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1、2019-2020年高三英语总复习第一部分回归教材Unit3Inventorsandinventions随堂演练新人教版选修.单词拼写1The only way not to fall down into the valley is to _(抓住) the big branch.2You shouldnt _(联系) the unemployment with the current economic situation.3Your idea of not publishing a new version of your novel is very _(实际的)4To my joy,the

2、quality of our new refrigerator is very _(可靠的)5_(突然地),the straw in his yard caught fire.6It was hard to _(辨别)one twin from the other.7He ate a light lunch in _(期望)of a good dinner.8My secretary will call you to arrange a _(方便的)time to meet.9Dad always drives with _(小心)although he has driven for more

3、 than 30 years.10The patient was afraid she wouldnt be able to _(忍受)the pain.答案1seize2.associate3.practical4.stable5.Abruptly6distinguish7.expectation8.convenient9.caution10bear.单句语法填空1Dr. Flemings _ (discover) of penicillin occurred in 1928.2The number of tigers has reduced _ (abrupt) in the last f

4、ifty years.3He is a young artist with great _ (expect)4Id like to place things where it is _ (convenience) to get them.5His _ (apply) to the court for bail (保释) has been refused.6We cannot emphasize too much the _ (important) of learning English.7The paper seems to me of no _ (practice) importance.8

5、He took measures to make up his fault, which received our _ (recognize)9It is so cold and _ (freeze) that we have to stay at home.10Each unit leader needed a flag, or colour, to be easily seen for _ (identity) during a battle.11. _ we will go for a picnic tomorrow depends on the weather.12My sister

6、succeeded in _ (apply) for a patent.13She suggested we _ (set) aside some time to take exercise.14It was the beauty of nature _ attracted us.15Her father will never approve _ her marrying such a lazy fellow.16Follow my advice, and you _ (make) great progress.17Her room was in _ mess as _ matter of f

7、act.18It was not until five days ago _ I received her letter.19While _ (cross) the road, the old man was knocked over.20The telephone was out _ order, so I couldnt get _ .答案1discovery2.abruptly3.expectation4.convenient5application6.importance7.practical8.recognition9freezing10.identification11.Wheth

8、er12.applying13(should) set14.that15.of16.will make17a; a18.that19.crossing20.of; through.单句改错1The lecture mainly deals with the trouble young children have distinguished right from wrong._2Forgetting the past, leaving the sadness behind, and youll see the door of a new bright world open before you.

9、_3The sound of seagulls called on happy memories of his childhood holidays._4The telephone is out of the order; therefore, we cannot get in touch with the boss._5I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some for case._6Can you tell me how to make myself understand better in my broken English?_答

10、案1distinguished改为distinguishing2.Forgetting改为Forget3on改为up4.去掉order前的the5.for改为in6understand改为understood.语法填空(xx年皖南八校高三联考)Getting fit no longer _1_ (require) a pencilandpaper workout plan or a food diary. If youre looking for some new and _2_ (create) ways to improve your health, try Fit Time.Its li

11、ke your personal trainer. After _3_ (get) all the information it needsyour height, weight, age, and exercise habitsit gives you a customized training course, _4_ asks you to work out four times a week for about two _5_ (month). The exercises focus _6_ a different part of your body every day. For ins

12、tance, on Monday, you do pushups (俯卧撑) to build up your arms, and on Tuesday, you build up _7_ (strong) in your legs by doing deep knee bends. _8_ exercise plan changes as time goes by.The best part of this app is that everyone can share _9_ (they) workout results and follow their training. It is a

13、great way for you and your friends _10_ (encourage) each other to build strong bodies.答案1requires2.creative3.getting4.which5.months6on7.strength8.The9.their10.to encourage.短文改错Good morning, everyone. Its great honor for me to speak here. My names Li Xiaojun, born in a harmonious family. My father an

14、d mother are all high school teachers. Influenced by them, I read widely during my early age, but Ive developed a great interest in arts and sports. Im easygoing, get along well with my classmates.It is this personality which helps me win over all my classmates friendships, and also help me overe many difficulties both in academic and personal life. Being admitted in your university has always been a beautiful dream for me. I dream constantly that I, along with mine classmates, will study happy with the help of the respectable professors.


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