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1、北师大版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语10月月考试卷B卷一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)找出画线部分读音不同的单词( ) A . climbB . cleverC . crazyD . club2. (2分)Which of the following words matches the sound /si:m/? A . sameB . SamC . seemD . sense3. (2分)选出与其它不同类的单词( ) A . goldB . copyC . fossilD . dollar4. (2分)I love singing and dancing. I w

2、ant to be actor in the future.A . aB . anC . theD . /5. (2分)(2016毕节)Its _ ancient story and it tells us how to be _ good learner. A . a; aB . an; anC . an; aD . a; an6. (2分)I have _ European pen friend, and he likes playing _ guitar.A . an; /B . an; theC . a; /D . a; the7. (2分)are friends. A . I, yo

3、u and sheB . I and KateC . You, he and ID . You, he and me8. (2分)Whats Jenny Greens last name?A . JennyB . Jenny GreenC . GreenD . Smith9. (2分)_ are good friends. A . Lily, you and IB . You, Lily and meC . You, Lily and ID . I, you and Lily10. (2分)- I wish you a happy National Day!- _.A . The same a

4、s youB . Thank youC . The same to you11. (2分)选出一个读音与其它单词不同的单词 A . nameB . cakeC . catD . face12. (2分)找出画线部分读音不同的单词( ) A . greenB . glassC . grapeD . great13. (2分)Which of the following word has the same sound as the underlined letter of the word pilot? A . physicalB . primaryC . print14. (2分)Which o

5、f the underlined letter is pronounced differently(发音不同) from the other three? A . monkeyB . nurseC . uncleD . angry15. (2分)Which stress of the following word is different?A . compassB . directionC . position二、 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。Tom with his fa

6、mily1 near the sea. Their house is not very high, but it is beautiful. There2 big trees and a small garden in front3 their house. They plant flowers in the garden. Some of the flowers are red, some are white4 some are blue. Tom and his family love5 garden very much.6 Tom and his sister go to school

7、7bus. The bus is comfortable. There are air conditioners in the bus. And it is a double-decker bus. After school, they sometimes help their mum 8 some shopping at the shopping centre, and sometimes help their dad in the garden. At weekends, they often take some photos by the sea. 9summer, they often

8、 go swimming 10 their parents.(1)A . lives B . lived C . living D . live (2)A . are B . is C . was D . be (3)A . to B . for C . at D . of (4)A . but B . or C . at D . and (5)A . they B . them C . their D . theirs (6)A . All B . Both C . Some D . Two (7)A . on B . by C . take D . sit (8)A . do B . do

9、ing C . does D . did (9)A . In B . On C . At D . To (10)A . and B . for C . of D . with 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)根据文章内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的写“A”,错误的写“B”。A young man goes to the city and buys himself a pair of socks. When he comes back home, he goes to his room and tries them on. He finds they are in diffe

10、rent colours. One is blue but the other is green. He goes into the kitchen. His mother and his sister are cooking dinner. He says to them, “The new socks are in different colours. I should make them in the same colour. Would you like to do this for me?” His mother and sister are busy and they dont s

11、ay anything. When his mother finishes cooking, she goes to her sons room and makes the green sock in blue. She comes back without saying a word to her son. After supper, his sister goes to her brothers room and makes one blue sock in green without saying anything.(1)The young man buys a pair of shoe

12、s in the city.(2)The socks are in different colours, one is green and the other is blue.(3)The young man wants to make the socks in the same colour.(4)Mother makes the green sock in blue and tells his son what she did.(5)Finally, the socks are in the same colour.18. (10分)阅读材料,从每题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳

13、选项。BJack works in a bookstore. Here is a note from his boss, Ben. Jack will decide what books to order(订购) according to the notes and the information about the books.Hi Jack, You must hand in the order list of books by the first working day of every month. The rules for choosing books are:For textbo

14、oks:August is coming. We must have all textbooks, without thinking of other rules.For books which are not textbooks:If more than 5 copies were sold last month, we choose them. But if there are 5 or more in stock(现货),we do not make an order.If the wholesale(批发) prices are higher than 75, we dont choose them. And we dont order anything whose retail(零售) price is higher than 100.The information about the booksTitle: Homeland EnglishPublisher



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