictures: listen to music , watch TV, surf the Internet ) 设计意图:先由学生熟悉的句型询问星期六和星期天可以做些什么事,与本单元学习“度周末” 内容相关,然后让学生谈论自己朋友的周末活动,帮助学生熟悉复习重难点第三人称单数形式,因为与他们的生活很贴切,学生乐于交谈,对于后面的教学作为引子,既有联系又不乏趣味性。Step2. Presentati

8、on and practice1 、Teach “at the weekends” T: Well done ,youre very clever Now, can you tell me what day is it today ? S: Its T: How many days are there in a week ? 优美图 https:/www.youmeitu.cc 优美图 sriplfh9 S: There are seven T: What are they ? S: Theyre Monday ,Tuesday, T: Yes, we know there are seven

9、 days in a week. In China, Saturday and Sunday are the end of a week .So we also call them weekend . Teach “weekend” T: So Saturdays and Sundays we can say “weekends” Today well learn : Unit 8 At the weekends 设计意图:由学生熟悉的 Saturday 和 Sunday 引出 weekend 一词,有利于学生对这一单词的理解,同时又给了学生用英语解释英语的意识。2 、 Teach “I of

10、ten ” T: I like weekends very much Because at the weekends .I can do many things. I can watch TV. listen to music. surf the Internet and so on . Now can you tell me what do you usually do at the weekends? S: I usually T: How about you ? S2: I usually T: Good. You also can say “I often ” (Teach “ofte

11、n ” “I often ”) T: what do you often do at the weekends ? S: I often T: Good How about you ? How do you spend your weekends ? 3、 Teach :How do you spend your weekends ? T: Can you read the words ? (多媒体呈现 How do you spend your weekends ?) 点击 spend 度过 出现 pen ten weekend spend Teach “spend” /e/ “spend

12、my weekends” “spend your weekends” “spend his / her weekends” 设计意图:“教是为了不教”,因此在教学单词“spend”时,我并没有按部就班的进行教师教学活动,而是尊重学生的已有知识经验,让学生尝试自己去读,教给学生学习的方法,同时有意识的渗透有关英语音标教学,为学生的终身学习打基础。而句子的教学也正是从这一点出发的,运用学生熟悉的句型进行衔接,便于学生理解运用。4 、Work in pairs : 操练 “How do you spend your weekends?” “I often ” “Sometimes ” Step3.

13、Pratice1、T: Do you want to know how do I spend my weekends ? You can ask me : “Miss Xu , how do you spend your weekends?” S: (ask) T: (悄悄告诉两三名学生) T: Lets ask together(S ask together) You can tell them (让两三名学生告诉其他学生) 引导回答”She often. Sometimes she ”(板书有关含第三人称单数形式的短语 ) T: Boys and girls, how does Miss

14、Xu spend her weekends ? S: She often Sometimes she 设计意图:在本环节中,我设计了“悄悄告诉他”的游戏,小学生对老师的生活很感兴趣,所以在这里让他们用学过的句型“How do you spend your Weekends?”询问老师,老师只是悄悄地告诉了两三名学生,既有效的激发了学生的学习兴趣 ,又很自然地过渡到第三人称单数形式的教学上。2、T: Now, look ,who is she? Guess ! S: Perhaps she is T: She is my lovely student. Her name is YaoRui. H

15、ow does she spend her weekends ? S: (guess) Perhaps she often 猜几组后呈现: How does she spend her weekends? She often reads English books. Sometimes she watches TV T (Ask) S (answer) 设计意图:通过让学生来猜测照片中人物的周末活动,进一步强化第三人称单数的形式用法,同时满足了学生的好奇心,提高了学生学习的积极性。 3、Practice : T ask S1: How do you spend your weekends ?

16、S1: I often Sometimes T: Boys and girls, how does he /she spend his /her weekends ? S3: He/She often Sometimes (先指名再集体问答) T: Good job ! Now listen carefully ,I want to know something about your classmate, Can you help me ? Can you ? Lets Do a survey First you must ask your classmate ,then tell me: My classmate is _ He/She ofte


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