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1、仁爱版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期末考试试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)_ do you spell card? C-A-R-D.A . HowB . WhatC . CanD . Whats2. (2分)Its reallyyou not to tell your parents about the problems. Do you think you can solve them on your own?A . smart ofB . smart forC . silly ofD . silly for3. (2分)In t

2、odays American Idol , who is _ in singing , Greg or James ? A . talentedB . more talentedC . the more talentedD . the most talented4. (2分)(2017恩施)Among these children,Jim has_life and he lives_( ) A . The most happy;most happilyB . the happiest;most happilyC . the happiest;happiest5. (2分)Excuse me.

3、Could you tell me how to get to Fun Times Park.? . there, just go along this street and tum left at the third crossing.A . To getB . GettingC . GetD . Got6. (2分)Zhang Hua studies English very _ and her English is _ in her class. A . hardly; goodB . hard; wellC . hardly; bestD . hard; the best7. (2分)

4、Tony TV when his mother came in.A . watchB . watchesC . was watchingD . is watching8. (2分)This is a photo _ my family. A . atB . ofC . inD . to9. (2分)Tim often _ TV in the evening, but now he _ with his friend on WeChat.A . watches; talkingB . watches; is talkingC . is watching; is talkingD . is wat

5、ching; talks10. (2分)_ are you going with for vacation?My parents.A . HowB . WhomC . WhatD . Why二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)完形填空The great ship, the Titanic, sailed for New York from England on April 12th, 1912. The ship had sixteen watertight compartments (密封舱). Even if two of them were broken, she wo

6、uld 1be able to stay on the water.Four days after 2, while the Titanic was sailing3the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge ice mountain suddenly appeared. The great ship turned hard. The Titanic turned just in time, and just missed the big 4of ice beside her. Suddenly there was a trembling (颤抖的

7、)5from below and the captain went down to see what had6. The noise had been so weak that 7thought the ship had been broken. But the captain8that the ship was sinking (下沉) very quickly, for five of the sixteen watertight compartments had already been broken! The order (命令) to 9the ship was given and

8、hundreds of people jumped into the icy water. As there were not enough lifeboats for everybody, 1,500 lives were 10. Although the sad story has been so many years, people still remember it clearly. (1)A . notB . yet C . never D . still (2)A . breakingB . finding C . starting D . turning (3)A . throu

9、ghB . above C . across D . under (4)A . wall B . ground C . window D . door (5)A . voice B . sound C . shout D . cry (6)A . received B . stopped C . happened D . left (7)A . everyone B . anyone C . nobody D . anybody (8)A . realizedB . remembered C . asked D . forgot (9)A . keepB . leave C . buy D .

10、 sell (10)A . livedB . saved C . lost D . found 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)12. (10分)根据表格所给提供的信息选择最佳答案 MountainMount EmeiMount WutaiMount PutuoMount TaiLocationSichuanShanghaiZhejiangShandongHeight3,099.2m3,061.1m288.2m1,545mPlaces of interestWannianTempleYanshanTemplePuji TempleBixia TemplePrice of the tiche

11、t(yuan)185168160120Word box: location 地点(1)Of all the mountains, is the highest, A . Mount WutaiB . Mount EmeiC . Mount Tai(2)The ticket price of Mount Emei is 25yuan that of Mount Putuo. A . higher thanB . lower thanC . as low as(3) is in Shanghai according to the form. A . Yanshan TempleB . Puji T

12、empleC . Bixia Temple(4) Isnt in the form. A . Bixai TempleB . PhuketC . Mount Putuo(5)Which of the following is NOT true according to the information above? A . Yanshan Temple is in Mount Wutai of Shanghai.B . All of these places of interest lie in the south of China.C . Mount Tai is in Shandong Pr

13、ovince and its height is 1,545m.13. (8分)阅读理解Sixty years ago,human beings first reached the top of Mount Qomolangma, known as Mount Everest in the West. But the increase in climbers is turning the worlds highest mountain into the “worlds highest junkyard(垃圾场)”.Every year, more than 700 climbers spend nearly two months on Mount Qomolangma. They have left human waste and all kinds of rubbish, including oxygen bottles, broken tents, and plastic bags, according to Ang Tshering Sherpa, chief of the Nepal Mounta



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