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1、2019-2020年高中英语必修10Module3SlaveryandtheAmericanCivilWar-IntroductionandReadingGoalsTo enable the students to give opinions orally on slavery and the American Civil War, encouraging them to try the vocabulary and the patterns learned in this unitTo develop the students reading abilityTo help the stude

2、nts learn and use “at; all; too” and “put; used; being”To help the students write a discursive positionTo help the students plan a TV program about a period of Chinese history ProceduresStep 1: Warming up1. Warming up by telling some focuses about the Civil War and discussing with the studentsWe all

3、 know about the history of the War of Independence in America. Yes, American独立战争. But which regime do you know it established after the War of Independence?Federal regime(联邦政权). In fact it was the bined regime between the north capitalist classes(北方资产阶级)and the south slavery plantation owners (南方奴隶制

4、种植园主). In the War of Independence,the north capitalist classes and the south slavery plantation owners bined in order to defeat Britain. But after independence, the federal regime was owned by south plantation owners for a long time. These plantation owners used national power to carry out slavery s

5、tubbornly. So the people and north capitalist classes opposed them. In the first half of 19th century, the contradictions between north and south were more and more intense following the territorial expansion(领土扩张) and the economic development(经济发展). In the middle 19th century, all the contradiction

6、s focused on one of them. What was it? It was the existence and overthrow of the slavery. (奴隶制存废问题). Why was it the focus of the contradiction? Discuss about it in pairs. Maybe you need these words when you talk about this topic.Raw material原料 Transport to Britain运往英国 Need south raw material需要南方原材料M

7、arket市场 Britain industrial products in majority英国工业品居多 Labor劳动力 Lose the south market失去南方市场Slave奴隶 Free labor自由劳动力 West territory西部领土 Tariff关税 Slavery State蓄奴州 Freedom State自由州(One possible statement: Because it had a bearing on who could control the national regime (north or south) on the west terr

8、itory directly, this meant Freedom State or Slavery State. So we say that the contradiction was the basic reason of the civil war. The existence of slavery led to strong opposition of slaves. Many white men and industrial capitalist class opposed strongly. So a great movement began. It was called An

9、tislavery Movement(废奴运动).In this movement, there were many black slaves heroes appeared. For example: Tubman. She slipped into South for 19 times, and saved 300 slaves.)There are many things to talk about slavery and the American Civil War, and our text will tell you more. Please open your books, tu

10、rn to page 32, lets learn some new words first and then read the passage.2. Warming up by reciting a famous speech and discussing the problems about slavery with the studentsHello! Boys and girls, please listen:Ihaveadreamthatonedaythisnationwillriseup,liveuptothetruemeaningofitscreed: “Weholdtheset

11、ruthstobeself-evident;thatallmenarecreatedequal.” IhaveadreamthatonedayontheredhillsofGeorgiathesonsofformerslavesandthesonsofformerslave-ownerswillbeabletositdowntogetheratthetableofbrotherhood. IhaveadreamthatonedayeventhestateofMississippi,astateswelteringwiththeheatof injustice,swelteringwiththe

12、heatofoppression,willbetransformedintoanoasisoffreedomandjustice. Ihaveadreamthatmyfourchildrenwillonedayliveinanationwheretheywillnotbejudgedbythecoloriftheirskinbutbythecontentoftheircharacter. Ihaveadreamtoday. (just imitate Luther Kings accent to show the passion, or get the students to listen t

13、o the record) Yes, everyone knows this famous speech which was made by Mating Luther King and you also know it was made for the freedom of black people. For the freedom of black people, speech is absolutely not enough. They have a war, which is called the American Civil War. And this is what we will

14、 learn today. But before we learn the text, think about these questions:1. In what century and what country do you think slavery might have been existent? 2. What do you think of the slavery?3. The slave owner is always threatening the slaves. What do you think of the slave owner might be thinking?4

15、. How do you think of the slaves feel? Can you make a description?5. Why cant the slaves just walk away?Please discuss these questions with your partner. Then we will learn the text.3. Warming up by listening to the record of Uncle Toms CabinGood morning, class. Today we are going to learn slavery and the American Civil War. Since there was no such kind of problems in our country, maybe you have no ideas about it. Now, lets listen to a story first. (Listen to the recording of Uncle To


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