2019年五年级英语上册 Unit 5 What do they do ?同步练习3 牛津译林版.doc

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1、2019年五年级英语上册 Unit 5 What do they do ?同步练习3 牛津译林版一、汉译英。1.教英语_ 2.许多学生_3.怎么样_ 4.一位英语教师_5.写故事_ 6.在家工作_7.帮助生病的人_ 8.一个工厂工人_9.做糖果_ 10.许多糖果_11.一辆漂亮的小汽车_ 12.制造汽车_二、单项选择。( )1.I_toschoolfromMondaytoFriday.A.go B.goes C.going( )2._likesswimminginsummer.A.I B.They C.Mymother( )3.Mr.Wangisa_.Heloveshisstudents.A.

2、worker B.teacher C.driver( )4.MissZhangisa_.Shehelpssickpeopleeveryday.A.nurse B.driver C.teacher( )5._dotheydoathome?A.What B.Where C.How( )6.What_yourfatherandmotherdo?A.does B.do C.doing( )7.-Whats_job?-Heisacook.A.your B.his( )8. Ican_anicecakenow.A.makes B.making C.make( )9.Tomsuncle_anewhouse.

3、A.have B.has C.thereis( )10.-_ arethesetoys? -Fiftyyuan,please.A.Howmany B.Howold C.Howmuch三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.He_ (like)_ (swim).2.Bobby_ (have)astorybook.3.-What_ (do)theydo?-Theyareteachers.4.-What_ (do)he_(do)?-Hesadoctor.He_ (help)sickpeople.5.-What_ (do)yourmother_(do)?-Shesaworker.She_ (make)swee

4、ts.6. -_ (do)Mike_(like) _ (watch)TV?-Yes,he_ (do). /No,he_ (do).四、句型转换。1.Imastudent.(对画线部分提问)_you_?2.Hehelpssickpeople.(改为一般疑问句)_he_sickpeople?3.Myfatherhasanicecar.(改为一般疑问句)_father_anicecar?4.Isyourmotherawriter?(作否定回答)_,_.5.YangLingteachesEnglishinmyschool. (改为同义句)YangLingis_inmyschool.五、阅读短文,回答问


6、rtoday?_4.WhendoesTomsfathergettohisofficetoday?_答案:一、1.teachEnglish 2. alotofstudents=lotsofstudents 3. Whatabout.? =Howabout.?4. anEnglishteacher 5. writestories 6. workathome 7. helpsickpeople 8. afactoryworker 9. makesweets 10. alotofsweets 11. anicecar 12. makecars二、1-5 ACBAA 6-10 BBCBC三、1. likes, swimming 2. has 3. do 4. does, do, helps 5. does, do, makes 6. Does, like, watching, does, doesnt四、1. What, do, do 2. Does, help 3. Does, your, have 4. Yes, she is 5. an English teacher五、1. No, he isnt. 2. Hegetsupatsevenoclock.3. No, he doesnt. Today, he goes to work by bus.4. At nine.


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