2019-2020年高中英语 测试报 Unit3第二部分 Project1教案 牛津译林版必修3.doc

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1、2019-2020年高中英语 测试报 Unit3第二部分 Project1教案 牛津译林版必修3单元:Unit 3 Back to the past板块:Project课堂设计指导思想:Project的主要内容是学习如何比较历史事件,制作时间表。本课要解决的是理解“Ancient China and Rome ”,并以此为范本了解学习如何比较历史事件及什么是时间表。Teaching aims:1. Read and understand the text;2. Get to know how to pare what events and changes are happening at th

2、e same time in the two different cities and make clear and correct time chart.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead inThe teacher starts the lesson by showing a picture of the film Hero, and thus introduces the article students are going to read.【设计说明】通过电影引入话题,并以此补充接下来要读的文章的背景知识,以方便学生理解文章。Step 2 Read and

3、understand1. Ask students to listen to the tape recording of the text and read the text.2. Help students get the main idea of each paragraph.3. Ask students to read the text again and answer the questions to make sure they understand the text.4. Ask students to read the time chart and answer the que

4、stions.【设计说明】通过简单的练习设置帮助学生理解课文内容,把握文章的脉络和结构,并且了解时间表的内容。Step 3 Discussion and retellingAsk students to pare the two countries according to the time chart and try to retell the text according to the time chart.【设计说明】通过讨论、比较和复述课文,使学生进一步理解所学内容。Step 4 Preparations for homeworkAsk students what time periods in history they are interested in and ask them to form groups to research what theyre interested in.【设计说明】通过交流,鼓励学生根据兴趣组成小组,为完成作业做准备。Step 5 HomeworkWork in small groups, discuss and research time periods in history you are interested in.


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