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1、2010学年第一学期四年级期中质量监控Class Name No. Score Part I Listening (听力部分) 40%I. Listen and choose. (听录音,选出你听到的单词。) 10%( )1. Acook Bcake CCoke ( )2. Adear Bhear Cbear( )3. Asing Bswim Cswing( )4. Ahis hat Bher cat Cour kite( )5. Adriver Bdive Cdrive( )6. Ahead Band Chand ( )7. Ared Bride Cread ( )8. Apoliceman

2、 Bpolicewoman Cpostman( )9. Apaint Bplay Cpaper( )10. Ashorts Bshort CshirtII. Listen and judge. (听录音作判断,用 “”或 “X”表示。)8%( )1. Kittys uncle is a driver. ( )2. Sam has a blue ball.( )3. There are three apples in the box.( )4. These toy dogs are soft.( )5. The children are happy.( )6. Jim is seventeen

3、years old.( )7. Dannys mother can sing well.( )8. Toms bag is new. III. Listen and choose. (听录音,选择正确的应答句。)8%( )1. A. Hes my uncle. B. Hes a teacher. C. Hes fine.( )2. A. Yes, it is. B. No, its my book. C. Yes, its my book.( )3. A. Hes a student. B. He can read and write. C. He likes to read and writ

4、e.( )4. A. Heres biscuits. B. Thank you very much. C. Thats all right.( )5. A. Youre a nurse. B. Hes a police officer. C. Shes a doctor.( )6.A. Can you swim? B. Do you like swimming? C. Does he like swimming?( )7.A. How much are the bears? B. How many bears are there? C. Where are the bears?( )8.A.

5、Yes, I can. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I have.IV. Listen and judge. (听对话,用“T”或“F”判断下列句子的正误) 5%( ) 1. Kitty likes butter.( ) 2. Ben is hungry.( ) 3. Kitty has got some butter.( ) 4. Ben likes jam.( ) 5. Kitty eats some biscuits.V. Listen and fill in the blanks. (听录音,选择恰当的答案) 5%( ) 1. Helen lives in . A. N

6、ew York City B. Shanghai C. Tokyo( ) 2. The weather in New York is . A. nice B. bad C. not nice.( ) 3. Helen doesnt like . A. winter and autumn B. summer and autumn C. spring and autumn( ) 4. Helen can . A. sing B. swim C. dance( ) 5. Helen can see in spring. A. a flower B. many flowers C. some flow

7、ersVI. Listen and complete. (听录音,完成下列句子。) 4%1. My uncle is a . He is brave.2. There are girls in our class.3. I am . I cant go out.4. This is a nice . We all like it.Part II Reading and Writing (读写部分) 60%I. Look and copy. (正确抄写下列句子。) 5%its an o today its the moonwhos she shes my aunt shes my mothers

8、 sisterII. Read and judge. (判断发音,相同的打“”不同的打“X”。) 3%1. ( ) happy try 2. ( ) jump hungry3. ( ) police doctor 4. ( ) twelve well5. ( ) spring wasp 6. ( ) write bigIII. Read and choose. (读一读,选择合适的单词填空,每词限用一次。)8%write cook sweet sing thirsty play thin run1.The rabbits can fast .2. The chocolate is . We a

9、ll like it.3. The boy is fat, but her sister is .4. Ben likes to English songs .5. Danny is . Please give him some water . 6. Dont basketball in the library.7. I cant dinner, but my mother can.8. The students on the wall .IV. Fill in the blanks. (根据所给单词的适当形式填空) 8%1. Their teacher (have) a black bicy

10、cle.2. Dont (sit) on the desk.3. Jill likes (read) books under the tree.4. That is (we) English teacher.5. You can call (I) Kally.6. What (do) your father (do)? He (be) a doctor.7. I can (swim), but I (can) dive.8. Peters brother is a (teach) .9. (Tom) dog is small and lovely.10. These (child) have

11、pets. They like them very much.11. How many (leaf) are there in the box?12. My friend (want) two (box) of biscuits.V. Choose the best answer. (选出最恰当的答案。)15%( )1. Where your brother? A. can B. is C. does( )2. Its too noisy(吵闹的). I hear you. A. / B. can C. cant( )3. I a pencil on the desk. A. watch B. see C. look( )4. This is my cat. ears are small. A. Its B. Its C. It( )5. What do you do? I am . A. a doctor B. tall C. fine( )6. I am very . My mother gives me a new pen. A. sad B. sorry C. happy ( )7. A fish cant fly walk. A. and B. but C


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