英语初级听力 lesson nine

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《英语初级听力 lesson nine》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语初级听力 lesson nine(41页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Listen to this 1 英语初级听力 Lesson Nine nSection One nI Vocabulary nBlackboard bl kb rd n 黑板 nHe chalked out a design on the blackboard n他用粉笔在黑板上勾划出一个图样 nDuster d st n 抹布 掸子 除尘器 打扫灰尘 的人 nGlove l v n 手套 nhand in glove合作 勾结着 亲密地 nMillionaire m lj n r n 百万富翁 大富豪 nHe had a millionaire father n他有个百万富翁的父亲 nJo

2、ne Judge n 约恩 贾奇 nDamage d m d vi 损害 损毁 vt 损害 毁坏 nWrist r st n 手腕 腕关节 nTennis t n s n 网球 运动 nPain pen n 疼痛 努力 nShe gave me some medicine to dull the pain n她给了我一些可减轻疼痛的药 nChest t st n 胸 胸部 衣柜 箱子 金库 nget something off your chest倾吐心中的烦恼 nPlay cards打扑克 nBoil b l vi 煮沸 沸腾 激动 激昂 nvt 煮沸 烧开 使 激动 使 蒸发 nHard

3、h rd adj 努力的 硬的 nSoft s ft adj 软的 柔软的 温柔的 nFried egg煎蛋 荷包蛋 nhard boiled eggs n难以相处的人 n完全煮熟的鸡蛋 nhigh neck高领 nJacket d k t n 羽绒滑雪衫 西装短外套 短 上衣 夹克 nRacket r k t n 球拍 nCotton k tn n 棉花 棉布 棉线adj 棉的 棉制 的 nWool w l n 羊毛 毛线 绒线 毛织品 毛 料衣物 nNylon na l n n 尼龙 纺 聚酰胺纤维 尼龙 袜 nII Exercises nDialogue1 nShe cannot cle

4、an the blackboard because there is no duster n I m going to clean the blackboard But you can t do that Why can t I We haven t got a duster nDialogue2 nHe can t drink the milk because it is sour n I m going to drink some of this milk But you mustn t Why not Because it s sour nDialogue3 nBecause he re

5、turned the glove that she had lost n Excuse me Madam did you drop your glove I beg your pardon I said Did you drop your glove Oh yes I did Thank you so much Not at all It s a pleasure nDialogue4 nBecause he wants to practice his English n Are you a millionaire Peter Of course I m not Why do you ask

6、Roberto I only wanted to practice my English Oh I see You want to make use of me nDialogue5 nHe went to see a film n Where have you been To the cinema Who did you go with I went with Jone Judge nDialogue6 nHe has damaged his wrist n What can I do for you I have damaged my wrist doctor How did you do

7、 that I fell on it while I was playing tennis nDialogue7 nShe has a pain I her chest n What s wrong I have a pain in my chest Why not go and see your doctor Yes That s a good idea I will n nDialogue8 nBecause he wants to know the time n Excuse me but is it seven o clock yet I m sorry but I haven t a

8、 watch Try the lady over there n Thank you I will nDialogue9 nA n What are you going to do this evening I m going to play cards Are you going to play cards tomorrow evening too No I m going to make a new dress nDialogue10 nC n Do you like boiled eggs Yes I love them Thank you Do you prefer hard ones

9、 or soft ones I really don t mind Thank you nDialogue11 nC n Did you buy anything when you were in the town Yes I bought a blouse What s it like It s a blue one with a high neck nDialogue12 nB n Did you walk to the match No I went by car Did John go by car too No He cycled nDialogue13 nB n Hello and

10、 how did you spend the holiday I played tennis till lunch time What did you do after lunch I went for a swim with John nDialogue14 nB n Hello why aren t you playing tennis I haven t brought my racket You can borrow mine if you like Oh thank you That s very kind of you nDialogue15 nA n What are those

11、 shirts made of They are made of cotton Are shirts always made of cotton No They are sometimes made of wool or nylon Section Two nI Vocabulary nVolleyball v l b l n 排球 nFinland n 芬兰 欧洲 nBelgium b ld m n 比利时 西欧国家 首都布 鲁塞尔Brussels after all毕竟 终究 终归 到底 归根结底 nThey decided to go by the overland route afte

12、r all n他们终究还是决定从陆路走 nThere is no need to pick at him all day long He s a child after all n不要老是对他唠唠叨叨 他毕竟还是个孩子嘛 nWhat for 为什么 为何目的 n No Of course not But what for n当然不介意 但为什么呀 nIn advance adv 预先 提前 nThey will pay a hundred and thirty francs in advance n他们将预付130法郎 nPersuade p swed vt 说服 劝说 使某人相信 劝某人做

13、不做 某事 nI persuaded her to change her mind 我说服她改变 了主意 nLift vt 举起 提升 nYou shouldn t lift anything heavy if you have a bad back 如果你背疼就不该抬重物 nTin n 锡 罐头 nPacket p k t n 数据包 信息包 小包 shelf lf n 架子 搁板 shelves shelf 的复数 nSet my case over the shelves n把我的箱子放在架子上 nJar d r n 罐 广口瓶 nJam d m n 果酱 nFed up感到厌烦的 忍无

14、可忍 nBut soon he was fed up with them n但很快他对他们感到厌倦了 nStair st r n 楼梯 nBelow b lo adv 在下面 在较低处 在本页下 面 prep 在 下面 nAbove b v prep 超过 在 上面 在 之 上 adv 在上面 在上文 adj 上文的 nII Exercises nA An Invitation to a Volleyball Match n1 For a volleyball match n2 This evening n3 Because he says he is not interested in it

15、 n4 He has never seen a volley ball match n5 Because it is very fast with lots of action n6 Five pounds n7 He says that he s got to see some friends n8 Three pounds n9 He is only joking n10 Yes He gives the woman five pounds and promises to go to the match nFemale I ve got two tickets for a volleyba

16、ll match this evening Why don t you come Male Uh no thanks I I m not very interested in volleyball Female Oh why not Have you ever seen it played Male No I haven t but I really don t th Female That s what I thought You don t know what you re missing Male Don t I Why Female Because it s very fast with lots of action Male Really Who s playing nFemale Two of the best women s teams in the world one from Finland and the other from Belgium nMale Hmm It sounds exciting Female Yes it is Very Male Hmm We


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