选修七unit3 词汇讲解

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1、 Word study Unit 3 Under the sea Anemone fish 海葵鱼 vivid colors snorkel vi n aquarium n anecdote n Clancy n baleen n baleen whale annual adj n migration n witness vt n accommodation n shore n offshore adv 按年度计算的 n 年刊 年鉴 n 迁徙 迁居 移居 vt 当场见到 目击 n 目击者 证人 证据 n 住所 住宿 n 岸 海滨 adv dragged depth n meantime adv

2、 in the meantime lip n overboard adv urge vt abandon vt shark n help out n 望远镜 n 协作 配合 n 鲸鱼的鼻孔 隧道的通风口 vi jogged jogging seaside n leapt leaped vt seal n refund vt n pension n pensioner n vt 恐吓 vi 受惊吓 吓死了 adj 浅的 肤浅的 浅显的 adj 陡峭的 n 界限 分界线 adj 南极的 南极洲 adj 使人敬畏的 令人畏惧的 vi can you show me the way 我们们公司在贵贵酒

3、店举举行年会聚餐 你能指引一下吗吗 Thanksgiving parade is an annual event 感恩节节游行是一年一度的活动动 Next Monday is the anniversary of the day I first met you 下周一是我第一次遇见见你的周年纪纪念日 完成句子 How did you celebrate your 你是怎样庆祝结婚周年纪念日的 She is training for 她在为每年一次的田径比赛做训练 We d like to see your for the last two years 我们想看看贵公司过去两年的年度报告 ann

4、ual report wedding anniversary the annual race 2 witness 1 vt 当场见到 目击 作证 Having witnessed the accident I felt it my duty to make a statement to the police 由于我亲亲眼目睹了那次事故 我觉觉得向警察陈陈述是义义不容 辞的 We are witnessing the most important scientific development of the century 我们们正亲亲眼目睹本世纪纪最重要的科学发发展 We will long r

5、emember the achievements we witnessed here 我们们将长长久地铭记铭记 在这这里目睹的成就 2 n 目击者 证人 证据 The witness is an on the spot reporter 证人是一名在现场的记者 He is a key witness in this case 在这个案件中 他是一个主要的证人 She witnessed to having seen the man enter the building 她作证证看见见此人进进入那栋栋建筑物 I was a witness to the argument 我是那场场争论论的见证见

6、证 人 My old clothes are a witness to my poverty 我的旧衣服就是我贫穷贫穷 的证证据 一言助记 The witness 目击者 who witnessed 目击 the incident gave witness 证据 to the police and promised to be a witness 证人 这个目击了这场事故的目击者向警察提交了证据并且答应做 证人 完成句子 Several villagers the air crash in which 8 people were killed 几位村民目睹了这起造成8人罹难的空难 He wit

7、nessed the accused kill the boy 他作证说曾看到被告杀了那男孩 He is a living my innocence 他是证明我清白的活证人 witness to witnessed to having seen opposite 1 adj 相反的 对面的 对立的 She tries calming her mother down but it seems to have the opposite effect 她试试着让让她妈妈妈妈 平静下来 却似乎火上浇浇油了 You must cross the bridge if you want to get to

8、the opposite bank of the river 如果你要到河对对岸去 你必须过桥须过桥 3 2 n 对立面 反义词 Jack is considerate his wife is just the opposite 杰克能体贴人 而他妻子恰恰相反 Good is the opposite of bad 好是坏的反面 3 prep 在 的对面 The No 2 Middle School is opposite the police station 第二中学就在公安局的对对面 Have you seen the house opposite the railway station

9、你看到火车车站对对面的房子了吗吗 4 adv 在对面 They don t live on this side of the road they live opposite 他们们不住在马马路这边这边 他们们住在那边边 I sat opposite to him during the meal 吃饭饭的时时候我坐在他的对对面 Their opinion is entirely opposite to ours 他们们的意见见和我们们的完全相反 There was a garden on the opposite side of the street 街的对对面有个花园 翻译句子 Black a

10、nd white are opposites His house is opposite to mine 他的房子在我的房子对对面 黑和白相反 flee fled fled fleeing 1 vi 消失 消散 逃走 The mist was fleeing before the rising sun 太阳慢慢升起 薄雾渐渐雾渐渐 消失 They had fled to America and were beyond the grasp of their enemies 他们们逃到美洲 摆摆脱了敌敌人的控制 4 2 vt 逃避 逃跑 逃走 During the civil war thousa

11、nds of people fled the country 在内战期间 成千上万的人逃离了这个国家 He killed his enemy and fled the country 他杀了仇人 然后逃往国外 句型转换 The customers ran away from the bank when the alarm sounded The customers the bank when the alarm sounded The customers the bank when the alarm sounded The customers the bank when the alarm

12、sounded escaped from fled fled from drag 1 vt 拖 拉 拖累 缓慢而吃力地行进 Never argue with an idiot They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience 千万别别和白痴争吵 他们们会把你拉到和他们们相同的水平 再用经验击败经验击败 你 Must you drag politics into everything 你非得事事都把政治扯进进来吗吗 He dragged the heavy chest across the floor 他在地板上拉着沉重

13、的箱子 5 2 vi 拖曳 缓慢而吃力地行进 Why do you have to drag in the question of money all the time 你为什么老将金钱问题扯进来 The protesters were dragged away by the police 抗议者被警察拖走了 The battle dragged and the rainy season set in 战争拖延着 雨季却来临了 How much longer is this going to drag on 这这事还还要拖多久 完成句子 Let s not this discussion we

14、 ve got to reach a decision 这场讨论别拖下去了 我们得作个决定了 She that incident just to embarrass me 她又扯起那件事故意想使我难堪 She herself out of bed still half asleep 她 挣扎着起了床 还是睡眼惺忪 dragged drag out dragged up 6 urge vt 驱策 鼓励 力陈 催促 And so today Britain will urge Europe to take further sanctions against Iran 因此今天英国将敦促欧洲对对伊朗

15、采取进进一步的制裁 Motoring organizations are urging drivers not to travel by road if possible 机动车协动车协 会劝劝告开车车的人暂时暂时 不要使用公路 They urged that the library be kept open during the vacation 他们们要求图书馆图书馆 假期也开放 The teacher urged on us the necessity of practice 老师师向我们们强调练习调练习 的必要性 The vacation is coming and I have an

16、 urge to travel 假期快到了 我很想外出旅行 完成句子 They us the need for cooperation 他们向我们强调合作的必要性 She urged that they to Europe 她力劝他们到欧洲去 He carefully on the ice roads 他督促我在结冰的路上开车要谨慎 urged me to drive urged on go 句型转换 The boys urged him to take part in the competition The boys urged part in the competition The boys urged part in the competition Him into taking that he take 7 abandon vt 遗弃 放弃 The cruel man abandoned his wife and child 那个狠心的男人抛弃了他的妻儿 Those who abandon themselves to despair can not succeed 那些自暴自弃


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