牛津深圳版七上英语Module 3 Travels unit 5 visiting the moon单元测试B卷.doc

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1、牛津深圳版七上英语Module 3 Travels unit 5 visiting the moon单元测试B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 词汇测试。选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)_ you help me with my homework? Of course if I _. A . Could; couldB . Cant; canC . Could; canD . Can; could2. (2分)(2015.河南)Jane is very busy these days, for she has a lot of problems to .A

2、 . deal withB . keep up withC . agree withD . come up with3. (2分)_ we do, we must be _. A . However, carefulB . Whatever, carefulC . However, carefullyD . Whatever, carefully4. (2分)David, flying to Wuhan from Taiyuan is expensive. I think the train takes you there A . cheaplyB . quicklyC . beautiful

3、lyD . quietly5. (2分) Listen! Kate is singing in the next room.It _ be Kate. She has been on business in Hong Kong.A . canB . mayC . cantD . mustnt6. (2分)The train arrived at the station 20 minutes late. A . reachedB . gotC . leftD . passed7. (2分)- Lets play computer games.- That _ good.A . looksB .

4、watchesC . soundsD . has8. (2分)Jane,you look triedYou stop to have a rest A . shouldB . shouldntC . wouldD . wouldn t二、 选出恰当的词语完成句子。 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)Its raining now and Ill give you a ride to school.What a great !A . manageB . orderC . newsD . offer10. (2分)If you want to have a picnic, you can _ a

5、car _ the company(公司). A . rent; toB . borrow; toC . rent; fromD . borrow; from11. (2分)The T-shirt is small for my son. Do you have a _ one? A . shortB . niceC . tidyD . big12. (2分)I cant_ what my life would be like without the cellphone. A . thinkB . imagineC . wonder13. (2分) Kate, may I use your d

6、ictionary? Sorry, I t to Ann yesterday.A . borrowedB . comparedC . lentD . painted14. (2分)After her husband died, Mrs. Black lived _. Her lovely pet dog made her less _. A . alone; aloneB . lonely; aloneC . lonely; lonelyD . alone; lonely15. (2分)Sally, how often do you use the Internet? _.A . TwiceB

7、 . Twice timesC . Twice a week三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)(2016徐州)根据短文内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Kevin sat at the desk in his study, pencil in hand. He had to write a story for his English class by Friday. “I dont know what to 1,” he complained to his dog, who was asleep at his feet. Kevin was talk

8、ative when speaking to his friends, yet he had 2finding words he had to write.By bedtime Kevin had drawn a picture of his dog smiling. He had drawn a tree with its branches(树枝) blowing in a high wind. He had also written a 3asking his friend to go to the movies on Saturday. 4he had not written a sin

9、gle word of his story.On Wednesday, Mrs Scott, Kevins English teacher, asked the class to 5the first draft of their stories. Kevin had to turn in the only work that he hadthe page with his name, the 6, and the note.Kevin wasnt 7when Mrs Scott asked him to stay after class the next day. But he was su

10、rprised by what 8said to him. “Kevin, this is a fantastic storythe dog, the movie, the tree in the 9. I cant wait to find out how they all fit together. I think you have the idea of a story there. Look at your note and the pictures and try to see 10a story comes to you.”That night Kevin sat at his d

11、esk, and this was what he wrote: “One Saturday Tom went to meet his friend at the 11. it looked as if it might rain, so Tom 12his umbrella. Suddenly a big storm blew in. The noise of the wind 13like Toms dog Spotty. Spotty really hated storms and barked whenever he wanted to be let inside. Then Tom

12、saw Spotty running after him down the busy street, barking. The sound was full of blame(责备). Tom felt 14because he had left Spotty outside. He turned and headed home with Spotty. Tom let Spotty in the door just and the rain started to pour down.”Kevin had a story after all. The last thing he did was

13、 to write his name 15at the top of the page.(1)A . talk about B . worry about C . write about D . care about (2)A . trouble B . fun C . help D . experience (3)A . report B . notice C . letter D . note (4)A . And B . But C . So D . Or (5)A . hand in B . hand out C . take in D . take out (6)A . photos B . maps C . writings D . drawings (7)A . cheerful B . surprised C . scared D . satisfied (8)A . I B . you C . he D . she (9)A . wind B . rain C . snow D . fog (10)A . when B . why C . if D . where


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