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1、2019-2020年高中英语阶段仿真检测四新人教版选修.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) AOn the whole, its not something we shout about, but one in four of us does it. Hiring private tutors for our children is now widespread. And this year, as always, the Easter holidays will be peak time for tutor demand.“My husband and I tried to tu

2、tor her at home, but we found all our knowledge was out of date and we were only confusing Zarreen. We also tried a group revision course but all the children were sitting exams for different boards (入学考试). On the whole, we think onetoone tuition works best and it is worth the money. In our case, Pr

3、eeta is like an elder sister to Zarreen and thats the most important,” says Ashan Sabri from London, whose daughter Zarreen, 18, is having tuition in biology and chemistry in preparation for Alevels this summer.In fact, Preeta Datta is only six years older than her pupil and she is happy to provide

4、extra tuition through mobile phone. “Zarreen will call me two or three times a week with a question about biology or chemistry, and thats fine with me,” says Datta.The real question is:does tutoring do any good?“Its not the magic bullet,” says educator Judith Ireson. “Its still up to the child to do

5、 the learning.If he or she isnt interested, then sending them to a private tutor wont do any good.”In this case, its time to break open the Champagne? “Not necessarily,” says Elaine Tyrrell, head of a private school.“While we remend private tutoring for children whose first language isnt English, we

6、 dont encourage it for the others,” says Tyrrell. “With the level of education they get here, children really ought to be able to pass the entrance exams. Besides, our biggest worry is that they might just get in with the help of lastminute tutoring, but, once they get to that school, they wont be a

7、ble to manage.”Its a point really worth considering. After all, who would want our child to stay at the bottom of the class?1The passage is most probably written by_.Aa parentBa studentCa famous educatorDa headmaster of a private school解析:选A推理判断题。由第一段的our children,第二段“My husband and I tried to tutor

8、 her”可推出该文章很可能是由一位父母写的。2In Ashan Sabris opinion, which method is most suitable for her daughter?ATeaching her at home by herself.BTaking different kinds of exams.CTaking part in group revision courses.DFinding a private tutor to help her.解析:选D细节理解题。由第二段的“On the whole, we think onetoone tuition works

9、 best and it is worth the money.”可知。3About private tutoring, Judith Ireson points out one of its disadvantages that it_.Ais expensive and the poor families might not be able to afford itBmight make the children rely on their private tutors too muchCwont work without the childrens actual needs and ac

10、tive involvementDis not suitable for students who havent developed a certain level in selflearning解析:选C推理判断题。由文章第五段的“Its still up to the child . do any good.”可推出答案。4What attitude does the author hold towards home tutoring?ASupportive.BCritical.CUninterested. DUncertain.解析:选D作者态度题。由最后一段的内容可知作者也不确定孩子要

11、不要家教。BLearning an instrument can help children improve their linguistic (语言的) skills, and may even help people recover from memory loss after brain injury, researchers have found.These are the findings of a study by psychologists at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in the journal Neuropsychology.

12、The study found that children who undergo music training have better recall of words than those who have none. And the longer their period of music training, the more words they recall.Led by psychologist, Dr Agnes Chan, the team studied a group of 90 schoolboys, aged 6 to 15, half of whom received

13、music training in their schools orchestra (乐队) for between one and five years. The other half had no training.The boys were all tested for verbal memory by reading them a list of words and asking them to remember as many as possible 10 minutes after the test, and the 30 minutes after. They were then

14、 shown a series of images, and asked to recall these. Each student was tested three times.The team found that students with music training recalled more words than the untrained students. After 30 minutes, they still keep more words in mind than the control group.In addition, there was a positive co

15、nnection between the length of time the students had been learning and how well they remembered words:the longer they had been in training, the more words they recalled. But there were no differences between the two groups in recalling images.How does music help a child to remember words? Chan belie

16、ves that learning music encourages the development of the part of the brain which is responsible for verbal memory.When it es to music training, it is not the instrument or the type of music but the actual process of learning that helps verbal training, said Chan.She believes the finding could be the basis of a new approach to helping p


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