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1、译林牛津版2020届九年级下学期英语第一次模拟考试试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Two months ago, China tested its _ aircraft carrier (航空母舰) built completely on its own. A . oneB . firstC . the oneD . the first2. (2分)Bob knows how to cut the cost of the project. Im sure he can do the work with _ money and _people

2、.A . less, lessB . fewer, moreC . more, fewerD . less, fewer3. (2分)I like my school. Our teachers are all to us.A . kindB . kindsC . friendD . glad4. (2分)- Would you like to have _ coffee?- No, thanks. I dont want _ drinks now.A . any, anyB . any, someC . some, someD . some, any5. (2分) How soon will

3、 Sam get his money back? _. Better late than never!A . Till next weekB . Until the next weekC . Not until next weekD . Not till the next week6. (2分)How do you usually get to school?I usually a busA . drawB . washC . takeD . buy7. (2分)Its a big man_ a big nose.A . haveB . withC . in8. (2分)Ms Wang the

4、 book for five days.A . have hadB . has hadC . have boughtD . has bought9. (2分) Weve ordered too much food. I eat any more.Never mind. Let take it home.A . cantB . mustntC . needntD . shouldnt10. (2分)The whale is the largest animal living on Earth.Yes. They are very_.A . popularB . safeC . huge11. (

5、2分) big success the fashion show was! A . WhatB . HowC . What aD . How a12. (2分)You were out when I dropped by your house. Oh, I_ in Zhongbai Supermarket with my parents.A . was shoppingB . had shoppedC . am shoppingD . have shopped13. (2分)How much will you be paid? Judy, I dont do it for money, but

6、 for experience. _, its a kind of volunteer activity. A . HoweverB . FinallyC . BesidesD . Actually14. (2分)How do you usually_school?I usually go to school_the school bus.A . get to; takeB . get: byC . get to; onD . get to; by15. (2分) Could you tell me _ tomorrow afternoon?A . when the movie will st

7、artB . where will the movie startC . when will the movie startD . where the movie will start二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Sara lived in a village with her mother. When Sara grew up, she was tired of boring 1life. She wanted to go out. One morning, she secretly l

8、eft while her mother was still 2.Unluckily, the world outside was not as 3as she had expected. Ten years later, Sara 4home. It was midnight when she came back home. She saw weak light 5the window. She knocked at the door softly but no one 6. Then she tried opening the door and the door was easily op

9、ened. She Was 7How strange it is! Mum never8to lock the door in the past. At this time, Sara saw her mother sleeping 9the cold floor. Sara couldnt help crying Mum!. Hearing the sound, her mother opened eyes and saw her daughter.Sara complained, Mum, 10didnt you lock the door tonight? The mother answ

10、ered, I am afraid you cant open the door if you return at night. I have not locked the door for ten years. From that day on, her mother began to lock the door again and slept with a smile.(1)A . city B . village C . town (2)A . sleeping B . walking C . sitting (3)A . boring B . interesting C . helpf

11、ul (4)A . returned B . left C . returned to (5)A . across B . in C . through (6)A . answered B . closed C . said (7)A . happy B . excited C . surprised (8)A . spoke B . told C . forgot (9)A . in B . on C . with (10)A . why B . what C . how 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共22分)17. (6分)阅读理解Wildwood School Library Guide

12、This will give you some information about our school library. You can use this guide to help your kids use our library.Opening hours: 3:00 p.m.5:30 p.m. on school days; 8:30 a.m.11:00 a.m. on weekendsOn school days, your kids may borrow or return books during opening hours only when his classroom te

13、acher allows him to. At the weekend, ou r library is open to both you and your kids.Borrowing Each student can borrow one or two books at a time. More books can be borrowed only for class reading activities and school research.Returning: Books borrowed from the library can be kept for 15 school days

14、. The books must be returned before the due (到期的)date or the kid can not borrow other books.Damaged(受损的)or Lost Books When a book is returned in a damaged condition, the kid will have to pay three dollars for the damage. Full price must be paid if a book is lost. We encourage students to carry their library books in plastic bags to pr



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