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1、2020年九年级下学期英语限时练习卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择(每小题2分,共38分) (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Dads birthday is coming. Mum and I will make _a cake. A . herB . himC . youD . them2. (2分)Excuse me, Mr Li, where is the Diaoyu Islands? Let me show you on the map. Its _ the east of China.A . inB . onC . to3. (2分)一 I was surpri

2、sed _ what he had done.一 Me too.A . inB . toC . at4. (2分)I dont like drinking tea _milk. A . haveB . toC . withD . for5. (2分)What do you think of the film?Its _ than the last one, I think.A . interestingB . interestedC . more interestingD . more interested6. (2分)Jimmy is growing fast. He is _ taller

3、 than his mother. A . farB . quiteC . very7. (2分)There are no buses, _ you have to go there by bike. A . soB . orC . butD . for8. (2分) _ is your maths teacher? The man _ a white shirt. A . What; wearsB . Who; inC . Which man; wearsD . Who; on9. (2分) you ever with a group?Yes, I have.A . Have, studyB

4、 . Have, studiedC . Do, studyD . Did, study10. (2分) Claudia, are you going to Jeffs birthday party on Saturday? Unless I _.A . will be invitedB . was invitedC . am invitedD . invited11. (2分)Our English teacher is very niceWe friends since three years ago A . wereB . becameC . have beenD . have made1

5、2. (2分)Candy, Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long. Never mind. I here for only a few minutes.A . wasB . cameC . have beenD . have come13. (2分)Lin Na has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer and she tomorrow A . be backB . come backC . cameD . will be back14. (2分)Liu Li decided a teacher when he was

6、fifteen. A . to isB . to wasC . beingD . to be15. (2分)I cant help you _ you tell me whats wrong. A . becauseB . soC . unless16. (2分)Britain _ to leave European Union last year. David Cameron, former Prime Minister _ since then.A . decided, retiredB . decided, has been retiredC . has decided, retired

7、D . has decided, has retired17. (2分) Why are you feeling sleepy all the time? Because I late watching the film Kung Fu Panda last night.A . stayed upB . cheered upC . gave upD . took up18. (2分)A high-speed rail station _ in Dongguan next year. A . buildsB . will buildC . will be builtD . is built19.

8、 (2分)The English Speech Competition the best in her. As a result, she is more active now. A . checked outB . tried outC . left outD . brought out20. (2分)I really want to watch Bumblebee (大黄蜂). Could you tell me ? Sure. Itll be on show at Wanda Cinema.A . when it will be on showB . where will it be o

9、n showC . where it will be on show二、 完形填空(每小题1.5分,共18分) (共1题;共18分)21. (18分) My now 7-year-old grandson, who lives 100 miles away, has kept my phone number in his mind since he was 4. Since then, he has been 1me every night before he goes to bed to tell me about his day or just to say “Good night, Gr

10、andma.”He also often calls me at other times during the day just to 2 a happy or sad moment. Many times hes playing a basketball with one hand, or laughing with a friend about something that I 3quite understand, or crying about something he may or may not want to talk about while Im on the other end

11、 of the phone. I just listen and empathize (同情) or laugh with himjust share his current (当前的) 4. I always let him control the 5 , and the time hes on the phone with me. Many times I just listen to him play, or play games weve made up together that we can play over the 6.The only time I take control

12、of the 7 is when hes ready to say goodbye at night. Often there are four special 8I say to him every night. One night I thought maybe he was tired to hear those, so I didnt say them. He 9called me back and told me that I forgot to say those sentences! I havent missed saying them since then!My friend

13、s all know that he is the most important for me. 10 Im in church(教堂), or some place where I really cant take his call, I always politely excuse myself and talk to him, even if its just for a minute to tell him Ill call him back in a few minutes.He knows that he takes first place in my heart. (1)A . troubling B . seeing C . promising D . calling (2)A . spend B . enjoy C . share D . experience (3)A . never B . ever C . nearly D . fully (4)A . secret B . problem C . plan D . feeling (5)A . action B . resul


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