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1、第 5 页 共 5 页2020中考英语总复习副词短语练习题提高版(含详解)单选题1The movie is_ interesting. We want to go and see it.A. a kind of B. kind of C. kinds of D. all kinds of2Tom is always friendly to others.He is a_people_personA. quiet B. good with others C. serious D. lonely(孤独的)3The dog follows my grandpa 247 .Its his fan.A.

2、 from 24 to 7 B. all day C. 17 hours D. from 7 to 244The fire was getting stronger and stronger and it seemed to _.A. lose control B. be under control C. be out of control D. be controlled5The horses are _, so they are running in all directions.A. in control B. in a hurry C. out of control D. in ord

3、er6Yancheng Nature Reserve is home _ different kinds of plants and rare birds.A. at B. to C. on D. in7The fire was getting stronger and stronger and it seemed to _.A. lose control B. be under control C. be out of control D. be controlled8The horses are _, so they are running in all directions.A. in

4、control B. in a hurry C. out of control D. in order9Mr.Read _ works here.He went back to London last year.A. any longer B. no longer C. any more10-Joyce, do you like this beautiful dress?-Well, mum. In my view,its out of date.A. out of place B. not fashionable C. brand new11David felt very happy. _,

5、 it was his first time to have a party in our class for him.A. At least B. After all C. At once D. At all12Do you think the cost of the trip is _? Yes. Because the food and hotels cost _.A. too much large; too many B. much too high; too muchC. much too expensive; too much D. too much big; too many13

6、-What animals do you like ? - Monkeys. Because theyre _clever.A. a kind of ; kind of B. kind of ; kind ofC. a kind of ; a kind of D. kind of ; kinds of14-What animals do you like ? - Monkeys. Because theyre _clever.A. a kind of ; kind of B. kind of ; kind ofC. a kind of ; a kind of D. kind of ; kind

7、s of15_ students have learned _ from the stories.A. A lot of, a lot of B. A lot, a lot of C. A lot, lots of D. A lot of, a lot16Cut _ _the tomatoes and put _on the bread.A. into; it B. up; it C. up; them D. into; them17He is the first person a robot. The robot changed his life in many ways.A. to own

8、; too much B. own; too much C. to own; too many D. own; too many18Granny, you look so weak, whats wrong with you? Terrible. The factory made noise. It was _noisy. I couldnt sleep well last night.A. too much; too much B. too much; much tooC. too many; much too D. much too; much too19Im sorry to keep

9、you waiting for a long time. Never mind. I got here only .A. ten minutes later B. ten minutes beforeC. in ten minutes D. ten minutes ago20Our English teacher is kind us,but sometimes she is kind serious(严肃的)A. of;to B. to;to C. to;of D. of;of专题:副词短语1B【解析】句意:这部电影比较有趣;我们想去看它。A. a kind of “的一种;几分”; B.

10、kind of “有点”; C. kinds of “各种各样的” ; D. all kinds of“各式各样”。kind of “有点,几分,相当”可以修饰形容词。故选B。2B【解析】句意:汤姆总是对别人友好。他是个和蔼的人。A. quiet 沉默的;B. good with others和和谐相处;C. serious 严肃的; D. lonely孤独的。根据第一句他对别人友好可知,他和人和谐相处。故选B。3B【解析】句意:狗24小时全天跟着我爷爷, 它是他的粉丝。A. from 24 to 7,从24到7;B. all day整天;C. 17 hours,17小时;D. from 7

11、to 24,从7到24。每周7天,每天24小时,就是7X24小时制,也就说“全天、整天”的意思。故选:B。4C【解析】试题分析:句意:火越烧越旺,看起来像失去控制了。失去控制用be out of control。故选C。5C【解析】试题分析:句意:马们失控了,于是他们正在向四面八方跑。失去控制是be out of control。故选C。6B【解析】试题分析:句意:盐城自然保护区是各种植物和稀有鸟类的家。-的家园是be home to-。故选B。7C【解析】试题分析:句意:火越烧越旺,看起来像失去控制了。失去控制用be out of control。故选C。8C【解析】试题分析:句意:马们失控

12、了,于是他们正在向四面八方跑。失去控制是be out of control。故选C。9B【解析】句意:里德先生不再这里工作了,他去年回伦敦了。not any longer/more, 意为“不再”; 与“no longer/more”意思相符。本句前面没有否定词not, 所以选择 no longer。故选:B。10B【解析】试题分析:句意:Joyce,你喜欢这件美丽的连衣裙吗?嗯,妈妈,以我的观点,它已经过时了。Out of date=not fashionable。故选B。11B【解析】句意:戴维感到非常高兴。毕竟,这是他第一次在我们班为他举办一个聚会。A. At least至少;B. Af

13、ter all毕竟;C. At once立刻;D. At all,notat all,一点也不。根据语义可知是“毕竟”之意。故选:B。点睛:after all ,毕竟,一般放在句首, 用来提醒对方(听话的人)别忘记了一个重要事实, 忽略了某个重要的理由或论点。12B【解析】试题分析:句意:你认为这次旅行的花费非常高吗?是的。因为吃饭和住宿花的太多了。花费高用high;非常用much too;太多用too much。故选B。13B【解析】句意:你喜欢什么样的动物?猴子。因为他们有点聪明。考查名词短语辨析题。a kind of的一种,用于口语。kinds of各种各样的。what kind of什

14、么样的,哪样的。kind of稍微,有点儿,有几分,用于口语。根据句意,可知选B。14B【解析】句意:你喜欢什么样的动物?猴子。因为他们有点聪明。考查名词短语辨析题。a kind of的一种,用于口语。kinds of各种各样的。what kind of什么样的,哪样的。kind of稍微,有点儿,有几分,用于口语。根据句意,可知选B。15D【解析】句意:许多学生从这些故事中学到了很多东西。A lot of=lots of许多、大量的,形容词组,修饰名词;a lot大量、很多,副词短语,修饰动词。 故选:D。16C【解析】把西红柿切碎,然后把它们放到面包上。切碎用cut up;前面名词是复数,故第二空用they的宾格them。故选C。17A【解析】句意:他是第一个拥有机器人的人。这个机器人在许多方面改变了他的生活。own动词,拥有,在the first person to own.中,动词不定式作定语;too much 副词短语,修饰动词changed。 故选:A。18B【解析】句意: -奶奶,你看起来很虚弱,你怎么了? -太糟糕了。工厂的噪音太大



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