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1、 九年级英语上册 unit3 学案 1九年级英语 Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restroom are?导学案(第一课时 SectionA 1a-2c)学习目标 学习并掌握词汇:restroom, stamp, bookstore, beside, postcard学习目标语言:-Excuse me, could you tell me where I can get some stamps?-Yes. There is a post office on Center Street.情感态度目标:学会礼貌的询问信息和应答学习重点 学习宾语从

2、句学习难点 正确地使用宾语从句学 习 过 程一独立自主学习A、预习 1a-2c ,朗读理解记忆词汇:B、翻译下列短语1. 买双鞋_ 2. 买一些邮票_3. 在的左边_ 4. 获取一些有关的信息_5. 上二楼_ 6. 向右转_7. 经过书店 _ 8. 在和之间_9. 我不知道去哪买些杂志。_10. 你能告诉我超市什么时候关门吗?_二合作互助学习任务一: 小组讨论交流自主学习内容,小老师讲解疑难,然后相互检查对这些短语的理解情况。任务二:观察图片,并和 1a 中的短语匹配。任务三:听录音完成 1b, 然后模仿 1c 用 1a 的信息编对话。任务四:听录音完成 2a,2b. 任务五:模仿 2c 用

3、2a 途中的信息编对话三:展示引导学习一)机会就掌握在你手中,快将改编的对话在全班面前展示吧。二)教师导学1. 特殊疑问句的宾语从句。特殊疑问词 who, where, what, how 等就是宾语从句的引导词,从句部分要用陈述语序,如:(英汉互译下列句子)I dont know what she is.Could you tell me where he lives?He wants to know which sweater is the most beautiful.请告诉我你什么时候起床。他想知道谁给他买的这本书。2. 宾语从句与简单句的互换I wonder when we will

4、 arrive in Shanghai= I wonder when to arrive in Shanghai.Can you tell us what we should do next?= Can you tell us what to do next?四:评价提升学习单项选择( )1. I wonder _there is a bank _the store.A. if; cross B. if; between C. whether; beside D. how; near( )2. Go _the museum, and _the second turning on the rig

5、ht. Youll find the post office.A. pass, take B. past; take C. pass; get D. past; get( )3. -Excuse me, could you tell me where the bookstore is?-_? I didnt hear clearly.A. Pardon B. How are you C. How do you do D. Yes, please( )4. -Excuse me, could you tell me_?A. wheres the teachers office B. wheres

6、 the bus stopC. whats she doing D. where the post office is( )5. -Will Liu Ying come to school today?-I dont know. But I also want to know_.A. that she will come to school today B. whether will she come to school todayC. how will she come to school todayD. if she will come to school today翻译下列句子1. 我不

7、知道他什么时候回来I dont know _.2. 我们想知道你为什么不坚持游泳We want to know _ 九年级英语上册 unit3 学案 23. 我妹妹说她对弹钢琴感兴趣My sister said _.4. 你能告诉我这离博物馆有多远吗?Could you tell me_5. 老师问我是否在写作业。The teacher asked me _.课堂小结1、我的收获:2、我的困惑九上 Unit3(第二课时 2d,grammar focus 4a-4c)学习目标 学习并掌握词汇:parden, washroom, bathroom, normally, rush, grape, c

8、entral, Nearby, parden me, mail, east学习目标语言:-Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine?-Sure. There is a supermarket down the street.Could you please tell me how to get to the post office?Sorry, Im not sure how to get there.情感态度目标:学会礼貌的询问信息和应答学习重点 灵活的 运用宾语从句获取信息学习难点 灵活的 运用宾语从句获取信息学 习 过 程独

9、立自主学习A、预习本节内容,朗读理解记忆词汇B、翻译下列短语和句子1.做很兴奋_ 2.需要做_3.以开始_ 4.下一步做什么_5. 去哪买葡萄_ 6. 怎样去购物中心_7. 打扰了, 你能告诉我在哪才能买到吃的东西呢?Excuse me, could you tell me _?/_?8. 对不起,你知道这附近是否有一家餐馆吗?有, 沿着这条街往东走Pardon me, do you know _?Yes. _.9汤姆想知道乐队什么时候开始演奏_.合作互助学习任务一:小组交流自主学习成果,小老师解决学习中疑难任务二:读” Grammar Foucs” 仔细体会其中不同的表达法任务三:完成 4a

10、4cde 任务。然后小组交流任务四:读 2d 对话,回答问题,然后分角色对话1. How does Alice feel when she is in the Fun Times Park?2. What does Alice want to do?展示引导学习1.小组内讨论交流 4A-4C 答案,然后全班展示,注意不同的表达方法。学会倾听别人的亮点,发现问题。2.教师导学宾语从句小结:a. 宾语从句小结:a. 连接词(that, if/whether, what/who/when/where/how)b. 语序:宾语从句的语序用陈述语序c. 时态:如果主句是一般现在时,则从句根据需要选用时态

11、;如果主句是过去式,则从句用相应的过去时态。如He says that he is doing his homework.He said that he was doing his homework.I want to know if it will rain tomorrow.I wanted to know if it would rain tomorrow.Could you tell me where Tom lives?My mother asked me what I wanted to eat for dinner.评价提升学习将下列句子合并为宾语从句1. Where did B

12、ob go yesterday? Jack wanted to know_2. How does he get on with his classmates? Could you tell me?_. 九年级英语上册 unit3 学案 33. “Are you feeling better?” The doctor asked her, _4. “Ill go to Sanya for vacation” Ann tells me_5. Which movie is the most interesting? Please tell me_6. “ Have you ever been to Dalian” Mr. Wang asks Tom_7. “ I learn English by working with a group. ” My sister says_



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