2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Listening,Speaking and Writing教案 新人教版必修2.doc

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1、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Listening,Speaking and Writing教案 新人教版必修2AimsTo read the story about Freddy and then enjoy and understand Beatles songs.To use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writing.ProceduresI. Warming up by listening and writingTurn to page 37 and read these sentences before

2、listening to the tape. Then listen to the tape and decide true or false.II. Guided reading1. Reading and translatingRead more about Freddys life and translate it into Chinese paragraph by paragraph. 2. Reading and underliningNext you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocatio

3、ns in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.Collocations from Freddys lifebee famous, visit Britain on a tour, wait for hours to get tickets for the concerts, be confident, enjoy singing and all the congratulations, the most exciting experience, sing in a TV program called

4、“Top of the Pops, wear an expensive suit, give a performance to a TV camera, go wrong, not go out without being followed everywhere, wear sunglasses, hide in railway stations, ones personal life, bee too painful for sb., pack ones bags3. Doing exercisesNow you are going to do exercises No. 3, 4 and

5、5 on page 38 following the article. Ex3: Here are the incorrect sentences which should be crossed out.1. Freddy and his band always loved being pop stars.2. His favorite program was “Top of the Pops”.3. Things went wrong because Freddy and his band hid themselves.4. They realized they had to go beca

6、use they were painful.Exercise 4 Answer these questions:1. This is an open question by which students are asked about their opinions.Answers may vary. 2. Answers may vary but there is information in the reading passage that may include:- being rich;- doing a job you want to do;- having many fans;- p

7、eople enjoying your music.3. Answers may vary but information may include:- peaceful and quiet;- a private life away from crowds;- a personal life which others do not discuss.Exercise 5: The main idea is No. 3. This is a story about a band that became famous and did not like it. Only No. 3 best summ

8、arizes the main idea, while all the others reflect just part of the main idea. At first, Freddy and his band wanted to be famous, but when he became famous, they were always being followed wherever they went, which they found painful.III. Guided writing 1.Writing a letter for advicePlease turn to pa

9、ge 38 writing. Lets read the instructions.You and your friends want to start your own band. However, you have never played in a band before. You write an e-mail to Freddy for his advice. The e-mail is started for you, but you have to finish it.Youd better do some brainstorming in small groups before

10、 writing your letters. You should follow the procedure for brainstorming and outlining introduced in Module 1 Unit 2.Writing tips:1. In groups discuss some questions you would like to ask Freddy.2. Make a list of them and choose the best questions.3. Share your ideas with another pair; discuss all q

11、uestions and then decide which ones you want to ask Freddy.4. Use each question to start a new paragraph.5. Write your question first; then add extra information to show Freddy why you need help.6. Finish the letter politely and thank Freddy for his help. 2.Reading Freddys replyLets read Freddys rep

12、ly and answer the questions:- How was Freddys band formed?- What advice does Freddy give?3.Writing a note and a paragraph Please turn to page 74. Now in pairs you are going to decide on the best way to tell a foreign friend about one kind of Chinese folk music. What do you think they need to know be

13、fore they can enjoy it? Why do you like it? Who are your favorite singers? Discuss it with your partner and write notes to remind you of your most important ideas. Then write a paragraph telling your foreign friend about the type of Chinese folk music you have chosen. Use a dictionary and other refe

14、rence books to help you.IV. Further applying Finding informationGo to the library to read or get online to search in order to find more information on music and musicians. Take notes of your findings and report them to your group mates next Monday morning. V. Closing down by filling a formMake use of the text and others to fill in the form below. How do people form a bandMembersReasonsPlacesFormsResultsClosing down by describing a bandTo end this period, I am going to have two of you to describe to the class a band whom you appreciates. Whod like to speak first?


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