上海版2020届九年级下学期英语第一次模拟考试试卷(II )卷.doc

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1、上海版2020届九年级下学期英语第一次模拟考试试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Mike is _ years old. Today is his _ birthday. A . twelve; twelveB . twelfth; twelfthC . twelve; twelfthD . twelfth; twelve2. (2分)Mrs. Wang was so _ that she couldnt stop _. A . excited; cryB . excited; cryingC . exciting; cryingD

2、. exciting; to cry3. (2分)Peter is ten years old. He is _ to go to school.A . old enoughB . enough oldC . young enoughD . enough young4. (2分)The red house is on _ side(边) of the riverA . otherB . the othersC . the otherD . another5. (2分)How do you like travelling by air?I dont like it _ it is much fa

3、ster.A . becauseB . thoughC . untilD . unless6. (2分) Betty, whats up?Tommy promised to have dinner with me, but he havent come along.A . appearedB . acceptedC . stayed7. (2分)Look, the man looks so short all the girls.Yeah. I think he is a designer.A . ofB . amongC . betweenD . in8. (2分) Lei Feng _ f

4、or many years, but his spirit is still encouraging us.A . diedB . has diedC . was deadD . has been dead9. (2分)Must I sing the song in Russian? No, you _. Its up to you.A . mustntB . cantC . dontD . neednt10. (2分)Look! How _ the market is!Yes. There are always lots of people buying things there.A . l

5、iveB . livingC . aliveD . lively11. (2分)a great party! delicious the food is! A . What; HowB . How; HowC . What; WhatD . How; What12. (2分)- Lucy, what were you doing at nine last night?- I _ the piano. I usually practice the piano at that time.A . playB . playedC . was playingD . am playing13. (2分)H

6、e doesnt have any money, _ do I. A . tooB . alsoC . eitherD . neither14. (2分)Max and his online friend had fun_ on the Internet last night.A . talkingB . to talkC . talkD . to talking15. (2分)- Mr Black, could you tell me ?- At 10: 00 tomorrow morning.A . where well go hikingB . when well have a meet

7、ingC . whether youll come to my birthday party二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空Philip is the bravest boy I know. His friends and family are all very1him.Ten-year-old Philip was born with an2which means that he is always breaking his bones(骨头). Although he has such a serious illness, Philip3playing spo

8、rts. In January last year he4wheelchair racing. He came second in his first5, and since then Philip has won every other race!In order to look for a new challenge(挑战), Philip6to take part in the London Wheelchair Marathon(马拉松)7, five days before the race Philip got sick. He didnt want to8He finally m

9、ade up his mind to take part. Philip was given medicine by his doctor and guess what? He not only9it, but he also finished in first place!Philip is very10and never gives up. Thats why he has been chosen to be the Bravest Child of the Month.(1)A . proud of B . afraid of C . angry with D . strict with

10、 (2)A . ability B . effort C . illness D . interest (3)A . stops B . avoids C . minds D . loves (4)A . watched B . started C . cancelled D . held (5)A . journey B . race C . class D . interview (6)A . regretted B . hated C . failed D . decided (7)A . Instead B . Also C . However D . First (8)A . giv

11、e up B . sit down C . set off D . go out (9)A . refused B . left C . completed D . invented (10)A . brave B . honest C . polite D . fair 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17. (10分)SUNNY SCHOOLWe are a bilingual(双语) school for children of 6-15. We want a cook, a library assistant, a sports coach and a language teach

12、er.JobAgeLanguageSkillOther terms(其它条件)cook2540Chinesecan cook Chinese and Western(西方) foodhealthylibrary assistant2035Chinese,Englishhas the knowledge(知识) on all kinds of bookscareful(仔细)sports coach2040Chinese, Englishmajor in(主修) P.E.healthy,strongteacher3045Chinese,Englishmajor in English-(1)Who

13、 cant go to Sunny School?A . A four-year-old child.B . An eleven-year-old boy.C . A fifteen-year-old girlD . An eight-year-old kid.(2)Who is not wanted by Sunny School?A . A PE teacher.B . An English teacher.C . A library assistantD . A math teacher.(3)We know _ may not speak English in Sunny School.A . the sports coachB . the cookC . the library assistantD . the language teacherthe lang


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