2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module3unit5教学案 新人教版.doc

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1、2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module3unit5教学案 新人教版Module3unit5重点词汇【基础过关】 surround 动词。意思为:包围、围绕The fence surrounds my house. 篱笆围绕着我的家Our school is surrounded by trees. 我们学校被树环绕【拓展延伸】be surrounded by /with 被-包围The city is surrouded with a river. 这个城市被一条河包围着surrounding adj. 附近的、周围的。the surrounding country 近郊surro

2、undings n. 名词,加s。I like the surroundings here.我喜欢这里的环境【典型例题】The building had been designed to blend in with their_.A.surroundings B. surrounding C.surrounded D. surround【答案】A。考查单词的词形和词意【点拨】surroundings指环境考点二 settle【基础过关】settle 及物动词,解决、处理、安放There is no way to settle the dispute. 没有方法可以解决这一争端She settl

3、ed her baby in a chair. 她把孩子放在椅子上A glass of whisky will settle your nerve. 一杯酒可以缓解你的紧张The date of the meeting was settled. 开会的日期定下来了settle 不及物动词,安家、定居、停留。After the war broke out ,they settled in Europe. 战争爆发后,他们去了欧洲定居。The bird settled on the branch. 一只鸟落在树枝上Her eyes settled on the boy. 她的目光落在那男孩身上Si

4、lence settled over the room. 房间里静了下来【典型例题】I am happy with the dispute_.A. reached B. got C. disappear D. settled【答案】D。考查该单词在固定结构中的应用。【点拨】弄明白句子意思是解题 的关键考点三 remain【基础过关】remain 系动词,保持,仍然是。不及物动词,剩下、留下。After years of hard ,Tom remained a worker.多年的艰苦劳作后,汤姆仍然是个工人。They all went out, but I remained. 他们都出去了,

5、但是我留了下来。【拓展延伸】remain doing 仍然做-He remains standing there. 他仍然站在那里remain to do 有待于做-Much remains to be down. 很多事有待于出做remaining 形容词,剩下的。I have no remaining money.=I have no money left. 我没有剩余的钱了。【典型例题】Having a trip is good for the old couple, but it remains _whether they enjoy it.A. to see B. seeing C.

6、 to be seen D. seen【答案】C。考查该单词在固定句型中的应用【点拨】remains to be seen 有待于观望。考点四 wealthy【基础过关】wealthy 形容词,富有的,丰富的。the wealthy 富人。He was once very wealthy.他曾经特别的富有【拓展延伸】wealth 名词,财富、富有。He is a man of great wealth. 他是一个很富有的人She cared nothing for wealth. 她不在乎财富live in wealth 过豪华的生活。The family live in wealth. 这一

7、家人生活的很奢侈a wealth of 大量的。修饰可数和不可数名词A wealth of examples are given. 大量的例子被给出了【典型例题】He has a _ of knowledge about China .A. plenty B. deal C. wealth D. much【答案】C。考查固定短语。【点拨】a wealth of 大量的考点五 distance【基础过关】distance 名词,距离、路程、远处、差异What is the distance to London? 到伦敦有多远?【拓展延伸】与它有关的几个短语:keep ones distance

8、客气keep sb at a distance 与-保持距离,不亲近。know ones distance 有自只字之明in the distance 在远处at/from a distance 从多远处at a distance of +数字 。在多远处。I can see you at a distance of 10 metre.在10米远的地方,我能看到你It is hard to know her well because she always keeps others at a distance. 很难了解她,因为她总是和别人保持着距离I saw something in the

9、distance. 我看到远处有东西【典型例题】One can see the ancient ruins at a _of 20 miles.A. distance B. space C. length D. stretch【答案】A. 考查固定短语。【点拨】at a distance of 在多远处考点六 border【基础过关】border 名词,边界,边境。动词,与-相接壤We camped on the border of the river. 我们在河边露营The USA borders on Canada. 美国与加拿大相比邻【拓展延伸】border on/upon 与-相接壤。

10、China borders on the Russia. 中国与俄罗斯相接壤。borderer 边境居民borderline 边界线borderland 边疆【典型例题】Her handkerchief has a blue_.A. border B. line C. map D.sign【答案】A。考查该单词词义。【点拨】她的手帕有一个蓝色的花边考点七 have a gift for【基础过关】have a gift for 有做某事的天赋I have a gift for talking people into doing something.在说服别人上我有天赋【拓展延伸】几个相近词组的

11、用法:have a talent for 有-的天赋The young man has a talent for writing. 这个年轻人有写作天赋gifted =talentedwith gift=with talentHe is a gifted boy.=He is a boy with gift.他是个有天赋的孩子【典型例题】He is a _person, so he will succeed.A. talented B. talent C. gift D.decided【答案】A。考查该单词词义的多样性【点拨】平时要注意单词的广度考点八 figure out【基础过关】figu

12、re out 计算出、弄明白。I cant figure out why he said so. 我弄不明白他为什么这么说Figure out my ine tax, please. 请计算出我的所得税I figure that different folk like different things.我想不同的人有不同的喜好【拓展延伸】figure in 算在内Have you figured in the cost of the hotel? 把旅馆的花费算在内了吗?figure on 指望、估计、打算We figure on your ready support.我们指望你及时的支持【典

13、型例题】We didnt figure_having so many people here.A. on B. in C. out D.of【答案】A 考查该动词和介词的习惯搭配【点拨】备考时,要加强这方面的记忆和训练2.重点句型考点九 Rather than take the airplane all the way ,they decided to fly from- 【基础过关】rather than 而不是、与其、不愿、不要He was busy writing rather than reading. 他在写作,而不是在读书。Rather than make money this w

14、ay, I prefer to go hunger.我宁愿挨饿,也不用那种方式赚钱【拓展延伸】would do-rather than do-宁愿做-而不愿-I would stay at home rather than go out.我宁愿待在家里也不出去。prefer to do -rather than do 宁愿做-而不愿-The hero preferred to die rather than give in. 这位英雄宁死不屈。or rather 确切地说He came back very late last night ,or rather early this morning.他昨天晚上回来的特别的晚,或者更确切的说,是今天早上【典型例题】The brave people preferred to die rather than_.A. give in B. to give in C. give in D


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