2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit5—Unit6知识要点聚焦.doc

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1、2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit5Unit6知识要点聚焦1.重点词汇 单词:consist,state,powerful、advantage,judge,form,influence,strength,generally,belief,employ,namely,bear,forecast,major,trend,indicate,ensure,hopeful,goods,purchase, reality,remain,importance,regularly,cure 短语:consist of, be made up of make, the most of, hold t

2、ogether,run over,generally speaking, in general, keep in touch with,pay attention to,deal with in store,clear up2重点句型 with的复合结构 sb/sthbeadjto do sth It isadj十for/of sbto do sth 3.交际用语 What. like? Do all what you can do.单词短语考点精释1consist短语consist of组成;构成 I consist in 在于I consist with 与一致 The cake cons

3、isted of flour,butter,eggs and sugar, Education does not consist simply in learning a lot of facts Her story consists with the facts2辨析pleasant和pleasing Pleasant“愉快的;欢乐的;舒适的”,多描述一段时光、一次旅行、一次交谈、一个声音、一个景物、一个房间,指人时,通常意为“和蔼可亲的”。pleasing“般指“令人高兴的”(一个消息、一件事情): pleasant time/journey/home/talk/voice/picture

4、/weather She is a pleasant person to work with. The news/story is quite pleasing.3speaking 短语作插入遇Generally speaking (一般说来)Frankly speaking(坦率地说)Exactly speaking (准确地说)Strictly speaking(严格地说)Honestly speaking(老实说)paratively speaking(相对而言) Generaly speaking, women cry more easily than men. Frankly spe

5、aking, I dont enjoy the performance. Exactly speaking, they will arrive at 8:00pm. Strictly speaking, this city isnt very old.4 judge.by/from. 凭判断,根据判断A teacher shouldnt judge his students only by their marks in exams.Dont judge a man by his looks. 注意judge by/from.作状语时,往往用它的现在分词形式,即judging by/from.

6、Judging from his accent, he must be from the south.Judging by her dress, she may be of the Yi nationality.5. narrow 短语 A narrow path 羊肠小道 A narrow victory 险胜 A narrow escape 死里逃生 6Form短语Form and content 形式与内容Out of form 状况不好Form a good habit 养成好习惯 7Basis 短语 On a mercial basis 依商业原则 On an equal basis

7、 平等地 On an individual basis 个人/个别地 On a five-day week basis 每周五日制 On the basis of 以为基础8in store准备着;备用着;就要来到的 My furnitures in store while Im abroad The runner kept some energy for the ing race Theres a shock in store for him 9ensure vt使一定得到,保证 Ensure n.Ensure n. n.Ensure doingEnsure that 从句 He wrote

8、 a poem which ensured his undying fame. The medicine will ensure you a good nights sleep e early to ensure getting。good seat. If you want to ensure that you catch the plane,take a taxi.10. reform vt。& n. 改革;改造;改过We should try to reform criminals rather than punish them.He spent years trying to refor

9、m the world.The most important is the reform of social system.They are making some reforms in the educational system. 11. touch短语 Bring sb. Into touch with.使(某人)与接触Get in/into touch with 与取得联系Keep in touch with 同保持联系Lose touch with 失去联系Be out of touch with 与没有联系 12necessity n必要;必要性;必需品 necessity作“必要

10、价必要性(need)”解时是不可数名词。 Is there any necessity for another election? Were faced with the necessity of buying a new car. We have enough timeThere is no necessity to hurry.Require vt. 要求;需要Require sth.(of/from sb.)Require sb to doRequire sb to doRequire doingRequire that.(should)do The suggestion require

11、s careful thought. Do you require anything of/from me? They required him to keen it secret. The baby requires to be looked after(looking after) His health requires that he(should) go to bed early.13Reality n现实;真实性;现实情况 I in reality(=in actual fact)事实上 turn sthinto realities把变为现实 bring sbback to real

12、ity使某人面对现实,不再抱有幻想 make sth. a reality实现某事,落实 In reality,he is not pletely wrong. We must make the most of our school time to turn all our dreams into realities The failures in his career brought him back to reality.14. remain vt.保持;仍是;停留 If you dont eat,you11 just have to remain hungry. Charlie beca

13、me a news reporter while Peter remained a worker. She remained sitting when they came in All his friends had e,but he remained in silence The work remained unfinished Nothing remained after the fire 15attention短语pay/call/draw/catch ones attention to注意集中在 hold/focus/center ones attention on留意;专心于with

14、 attention专心、注意stand at attention立正Attention, please!请各位注意! You must pay close attention to his eyes. The little boy tried to catch the teachers attention The article was intended to draw attention to the situation in Cambodia I want you to hold your attention to this problem16distance短语At a distance of 在远的地方In the distance 在远处Keep ones distance(fr


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