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1、Section Writing 如何进行读后续写 题型剖析 读后续写通常提供一段350词以内的语言材料 要求考生依据该 材料内容 所给段落开头语和所标关键词 续写成一篇与给定材料 有逻辑衔接 情节和结构完整的短文 词数在150左右 以此来考查 考生对所学语言知识的实际运用能力和发散思维能力 文章选材以故事类记叙文为主 故事线索逻辑性强 所给出的段 落开头与上文联系紧密 指明了续写的方向 所标关键词与故事的 时间 地点 人物 事件密切相关 读后续写并非随心所欲地写 而是要根据题目要求 在读懂原文 的基础上 利用原材料的素材 线索和情节等充分发挥想象力和创 造力来进行文章续写 先读透所给材料才能使

2、续写内容不偏离主 线 读透材料和续写同等重要 续写段的情节不唯一 可根据自己 的理解续写不同的内容 在续写时必须遵循以下原则 一 一致性原则 续写段落的主题 人物 线索和语言风格要与文章一致 续写 时要紧扣所给材料的中心 遵循上文明示或暗示的线索 按照材料 中人物性格发展的规律 使用与原文风格一致的语言进行续写 二 完整性原则 所续写内容与所给材料结合在一起 必须是一个完整的文章或片 段 上下文衔接要自然 前后要照应 写作步骤 一 细读原文 明确篇章结构 确定续写主题 首先研读原文 确定文章的主题 明确篇章结构 阅读时 关注文 中画线的10个关键词语 也就是故事中的时间 when 地点 whe

3、re 人物 who 事件 what 四要素 标记描述事件发展过程的词和 短语 按照四要素对关键词语进行分类 为我们理清文章脉络 进 行合理想象故事发展提供有效线索 二 剖析段首开头语 推断续写情节 使用关键词 仔细阅读给出两段的开头语 明确其中所包含的四要素信息并将 其延伸 推断出这两段中要写的情节 续写段中的四要素应包含两 部分 一部分沿用所给材料中表示四要素的关键词 一部分是自己 通过合理想象新发展的关键词 三 串联情节 增加细节描写 恰当使用衔接词 把上一步中推断的情节进行串联 增加细节描写 内心情感 态 度 表情描述 从而形成完整的段落 两段加起来要能写出8到15 个句子 以满足续写的

4、词数要求 串联时要注意选用合适的衔接 词 并保证使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词 四 润色文字 修改提升 增加语篇亮点 初稿完成后 要对续写段进行润色 即对其中的用词和句式进行 提升修改 提升后的段落语言要新颖 短语优先 善用形容词和副 词等修饰词 通过使用特殊句式 复合结构 虚拟语气等提升文 章语言档次 五 检查修改 排查错误 确保段落完整 读后续写检查的重点是一致性和完整性 通读所给材料和自己 续写的内容 首先确保不出现与原材料相矛盾的地方 又要做到内 容上前后连贯 语句通顺 此外 还要检查有无拼写错误 标点符 号错误 大小写错误等 检查词数和画线词是否符合要求 This evenin

5、g as I was leaving Best Buy I noticed this man going through the garbage can outside of the store As I walked to my car I watched him as he reached the garbage can and pulled out fast food trash bags and examined all that was in the thrown away bags He did this for several minutes He would find a fe

6、w fries in one bag and a bite or two of a hamburger in another bag You can see the hamburger wrapper by his knee where he was placing the food items he d found He never bothered anyone to beg for money as people entered and left the store After he went through the entire trash can he cleaned up the

7、area and wrapped up the food he found in the dirty hamburger wrapper My heart hurt for him I am not someone who just hands out money or even helps homeless people because so many are not truly homeless I don t guess I ve ever seen someone actually go through a garbage can to try to find food to eat

8、I knew I had to help him I got out of my car and asked him if I could buy him something to eat He told me he would appreciate anything I could get him He was on a bike and I told him if he d follow me I d buy him a hot meal at McDonald s He followed me and I bought him the biggest meal they had on t

9、he menu When I brought him his food he was so thankful He told me his name was Steve and he d been homeless ever since his mother died last September and he got cancer I told him God loved him and I would pray for him Tears filled his eyes He told me how much he appreciated the meal 注意 1 所续写短文的词数应为1

10、50左右 2 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的词语 3 续写部分分为两段 每段的开头语已为你写好 4 续写完成后 请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语 Paragraph 1 I drove off with such heaviness in my heart that I felt I had to go back to help him Paragraph 2 When I left him I knew I had done what God wanted me to do 思路剖析 1 剖析原文 确定主题 本文记叙了作者帮助在路上遇到的一个 无家可归的人的过程以及自己的感悟 送人玫瑰 手

11、留余香 作者 体验到了助人的幸福 并提醒自己珍惜现在的美好生活 2 推断情节 运用划线词 续写的第一段内容要突出作者对这位 无家可归的人进行的二次帮助 第二段内容要突出自己对助人为乐 的感悟 把自己的生活和这位无家可归的人进行比较 提醒自己要 珍惜 体会划线词的使用情景 选择可用的词汇 3 串联要素 形成初稿 将已确定的四要素串联 并增加细节描 写 可完成续写初稿 在确保主题不变的情况下 适当增添内容 以 使行文连贯 这篇文章的续写 要以时间和故事发展的过程为线 索 描写作者的心情和感悟 4 润色文字 排查错误 注意段落结构的完整和句子语法结构的 丰富性和正确性 把所提示的单词和短语有机结合起

12、来 可以使 用复合句和并列句 例如 I asked him if I could buy him a few meals and put it on a gift card for him I ve never felt such a feeling to help someone as I did today 框架填空 I drove off with such heaviness in my heart that I felt I had to go back to help him When I came back 1 史蒂芬已经吃完饭了 I asked him 2 我是否能帮助他 He

13、 told me 3 真的不用 He would never 4 要钱 I asked him if I could 5 为他买几顿饭 然后放在代金卡里 He told me 6 那就太好了 I drove to McDonald s and 7 为他买了饭 and gave him a gift card When I left him I knew I had done what God wanted me to do I ve never felt 8 帮助人是如此的快乐 as I did today I was reminded again of 9 我过着多么幸福的生活啊 I 10

14、有温暖的家 I have money to buy a hot meal and I 11 有家人和朋友 Sometimes God sends something or someone to 12 提醒我们 知道我们是多么幸福 答案 1 Steve had finished his meal 2 if I could help him 3 not really 4 beg for money 5 buy him a few meals and put it on a gift card for him 6 that would be so fine 7 bought him some mea

15、ls 8 so happy to help someone 9 what a happy life I have 10 have a warm home 11 have a family and friends 12 remind us of how happy we are 参考范文 I drove off with such heaviness in my heart that I felt I had to go back to help him When I came back Steve had finished his meal I asked him if I could hel

16、p him He told me not really He would never beg for money I asked him if I could buy him a few meals and put it on a gift card for him He told me that would be so fine I drove to McDonald s and bought him some meals and gave him a gift card When I left him I knew I had done what God wanted me to do I ve never felt so happy to help someone as I did today I was reminded again of what a happy life I have I have a car that gets me from place to place I have a warm home I have money to buy a hot meal


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