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1、2019-2020年高中英语Unit5Canada-“TheTrueNorth”教案2新课标人教版必修3 单元教学目标技能目标Skill GoalsTalk about the basic information about Canada location, main cities, customs and cultural diversity.Learn how to read a traveling report and use maps.Learn to express directions and positions.Master the Noun Clause- Appositive

2、 clause.Learn to write a report to express what you hear and see in a place.II 目标语言功能句式表示方向的句式Where is.?How does one go to.?In what direction is.?Is. close to/far from.?How far is.?表示位置的句式It is/lies in the north/south of.It is/lies to the south/east/northwest of.It is within.Kilometers of.It is/lies

3、 on the west/east.The place is on the border.You go along the coast.It is east /west of.It is far away from.One goes northward.词汇1. 四会词汇minister, queen, Atlantic, continent, eastward, surround, harbour, extremely, settle, goat, cowboy, within, border, slightly, port, figure, terrify, official, maple

4、, frost, wealthy, tour, distance, flow, booth, downtown, dawn, broad2. 认读词汇multicultural, Vancouver, Calgary, Beaver, grizzly, polar, Prime minister, Danny, the Rocky Mountains, stampede, Lake Superior, Montreal, Niagara, pearl, Cantonese, St. Lawrence River, gulf3. 词组settle down, have a gift for, f

5、igure out, as far as语法Noun clause as the appositive重点句子Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly from China to Vancouver.It is the second biggest country in the world.It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall.Many of them have a gift for working with animals and can

6、win thousands of dollars in prizes.There is more fresh water in Canada than in any other country in the world.We dont leave until this evening.They were not leaving for Montreal until later.III 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本单元通过两位女孩李黛玉与刘茜的加拿大之旅,向我们展示了加拿大的一些基本概况,包括它的地理位置、主要城市、风土人情以及它的多元文化。通过学习本单元,让学生对加拿大有了更多的了解,使

7、学生能够用所学的词汇与句式表达方向与位置,并学会条理地写出旅游过程中的所见所闻。1.1 Warming Up部分通过四组问题激活学生有关旅行和加拿大的知识和经历。本单元阅读是“在旅途中看加拿大”,因此,Warming Up通过五个关于加拿大的问题的测试,目的是激活学生已有的知识,为介绍加拿大做好准备。1.2 Pre-reading部分通过四个问题激活学生有关旅行的经历和有关加拿大的知识,使学生产生了解加拿大的兴趣,为阅读做好准备。1.3 Reading 部分是“在旅途中看加拿大”,沿着从西向东的旅游路线向我们介绍了加拿大的面积、地貌、主要城市、人口、生态环境等。两位女孩在旅途中看到了自然美景及

8、野生动物,文章还介绍了加拿大的自然资源,让学生对加拿大的美丽、富饶、幅员辽阔、地广人稀有了更深的了解。学生可以通过学习课文掌握新的词汇、句型和游记的写法,提高学生的阅读能力。1.4 prehending部分设计了三种题型,前两个题是对Reading部分细节内容的理解,一个是问答题,一个是改错题。最后是在地图上标出两位女孩的旅游路线,相对简单一些。此部分不仅检测学生对细节的把握,还要求学生列举加拿大蕴藏的两种自然资源,而且检测学生根据课文内容进行推理和判断的能力以及读图能力。抓住文中人物的行踪,就能够很好地把握文中的信息。1.5 Learning about Language部分首先是构词法,培

9、养学生词汇生成能力,旨在通过加上前缀或后缀的方法扩大学生的词汇量。第二部分使用课文中的词汇和信息进行填空和编对话,旨在提高学生活用词汇的能力。语法部分是有关同位语从句的练习。1.6 Using Language部分综合训练听说读写的能力。通过听力填空及讨论的形式进一步了解有关加拿大的知识居民和语言。阅读部分继续加拿大之旅,从多伦多到蒙特利尔,介绍了加拿大的旅游景点及风土人情。写作部分要求以报告的形式写旅游见闻,要求学生掌握旅游报告的写作方法。1.7 Summing Up部分要求学生就内容、词汇和结构三个方面进行归纳,对本单元所学知识进行概括总结。2. 教材重组2.1 Reading(I): 从

10、话题内容和功能上分析Warming Up, Pre-reading Reading与Post-reading话题相同,可以整合成一节阅读课。2.2 Reading(II):可将Using language中的Reading与Workbook中Reading Task放在同一节课中处理,再上一节阅读课。因为话题都是关于加拿大的城市与风土人情的。2.3 Listening:可将Using Language中的Listening and Writing, Speaking, Workbook中的Listening(P69) 与Workbook中的Listening Task三个活动整合成一节“听力课

11、”。2.4 Speaking:把Learning about Language中的Exercise 4 Making up a dialogue(P36)与 Workbook中的Talking (P69) 和 Speaking Task (P74) 整合一节“口语课”。2.5 Learning about language:将Learning about language( P36 Exercise 4除外) 与Workbook中的Using words & expressions (P70) 和 Using structures (P71) 结合在一起,上一节“语言学习课”。2.6 Writ

12、ing 可将Using Language中的Writing(P39) 与Workbook中的Writing Task (P74)整合成一节写作课。3. 课型设计与课时分配 (经分析教材, 本单元可以用六课时教完)1st period:Reading (I)2nd period: Reading (II)3rd period: Listening4th period:Speaking5th period:Learning about Language6th period:Writing. 分课时教案The First Period Reading (I)Teaching goals 教学目标1.

13、 Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语minister, queen, Atlantic, continent, eastward, surround, harbour, extremely, settle, goat, cowboy, within, border, slightly, port, figure, terrify, official, maple, have a gift forb. 重点句子Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly from China to Vanc

14、ouver. It is the second biggest country in the world. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall. Many of them have a gift for working with animals and can win thousands of dollars in prizes. There is more fresh water in Canada than in any other country in the world. We dont leave until th

15、is evening. They were not leaving for Montreal until later.The idea that they would cross the whole continent was exciting.The fact that ocean ships can go there surprises many people. The idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days is just wrong.2. Ability goal 能力目标Learn how to describe the places that Li Daiyu and Liu Qian visit in Canada. Understand the noun clause used as appositive. Enable the students to understand the details of the passage about Canada and find the correct answers to th


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