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1、从后城镇化角度谈乡镇社会管理创新改革和做法从后城镇化角度谈乡镇社会管理创新改革和做法摘 要城镇化是现代化的重要标志,也是经济社会发展的重要驱动力。中国从1984年开始大力推动城镇化的发展,经过三十余年的努力,在经济建设上取得了丰硕的成果,整个社会发生了广泛而深刻的变化。但这种粗放式的发展模式同时也带来了环境的严重破坏、社会风气浮躁、贫富差距扩大、群众矛盾激化等一系列问题。这种模式已经不能适应中国建设社会主义和谐社会的需要,中国城镇化建设开始转型,进入后城镇化时代。党的十八大提出,没有乡镇的稳定和发展,就不可能有城市的发展和繁荣,整个社会就会失去和谐稳定的基础,强调要在全面建成小康社会进程中积极



4、健全公共服务体系等方面提出加强乡镇社会管理的对策举措,以期能为各级政府在提高乡镇社会管理科学化水平,加快构建以城带乡、以工促农、工农互补、城乡互动的新型城乡关系提供一些初步借鉴。关键词:后城镇化;乡镇;社会管理Study on Social Management InnovationFrom the Perspective of Post-UrbanizationAbstract: Urbanization is an important symbol of modernization, but also an important driving force for economic and

5、social development. From 1984, China vigorously promoted the development of urbanization and achieved abundant accomplishments after more than 30 years of hard work, now profound changes of the whole society have taken place. But this extensive development pattern also caused a series of problem, su

6、ch as the environmental disruption, the widening gap between the rich and poor, sharpening contradiction among the masses and so on. Obviously, this development pattern could not adapt to the construction of socialist harmonious society, and urbanization in China began to transform development patte

7、rn and enter the “post-urban age”.It were put forward in the 18th National Congress of CPC that not the stability and development of the rural areas, there can be no development and prosperity of the town, the whole community will lose the basis of harmony and stability in the process of building a

8、moderately prosperous society stressed the need to actively and steadily promote urbanization by taking a new road of urbanization and rural development, so that the majority of farmers and herdsmen to live and work, and live a life of modern civilization. Urbanization as one involving a wide range

9、of system engineering, architecture impact on rural society as a whole is more obvious and profound, which is the focus of the current concerns of the community. To strengthen the management of rural society to explore the background of urbanization have important reference both to improve the quali

10、ty of urbanization, or to promote the integration of urban and rural development, speeding up the overall process of build a well-off society in an all-round way.With the development of urbanization, China rural community has not rural society of the traditional planned economy period, is facing a d

11、emographic structure, the profound changes in the industrial structure, social structure, ideology, governance structure, hierarchical structure, the new social affairs, interest demands, disputes, public services, the old thinking of curing, the traditional means and mechanisms drawbacks in conside

12、ration with all levels of government rural social management ability and level. We also thinking of the control of the agricultural economy, rural-urban divide, divide and conquer means to advance the government-led rural governance will inevitably encounter difficulties and problems, only based on

13、the background of urbanization, industrialization, grasp rural interaction inherent laws innovative rural social management method means, it can improves the level of governance and adapts to the economic and social development needs. Based upon the overview of the theory of social management and pr

14、actical situation of some areas, the this paper analyzed the problems in rural social management in China, such as the semi-urbanization of the floating population, the conflicts of land acquisition and disparate development of basic public services, and the necessary conditions of rural social mana

15、gement innovation, then proposed some suggestions, combined with the trend and characteristics of urbanization, from the perspective of reformation of household registration system and land system and sound public service system to provide some preliminary reference in the construction of a new rela

16、tionship between urban and rural areas.Keywords: post urban age; rural town; social management innovation目 录第一章 绪论7(一)选题背景及意义7(二)国内外研究现状81. 国外研究现状82. 国内研究进展10(三)研究方法12(四)本文创新点12第二章 相关理论概述14(一)后城镇化时代简述14(二)社会管理创新的内涵151. 社会管理创新的定义152. 社会管理创新的主要原则163. 社会管理创新的基本任务17(三)后城镇化背景下乡镇社会管理创新的必要性171. 后城镇化进程中的新群体要求加快社会管理创新172. 后城镇化进程中的新矛盾要求加快社会管理创新183. 后城镇化过程中的健


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