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1、动词的时态概念导入一、“时态”分为“时(间)”和“(状)态”两部分1、时间 过去、现在、将来、过去将来2、状态 一般、进行、完成、完成进行只需要知道有这个事儿,剩下的漠不关心 一般不仅仅知道有这个事儿,对事情的某个方面还需要关注 进行、完成、完成进行进行:只关注动作本身完成:只关注动作结果及影响 完成进行:既关注动作本身,有关注其结果及影响二、区分下列时态中的“时”和“态”- 1 -一般过去时将来进行时现在完成进行时一般现在时过去完成时过去将来完成时现在完成时(一般)过去将来时将来完成进行时过去进行时现在进行时过去将来进行时三、举例1、一般现在时一般过去时2、一般过去时现在完成时我吃了。我写完

2、作业了。老王在床上躺了八年。一般现在时一、基准概念:常态一般 只需要知道有这个事儿,就行了现在 无论过去、现在还是将来,只要跟现在搭上边,统统都是现在!(一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时)二、长相构成谓语动词 dodoes系动词(be) amisare被动语态 amisare + done三、场景应用1、主语现在所具备的个性、能力或特征This machine . It hasnt worked for years.A. didnt workB. wasnt working C. doesnt workD. isnt working这台机器不工作了。它已经不工作好几年了。2、经常性或习惯性的

3、动作I all the cooking for my family.A. will doB.doC. am doingD. had done我们家所有的烹饪都是我来做。3、普遍真理+客观事实+格言警句Columbus proved that the earth is round.哥伦布证明地球是圆的。4、按规定、时间表或安排要发生的动作Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4026 off at 18:20.A. takesB. tookC. will be takenD. has taken你看看时刻表,抓点紧!4026 航班 18:20 就起飞了。

4、四、拓展进阶1、用于表示“确保”等意义的短语后的宾语从句中make sure(确保),take care(当心、注意),be careful(小心),see (to it)(确保)等短语后 的宾语从句中,也只用一般现在时表示将来意义。Make sure it does not happen again.要确保别再发生这样的事。Be careful that you dont hurt her feelings.当心别伤了她的感情。Please see (to it) that these children dont catch cold.请当心别让孩子感冒。Linda, make sure t

5、he tables before the guests arrive.A. be setB. setC. are setD. are setting2、用于“I hope”、“I bet”等后的宾语从句一般用一般现在时表示将来意义,但有时也可直接用将来时态。I hope that you like (will like) it. 你希望你会喜欢它。I bet it rains (will rain) tomorrow. 我打赌明天会下雨3、tell,say,hear,learn 等在表示不确定的过去时间时,可以 用一般现在时John tells me you will leave tomorr

6、ow.约翰告诉我你明天离开。I hear that he got married again last month.我听说他上个月结婚了。Mary says that you told her to come over here.玛丽说是你让她到这儿来的。4、表示正在发生的动作,常用于解说迅速短暂的动作Here comes the bus. There goes the bell.John passes the ball to Francis. Francis shoots.一般过去时一、基准概念:讲故事一般 只需要知道有这个事儿,就行了过去 动作只能发生或存在于过去,不能跟现在产生任何关系!

7、二、长相构成谓语动词 did 系动词(be) waswere 被动语态 waswere + done三、场景应用动作行为发生在过去,句子也在描述过去George said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he .A. wouldntB. didntC. hasntD. hadnt乔治说他第二天会到学校来看我,但是他没来。四、拓展进阶I didnt know you were here.当说我不知道你在这儿。这句话时,其实已经知道了,因此。不知道是在过去不知道,所以要 用一般过去时。1. Edward, you p

8、lay so well. But I you played the piano.A. didnt knowB. hadnt known C. dont knowD. havent known2. Excuse me, I blocking your way.A. didnt realizeB. dont realizeC. havent realizedD. wasnt realizing现在完成时一、基准概念:用过去,说现在(有时翻译成“已经”)完成 只关注动作的结果及影响现在 动作虽然发生在过去,但所有的关注重心都在现在二、长相构成谓语动词 have donehas done 系动词(be

9、) have beenhas been 被动语态 havehas + been done三、场景应用1、过去的动作对现在造成的影响或结果Look! Somebody the sofa.Well, it wasnt me. I didnt do it.A. is cleaningB. was cleaningC. has cleanedD. had cleaned看!有人把沙发清洗了。呃,不是我弄的。我没做这事。2、过去的动作或状态,持续到现在I remember you were a talented pianist at college. Can you play the piano for

10、 me?Sorry, I the piano for years.A. dont playB. wasnt playing C. havent playedD. hadnt played我记得你上大学的时候特别有钢琴天赋,你能为我演奏钢琴吗?抱歉,我已经很多年都没有弹过钢琴了。四、标志词 1、自从(过去)到现在,迄今为止 sinceso farup to nowby now1. Im glad to see that he great progress since I him last.A. will make; have metB. has made; have metC. had made

11、; metD. has made; met自从上次跟你见面以来,很高兴看到你已经取得了这么大的进步。2. Up to now, the program thousands of children who would otherwise have died.A. would saveB. savesC. had savedD. has saved迄今为止,该项目已经拯救了成千上万名儿童,否则这些孩子就会失去生命。2、近几年/几个月/一段时间over the past few yearsin the last weeksIn the last few years, China great achi

12、evements in environmental protection. A. has madeB. had madeC. was makingD. is making近几年,中国在环境保护方面已经取得了巨大的成就。五、拓展进阶完成时中要注意动词的延续和非延续延续性动词如:work, stand, know, walk, keep, have, wait, read, sleep, live, stay 等。延续性动词可以与表示时间段的状语连用。表示时间段的短语:for + 时间,for 2 years;since 从句,since he came here例如:I have lived h

13、ere for ten years.我在这里生活 10 年了。She slept eight hours yesterday.她昨天睡了 8 个小时。非延续性动词表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。如:open, die, close, begin, finish, borrow, lend, buy 等。非延续性动词在肯定句中与表示时间 点的状语连用,如:two years ago; at 5 oclock;但不能和表示时间段的时间状语连用。例:He died ten years ago.不能说:He died for ten years.否定的终止性动词可以与表示时间段的时间状语连

14、用。例:I havent left here for 3 years. I haven t heard from him for 3 weeks.转换- 27 -leave be awayborrow keep buy havebeginstart be on, finish be overget up be upcome back be backget toarrivereach be (in)get to know knowcatch a cold have a cold, die be deadfall ill be ill, become befall asleep be asleepleave be away fromput on wear;get married be marriedjoin be in+机构be a member of例: The old man died 4 years ago. The old man has been dead for 4 years.I bought the book 5 days ago. I have had the book for 5



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