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1、.機密等級:機密USI Controlled DocumentConfidential Level: ConfidentialDocument Title(文件名稱) :X-Ray fluorescence test specification(X射線螢光光譜儀(XRF)檢驗規範)Document Number(文件編號):AT-0801-M427Revision(文件版本):A6Revise Date:6/26/2009Prepared by(撰寫者):Edwin Huang 黃基泉Create by which Unit(制定單位) :CQM/GRM/GDAG-0801-M006-F2 R

2、ev.:A1Amendment RecordsItem:Date:Revision:Page:Change Description:Changed by:103/31/2005A26,71.Delete the Cr from the item of XRF test.2.Add remark.Eric Chang204/10/2006A371.Add remark 3Eric Chang304/10/2006A36包裝材料的測試值修改為: 鉛+汞+鎘+铬需小於100ppm,其中需鎘小於5ppmEric Chang405/05/2006A1AllCoding change from TT-08

3、01-Q095 to TT-0801-M401Eric Chang505/05/2006A16,71. 修改附件一XRF測試零件及產品類別之有害物質限值表規格之 Pb, Cr, Hg: 700ppm,增加Cd:60ppm之管制2. 刪除Remark對Cr暫不設定管制上限之規定Eric Chang607/05/2006A1All1. Document coding change from TT-0801-M401-A1 to AT-0801-M427-A1.2. Add the purpose and scope.Ken Ke柯炤榕711/30/2006A22,4,111. Omit that

4、this program is practicable in Taiwan and China sites.2. Modify Method 3: test point of PCB.3. Remove Package item on attachment 1: the Cd must under 5 ppm.Edwin Huang804/29/2008A310,121. Add halogen free and Spot test items.2. Delete Br controlling item.Edwin Huang908/20/2008A41,10,12141. Add atten

5、tion items for the tool management process of mechanical preparation.2. Add the flow chart and form for the management process to attachment.Edwin Huang1009/04/2008A51012Updated Attachment 1: EHS threshold value of component type for XRF testEdwin Huang1106/26/2009A6101112141. Add test method if cus

6、tomer request2. Delete” IQC wont control the threshold value of Cl.3. Add “If the material composed of metal, glass and ceramic. The component wont be carried out halogen free.4. Updated AT-0801-M427-F1 to A2 version.Edwin HuangAG-0801-M006-F3 Rev.:A1.目 錄Content一、 目的Purpose二、 適用範圍Scope三、 樣品檢測條件及方法Te

7、st condition & method for sample四、 零件及產品測試原則Testing Rule五、 測試方法Test Method六、 注意事項Attention item七、 附件Attachment1.XRF測試零件及產品類別之有害物質限值表限值表EHS threshold value of component type for XRF test2.拆解治工具管理流程 The management process for disassembly tools of the component.3. XRF治工具季驗證紀錄表 (AT-0801-M427-F1) The rec

8、ord of disassembly tools in quarter inspection by XRF (AT-0801-M427-F1).目的:Purpose本規範在建立進料之XRF檢驗標準,以確保品質合乎既定之標準。The purpose of this program is to establish the specification of the XRF inspection for incoming materials to assure the quality of materials and comply with specified criteria.一、 適用範圍:Sco

9、pe適用於各大類零件之檢驗。Apply to all types of materials.二、 樣品檢測條件及方法:Test condition & method1.分析方法分為檢量線法及FP法,說明如下:Test methods can be separated to the method of calibration curve and FP method.1.1. 檢量線法:對應於XRF之分析條件為 ”Cd, Pb, Hg, Br, Cr.bcc”,適用之材質為塑料、紙張、木材及Mg, Al, Si 較輕元素)為主材質之樣品。Method of calibration curve: T

10、he method is used for plastic, paper, wood and some materials mainly composing of Mg, Al, and Si. The analysis condition is ”Cd, Pb, Hg, Br, Cr.bcc”.1.2. FP法:對應於XRF之分析條件為”metal 2.bfb”,適用之材質為金屬(較重元素)為主材質之樣品。FP method: The method is used for some materials mainly composing of heavy metal. The analysis

11、 condition is ”metal 2.bfb” .四、零件及產品測試原則:Testing Rule1.金屬及塑料共存者: 平鋪於測試台並裁切至適當尺寸測試之。The sample composed of metallic and plastic materials: Cut the sample to be suitable size in the test platform.2.形狀凹凸不平者:測試點過高(超過0.5cm)時須拆解樣品,再取平整面測試(約1cm1cm)。The surface not bumpy: Separate the sample while the test

12、point is higher than test platform (0.5 cm).3.條狀金屬線者: 依其縱方向排列於測試台測試之。The metallic sample shaped into bar type : Arrange it vertically in test platform.4.鮮豔紅、黃、橙色者: 應優先量測(如油墨、塑膠類、PVC等)。The sample painted by brightly red, yellow and orange color: Measure the point first (such as ink, plastic and PVC).

13、五、測試方法:Test Method:Method 1:1.DIP類測試方法:以檢量線法測試。DIP: test by the method of calibration curve.1.1.本體大於1cm時:以本體為主並包括部分接腳進行測試(請參閱圖1) 。Sample size 1 cm: Focus on body and includes partial terminal (Refer to figure 1).1.2.本體小於1cm時:包含本體及接腳測試(請參閱圖2)。Sample size 1cm)量測流程Figure 1 The test procedure for DIP ty

14、pe(sample size 1 cm)本體含接腳之影像視窗圖The test image including body and partial terminal.縱方向平鋪於測試台Put the sample in test platform verticallyDIP類DIP type縱方向平鋪於測試台Put the sample in test platform vertically本體包含接腳之影像視窗圖The test image including body and partial terminal.DIP類DIP type圖2 DIP類(本體 1 cm)Method 2:以檢量線法測試。Test by the method of



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