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1、 七年级英语导学案使用时间 年 月 日本课课型听说课编写教师 刘雪萍使用班级学生姓名序 号 46【课题】 Unit9Whatdoeshelooklike?Section A(1a-2c)I学习目标1.重点词汇:short,curly,long,straight,tall,heavy,thin,medium, height,build ,(be) of medium height/build. 2.重点句型:What does he/she look like? He/She is really tall, and he/she has straight hair. Is he tall or

2、short?He isnt tall or short. He is of medium height. 3.重点语法:掌握与描述人的外貌长相有关的单词 会简单地描述人物外貌能力目标:学会询问并描述一个人的外貌。情感价值观:学会观察和描述周围的人物,互相了解,增进友谊。You cant judge a tree by its bark. 人不可貌相。II自主学习(A)根据提示完成句子。1. Sun Dong is very _ (瘦的). 3. He is short and has _ (卷的) hair.4. Marys hair is long and _ (直的).5. What is

3、 the _ (高度) of the tree? - About three meters.(B)对比空间1. My brother is _, but Im short.2. Do you like straight or _ hair?3. I dont like white. My favorite color is _.4. Mary is very heavy, but her sister is very _.III合作探究(Many hands make light work. )Task1:创设情境,激情投入(用幻灯片展示出多人图片,对比学习新词汇及短语) 请学生通过看图,学习

4、新知,逐步掌握有关描述人物外貌特征的重点词汇。Task2:看图完成1a任务。并朗读1a中的短语。Task3:Listening 1b 2a 2b(播放听力,要求学生完成相应的练习。)Task4:Pairwork 1c2c(每组派人进行文中的对话比赛,评出优胜者。) A: What does your friend look like?B: Shes of medium height, and she has long straight hair. IV达标训练用be或havehas填空。1. Lei Hao short and straight hair.2. Dick tall, but h

5、is sister short.3. Xie Kai of medium height.4. Bettys mother of medium build.5. Du Kang and Xiaoxiao short and thin.6. The twins long hair. 7. My sister big eyes.V.总结提升1总结归纳本课学的描述人外貌的词汇。2. 情感教育:人并不是因为美丽才可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽。托尔斯泰( It is not beauty that endears, its love that makes us see beauty. -Leo Tolstoy

6、 )3.Homework. (用本节课的知识点,描述你最喜爱得明星,歌手,或者运动员。)七年级英语导学案使用时间 年 月 日 本课课型听说课 编写教师刘雪萍使用班级学生姓名序 号47【课题】 Unit9Whatdoeshelooklike?Section A(2d-3d).学习目标1.重点词汇:wear,glasses,go to the movie,cinema,later,handsome, actor,actress,tonight,little,a little,good-looking,person2.重点句型:What does your favorite actor or act

7、ress look like?This person is of medium height.3.重点语法:掌握描述人物外貌的形容词II自主学习 汉译英1.他个子矮但是看起来有点胖。 He is short but he looks_ _heavy. 2杰克的哥哥中等身材,经常去看电影。 Jacks brother has a .He often goes _the 。3.她喜欢那个男孩因为他像她的儿子.She _the boy because he is _her son.4. 我今晚去看电影。Im going to the _ _.5. 林涛既不高也不矮,戴着眼镜。 Lin Tao isn

8、t tall _short and _glasses.III合作探究Task1:创设情境,激情投入 。(从班里找出两名不同外貌特征的同学,复习描述人的外貌的短语和句型)Task2: 2d. 小组大比拼。每组派人进行文中的对话比赛,评出优胜者Task3: Grammar focus 小结语法要点Task4: 学生完成3a,3b能分辨is和hasTask 5. 试着完成3c,3d的练习。Task 6. 整理并讲解本课时的语法知识。She is of medium build, and she has long straight hair. 她身材适中,留着长发。点拨: (1)表示某人中等身材或中等

9、个头时,其构成为“sb be of medium build/height”。(2)表示“某人长着或留着发”时,则只能用has/have, 其构成为“主语 have/has hair”。(“be 形容词”强调某人是样子的外形”,常用于描述大概的体形、身高等。而,“have/has 名词”结构强调某人具有的相貌特征,常用于描述五官、相貌等。)IV达标训练用 be & have填空。1My father _ of medium build and _ a beard (胡子).2. David _ short. But his sister _ tall.3. I _ of medium heig

10、ht and _ short straight black hair.4. Toms hair _ short. But his eyes _ big.5. My new friend _ thin and tall. 6. Linda _ curly hair.V.总结提升1.师生共同总结或学生自己总结。1).描述某人外貌的词汇:_2).询问某人外貌的子:_2.Homework. 七年级英语导学案使用时间 年 月 日 本课课型听说课 编写教师刘雪萍使用班级学生姓名序 号48【课题】 Unit9Whatdoeshelooklike?SectionB(1a-1e).学习目标1.重点词汇:nose

11、, round, face, mouth, singer, describe, blonde,funny 2.重点语法:描述人物外貌的形容词II自主学习A)根据首字母完成句子。1.Lucy has a wide m_.2. She has a r_ face.3. The little boy has big e_.4. Bob wants to be a s_. He likes singing.III合作探究Task1. Look at the pictures in 1a,read and match Task 2. Talk about the famous peoples looks

12、 you know. Finish1b.Task 3. Listening :1c-1d. Task 4 .Pair work:Describe a famous people you know. Finish1e.IV达标训练 用所给单词的正确形式填空。二、单选 ( ) 1.What does Merry look like? . A. She looked like her motherB. She is funny.C. She had brown hair and black eyesD. She looks like a movie star ( ) 2.My teacher is

13、very young. He short, straight hair.A. have B. has C. haves D. is ( ) 3. Does she have red hair? A. Yes, she does B. No, she isnt C. Yes, she is. ( ) 4. My friend is a _ girl.A good-looking B good-look C looking good D look-good( ) 5. He _ of medium build and he blonde hair. A. is, is B. has, has C. is, has D. has, is( ) 6. Look the girl. She looks her sister. A. at, at B. like, like C. at, like D. afte



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