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1、复旦大学MBA面试真题汇总1. 上海作为金融中心,制造业要不要放弃?2. 上海超市发展很快,谈谈你的看法?(英文)3. 随着中国经济的发展,中国私家车拥有率越来越高,但是交通是否能跟的上,谈谈你的看法。4. 你作为一个经理,是作为一个模范还是指导下属?5. 中国零售业面对国外大型超市的竞争,有什麽看法?6. 上海应发展公共交通还是私家车(英文)7. 国美要求直接从格力进货,格力则认为要通过他们的渠道,怎麽协调?8. 政府提高农产品价格以增加农民收入,可是同时增加了城市人口的生活成本,谈谈你自己的看法。9. 上海房价涨幅很大,谈谈你的看法。10. 公司怎麽激励你的员工。11. 外资并购对中国经济

2、产生的影响,谈谈你的看法。12. whats the different between manager and leader?13. 商学院能否培养出企业家?14. 汽车牌照涨价,谈谈你的看法?(英语)15. 如何防止假帐,谈谈你的看法?(英语)16. 外资企业进入中国对我国经济的影响?17. 创办公司选择合伙人时,应如何选择?(英语)18. 独立董事在公司中的作用。19. 职业经理人与创业者的区别?20. 上海作为金融中心的优势和劣势?21. 怎样提高农民的收入?22. mba培养的经理人还是企业家?23. 上海、香港在金融贸易方面的优、劣势?24. 对黄金周和假日经济的看法。25. 对末



5、低价彩电销得好?29、谈企业竞争策略的选择30、柯达/富士和乐凯现在三分中国的影像(主要指胶卷)市场,但最近在某场合,乐凯的老总说他们无意进军数码市场,你如何看待这个问题的?31、你认为怎样才是成功?你如何去实现?32、伊拉克战争对股市和油价的影响。33、谈谈你对三农问题的看法。34、你是愿意当一家小公司的老板还是在大企业里做个senior manager?35、有人说,不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵;而目前公司的职位越往上越少,请问是否应该鼓励年轻人谋求更高的职位?英语问题1What do you think about 关系 in China?2How About I-RAQ War?3 PL

6、S give your opinion on GUANXIs impact to the enterprises in China.4 If you want to develop a new brand of ice cream in China, what strategy would you pursue?5 leader should keep distance or get close to his or her employee6 Many people believe that the knowledge-based economy has begun. Please discu

7、ss the impact you think it may have on your firm.7 What do you think will be the short-term and long-term impacts on China when we join the WTO? Please be specific in your answers.8 If a foreign investor wants to make direct investments in China, how would you advise him?9 Which city will be the fin

8、ancial hub of Asia in 2005, Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo or any other city in Asia?10 If you are granted 3 wishes, what will they be?11 What are the main tasks facing a business leader nowadays?12 If you are given US$1million to invest, what sector will you put your money in and why?13 Chin

9、a is being accused by many developed countries as being lax in environmental issues. What is your view on this accusation?14 In China, economic development in the western regions is lagging behind that of the eastern provinces. What measures would you propose to speed up the development of the weste

10、rn regions?15 Unemployment and aging are some urgent social issues in China. What measures would you propose to relieve the problem?16 If you want to develop a new brand of ice cream in China, what strategy would you pursue?17 Discuss the differences between managers and leaders.18 Some companies cl

11、aim that MBA graduates are generalists. They do not have an in depth knowledge of any particular business area. How would you convince them otherwise?19 Some people argue that high tech companies should have higher P/E ratios because of their future earning potentials. How much would you agree or di

12、sagree with this argument?20 Your firm is undergoing a reengineering exercise to reduce the number of employees. You are asked to cut 30% of your staff. What would you do?作者:What 2006-3-3 16:11:00)1.Would you please make a brief introduction about yourself?2.Why did you take the MBA examination? Wou

13、ld you please say something about the currently MBA program in China?3.Why do you choose RENMIN University to study MBA? Tell me a little about RENMIN University form your understanding.4.How do the people around you review MBA?5.Whats the difference between MBA program at home and abroad?6.If you f

14、ailed this time what will you do in the near future?7.Why do you want to be a part of MBA students?8.Why do you think you are qualified for MBA program?9.Do you have a career plan in 5 years?10.Do you have a study plan if you were accepted as a MBA student?11.Whats your opinion about the requirement

15、 that a MBA student must have working experience?12.How do you define marketing or management?13.Do you think English is quite important in MBA study? Why?14.Do you think MBA training courses will help you a lot in your future life? Why?15.What do you want to do after your MBA study?16.What is the most important qualification that a MBA student should have?17.Say a little about teamwork.18.Say a little about management.19.How communication works in organizations?


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