巴夏57 音乐幻场与黄金比率(定稿)

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《巴夏57 音乐幻场与黄金比率(定稿)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《巴夏57 音乐幻场与黄金比率(定稿)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 巴夏57 音乐幻场、黄金比率 翻译:觉醒者Q: I want to inquire about the sound current.问:我想咨询些关于音流的事。(00:03-00:06)B:Sound current.巴夏:音流。(00:07-00:08)Q:The way I understand it is, there is physical sound we play with in music and we hear with the physical ear and theres sound we dont hear with our physical ear.问:我理解这个的方

2、式是,有我们奏乐物质声音,我们的耳朵能听到的一些声音,也有我们耳朵听不到的声音。(00:09-00:16)B:Yes. There is always an energetic template underlying. And then yes, between the two a third vibration is created, a third reality is created as well. So it is always actually a trinary vibration.巴夏:是的。这过程总会有个潜在的能态模板承载着。是的,在二者之间有第三种振频,第三种实相也被创造了

3、出来。所以它总是三相振频。(00:17-00:32)Q:So that third element, is that a sound current or like the way I was envisioning it, there was physical sound and the other side of sound, and in the middle the aural cookie would be the light?问:所以那第三个元素,是音流还是像我想象的那样,有物质声音和另一面的声音,然后之间的与听觉相关的东西是光?(00:33-00:43)B:Well, in a

4、sense. You can use that analogy if you wish, yes.巴夏:如果你愿意,你可以这样类比,是的。(00:45-00:49)There is that which we say is the template so to speak, there is that also from which the template is born, 那有我们说的那个能态模板,以及能态模板的来源,in this case the template is actually the secondary. 所以这里能态模板是第二位的了。(00:50-01:00)But ye

5、s, out of the light comes the template and the tangible or the manifest if you wish. If that make sense to you.不过,是的,从光中来的是能态模板,还有可感知的部分或显化实化的部分。如果这样说你能明白。(01:01-01:11)Q:It does.问:是的。(01:12-01:13)B:You might call, shall we say, the original matrix, so to speak, that which gives the rise to the eidol

6、onic field which gives rise to the manifested reality.巴夏:从(你们也许称作)“根源矩阵”里产生出了这个幻场,从这个幻场中又产生了被显化的实相。(01:14-01:29)Eidolon, eidolon is a reference to what you would recognize as spirit, the template reality which emerges from the matrix, the original matrix of all-that-is which is totally invisible and

7、 seems like nothing but is everything.这里的幻场的“幻”指的是你们称为“灵性或精神性”,那个能态模板实相从完全不可见、什么都不像 却才是“一切万有”的那个根源矩阵中被产生。两仪式笑而不语(01:31-01:49)And out of that rises, the eidolonic field from which created the template that also then gives rise to the physical experience, the manifestation in that sense, the tertiary

8、manifestation. Does that make sense?这个幻场创造了能态模板进而创造了物质体验,和这个意义上的三重显化。说明白了?(01:51-02:05)Q:Yes, and not quite.like your words dont make sense but I am getting the image of what youre saying. Its not fully breaking down.问:是的,不完全。你的话本身不怎么让人明白但是我能体会到你说的意思。但没完全明了。(02:06-02:16)B:All right. Well, and the an

9、alogy might be again the idea of steam, solidifying into liquid, further solidifying into ice.巴夏:好吧。那还是比喻成蒸汽,聚化为液态水,进而聚化为固态冰。(02:17-02:28)So what you have initially referred to is ice and liquid, but now we are also saying that there is steam, underlying both, originating both. Does that make sense?

10、所以你最开始说的是冰和液态水,但现在我们谈到也有蒸汽,在二者背后,是二者的起源。这样所清楚了嘛?(02:30-02:42)Q:That makes sense.问:这样说清楚了。(02:43-02:44)B:All right. So you can have musical ice, musical liquid and musical steam. And now you can reality cook. Throw all that into pot, add some nice ingredients and cook it up.巴夏:好的。所以你有音乐的冰块,音乐的水,音乐的蒸汽

11、。现在你完全可以下厨了。把它们全部扔进锅里,加些好吃的调料然后烹饪。(02:45-02:59)Q: Excellent.问:棒极了。(03:00-03:01)B:Emtasty soup.巴夏:嗯美味的汤汁。(03:02-03:03)Q:Yumgood.问:真美味真好。(03:04-03:05)B:Music soup.巴夏:音乐的汤汁。(03:06-03:07)Q:Music soup.问:音乐汤汁。(03:08-03:09)B:Musical soup. Because thats actually what you all live in anyway. Musical soup, th

12、e song of the spheres, the song of existence of vibration, of unconditional love is a musical soup.巴夏:乐之羹汤。因为说到底那才是你们都生活在之中的东西。乐之羹汤,球体之歌,存在之振频与无条件爱是乐之羹汤。(03:10-03:23)Q:So onto the protis available to us in this physical incarnation, the protis being the elements by which we can create sound on the p

13、lanet, musical instruments, pots and pans whatever.问:那么说道在我们这个物质轮回里可用的?那是我们在这个星球上制造声音的元素,乐器,锅碗瓢盆等等?(03:24-03:36)Yes巴夏:是的And we are in this digital age now and we have synthesizer and some other instruments and the thing Ive been looking at is like with the physical sound, say a gun or drum, the spec

14、trum of information within that sound is a hundred percent.然后我们现在到了数码时代,我们有合成器和其它的乐器,我关心的问题是自然物质声音,比如枪声或鼓声,它的声音波谱范围的信息率是100%。(03:39-03:52)Yes是的In the electronic instrument, its not a hundred percent because its digital, thats how I am interpreting it.在电子乐器里,则不是100%,因为是数码的,这是我的理解方式。(03:54-03:58)Yes是的

15、B:However it also as another element that connects you to something else. So if you do all of them together, you will have not only the complete natural spectrum, you will have a different kind of component that also connect to a higher vibration in a different way.巴夏:但它也是另一种让你连接到不同事物的元素。所以如果你使用它们全部,你会不仅仅拥有完整的自然声谱范围,你也会有一种不同的,以不同方式连接更高形态振频的组件。(04:00-04:18)And that will change in what you call future. As we read the energy that exists now, what yo


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