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1、七上Starter Unit1Unit3单元检测题I.写出五个元音字母的大小写。(10分)II.将下列对应的大小写字母连线。(10分)GACHFBDEJKhcagbedkjIII.将下列字母和单词按发音特点归类。(20分)Jj, Bb, Cc, Dd, Gg, Kk, Hh, white, Dale, OK, Grace, Qq, Nn, Ll, Mm, Ss, Xx, Yy, Ww, Pp Tt Vv Zz are you 请按下列字母中含有的元音发音顺序归类:Aa Ee Ii Ff Oo Uu Rr IV.按要求做题 A.写出下列词的缩略词。(5分)1.It is 2. I am 3. W

2、hat is 4.That is _ 5. You are _B.将下列方框中的缩略词添在与其对应的中文后面的横线上。(10分)HB CCTV CD DIY UFO P UN NBA kg BBC 1.联合国_ 2. (美国)全国篮球协会_3. 激光唱片_ 4.硬黑_5. 不明飞行物_ 6. 千克_ 7. 中国中央电视台_ 8. 英国广播公司_9. 停车_ 10.自己做_C.从括号中选出一个填空。(6分)1How _ you? (am, is ,are)2What _ this in English? (am, is ,are)3What color is the pen? It _ red.

3、 (am, is ,are)4Whats this? Its _ orange. (a, an )5. Whats this? Its _jacket. (a, an )6. Its _ apple. (a, an )V.单项选择。(20分)( ) 1.早晨, 熟人见面可以说 .A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! C. Good evening! D. Good night.( ) 2.当你向别人认错时, 你应该说:_. A. Excuse me B. Im sorry C. Im OK D. Im wrong.( ) 3.对方给你帮完忙后, 你应该说:_.

4、 A. OK B. Thank you C. Hello D. Bye-bye.( ) 4.初次认识某人, 你对他说的问候语应该是:_? A. How are you B. Whats your name C. How do you do D.Hello( ) 5.书写时占三格的字母是 . A. f B. i C. g D. b( ) 6.书写时占下两格的字母是 . A. i B. g C. f D. b( ) 7.下列字母的小写形式书写时占上两格的是 . A. C B. O C. A D. B( ) 8.其他人问你How are you? 你应回答 . A. How are you? B.

5、And you? C. Fine, thank you. And you? D. Thank you very much,.( ) 9.一Sit down,P1ease 一_. AIm fine BOK CThank you( ) 10. Hello, Dale! , Eric! A. Hi B. Hello C. Good morning D. OK( ) 11. Its _ blackIts _ black rulerA. Aa; B;a Ca;a D. /; /( ) 12. What is it ? black and yellow.A. color; They are B. colo

6、rs; Its C. color; Its D. colors; They are( ) 13. -Colin,whats this in English? -_. AThis is a pen BIts a pen CIts pen D. That is a pen.( ) 14. Is this an ? Yes, it is. A. bag B. map C. egg D. pen( ) 15. Spell it, please. . A. bike B. b-i-k-e C. B-I-K-E D. BIKE( ) 16. are you? Fine, thanks. A. How B.

7、 What C. Who D. Where( ) 17.下列每组字母中不含元音字母的是组。A. mnbp B. hijp C. adgk D. ehop( ) 18.下列字母中含有相同音素的是。A. DCL B. GFE C. HCN D. JAK( ) 19.下列小写字母占格相同的是。A. omn B. hoa C. flk D. ikn( ) 20.下列单词中哪个不含有字母Ii的发音?A. white B. hi C. this D. I. 从(A)栏中找出与(B)栏相应的答语。(5分)(A) (B)( ) 1. Good morning! A. Its “C”.( ) 2. Whats

8、this? B. Good morning!( ) 3. Whats this in English? C. Its black.( ) 4. Spell it, please? D. Its an orange.( ) 5. What color is it? E. J-A-C-K-E-T.VII.将下面几个句子组成一段对话,并将序号填入右边的表格内。(7分)A:2B:A:B:A:B:A:1. Whats this in English? 2. Good afternoon, Dale.3. Thanks. 4.Good afternoon, Frank5. M-a-p. 6. Spell

9、it, please!7. Its a map.VIII.选择正确的选项,补全对话。(5分)A: Are you Lucy? B: 1 .Im Lily.A: 2 . B: Thats all right. Are you Mr. Wu?A: 3 . B: Lucy, this is Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu ,this is Lucy.A: How do you do? B: 4 .A: Welcome to our class! B: 5 .( ) 1.A.Yes,I am B. No, Im not.C. Sorry, Im not D. It isnt my name( ) 2.A

10、.Sorry B. Thank you C. Nice to see you D. Sit down, please( ) 3.A.No,Im not B. My name is Wu Dong C. Yes, I am D. Its my name( ) 4.A.How are you? B. Five, thank you C. Nice to meet you. D. How do you do?() 5.A.Thank you B. Thats all right C. Excuse me D. Fine. .改写句子。(5分)1This is a map.(对划线部分提问) _ _?2Is that your backpack?(作否定回答) No, _ _.3I am 12 years old.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ you?4This is an English book.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ an English book?5My ruler is blue.(对划线部分提问)_ _ is _ ruler?.完成句子。(10分)1 晚上好,鲍勃! _ , Bob.2这个用英语怎么说? thi


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