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1、2019-2020年七年级英语11月月考试题(II)一单项选择(15分)答案写在题后表格里。1. - Good afternoon, Dale. - . A. Good evening, Cindy. B. Good morning, Alice. C. Hi, Bob. D. Im fine, thanks.2. - Whats this in English? - .A. M-A-P. B. An orange. C. This is a jacket. D. Yes, a pen.3. W hat color is the UFO? _.A. Its Z. B. Black and wh

2、ite. C. Its a quilt. D. How are you?4. Whats your name? _.A. Nice to meet you. B. Im Gina. C. My names Ms. D. Im OK.5. Are you Helen? _.A. Yes, I am. B. No, I amnt. C. Yes, I do . D. No, I dont. 6. Dale Smith is friend.A. he B. her C. you D. me7. That is my family. _ are my parents. A. That B. His C

3、. The D. Those8. -Have a good day.-_.A. Yes, they are. B. Thanks, you too. C. This is Paul. D. Bye. 9. -Whos she?-_.A. Yes, she is. B. A yellow ruler. C. Shes my sister. D. My key.10. -Is that your schoolbag?-_.A. No, they arent hers. B. It is mine. C. Yes, its. D. No.11. -Thank you for your help, A

4、nna.-_.A. Yes, it is. B. Youre wele. C. Eric. D. Its blue.12. -Wheres your pencil box?-_.A. On my parents room. B. Under the chair. C. The sofa. D. A table.13. I _ a clock. Its on the desk.A. amB. hasC. dont D. have14. Where_ my keys? A. haveB. hasC. areD. is 15. - What_ apples, carrots, and some mi

5、lk? - Sounds good.A. about B. for C. at D. in1234567891011121314151617181920二补全对话 (10分) A.根据情景,从方框中选出正确的选项。答案写在上面表格里。 A. Were late! B. Lets go. C. Let me get it. D. Bill has it. E. Yes, I do. A: Hey, Helen, lets go! 16 B: OK. A: Do you have the baseball? B: 17 . Its in my bag. A: And wheres our base

6、ball bat? B: 18 A: Oh, yeah. And do you have your jacket? B: Oh, no, I dont. Its on the chair. 19 A: And your hat, too! B: OK, I have my jacket and hat. 20 B. 在横线上填入恰当的内容,可能是单词,短语或句子。答案写在题后。A: Hey, Johns birthday dinner is next week. Lets 21 about the food.B: Sure. 22 about burgers, vegetables, sala

7、d and some fruit?C: 23 ! John likes hamburgers.A: Oh, I dont like salad.C: But John 24 salad, and its his birthday. A: Yes, you are right. What about the fruit? B: I think John likes strawberries and apples. C: OK. 25 have strawberries and apples then.21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 三完形填空。(10分) Im Kate, and my

8、26 is Gina. Im tidy, but Gina is 27 . In our room, my books and tapes 28 in the bookcase. My keys are 29 my schoolbag. I have a clock. Its on the desk. Ginas books are 30 -on her bed, on the sofa and under the chair. The white 31 plane is 32 . Its under the desk. “Where are my 33 ? Wheres my ruler?

9、34 my schoolbag?” Gina always 35 . ( ) 26. A. books B. cat C. brother D. sister( ) 27. A. mine B. nice C. not D. ten( ) 28. A. is B. are C. isnt D. arent( ) 29. A. in B. under C. on D. easy ( ) 30. A. where B. here C. the same D. everywhere ( ) 31. A. model B. modle C. too D. two( ) 32. A. not B. he

10、rs C. her D. dont ( ) 33. A. phone B.CD C. keys D. cup( ) 34. A. Thats B.This is C. It is D. Wheres( ) 35. A. meet B. calls C. knows D. asks四句型转换。(10分)(每题一分)36. My mother doesnt like tennis. (变成肯定句) My mother tennis.37. Tom has a gold(金)watch. (变成一般疑问句) Tom a gold watch?38 I have a math book. (变成否定句

11、)I a math book.39. dont, I, name, his, know (连词成句) .40. The CDs are on the sofa. (就划线部分提问) are the CDs?41. Mike is behind the door. is behind the door?42. That is his dictionary.(变一般疑问句) that his dictionary?43. Those are oranges. (变成单数) is an orange.44. He has a nice pen. (变成复数)They nice pens.45. The English for this is a pencil. (同义句)This is a pencil English. 五. 翻译。(15分)A. 汉译英。(部分翻译每题一分,整句翻译每题2分。)46. 我的名字叫Gina。 Gina.47. 这是我妹妹。 my sister.48. 那是你的铅笔吗? your pencil ? 49. 你有足球吗? have a soccer ball?50


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