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1、仁爱版2019-2020学年八年级下学期3月英语阶段检测B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)请先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。I noticed an old couple as they walked into the second-hand store. Just before that I had dropped off a bag of clothes and a few other things I no longer needed.The couple moved 1around

2、 me in search of things they had on a list.“Can I help you 2something?” I asked curiously.They stopped, looked at me and said, “Were looking for 3things that look new.”“Every year in the past, we tried to 4the year with new things. It was a goal (目标) to have new things around us so that we had a new

3、 5, new hopes and dreams for the new year,” said the old man. “But nowadays we also believe that even though something is old, it 6be new to someone who has never seen it before.”“So, at the end of each year we search for things that are 7to no one but new to us,” the old woman added.“What have you

4、found so far?” I asked.The man showed two things: a small frame made of sticks and one baby boot.“We still need one more thing,” he said.“Got it!” I heard a loud 8.“What did you find?” the old man shouted, too.The old woman walked slowly towards us 9something in her hand. “Look! Its a flower vase. W

5、ell, it looks 10, but its new to us!”They then headed for the checkout without saying another word.Everything that you see for the first time is new.(1)A . quickly B . slowly C . freely D . excitedly (2)A . buy B . carry C . find D . introduce (3)A . small B . lovely C . cheap D . old (4)A . begin B

6、 . spend C . finish D . accept (5)A . action B . competition C . direction D . instruction (6)A . must B . can C . should D . will (7)A . useful B . strange C . real D . expensive (8)A . noise B . cry C . laugh D . shout (9)A . getting B . taking C . holding D . keeping (10)A . wonderful B . awful C

7、 . beautiful D . shiny 二、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共24分)2. (4分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选项涂黑。AHarry Potter and the Deathly HallowsBy J. K. RowlingPaperback, 784 pages.Publisher: Arthur a LevineDate: 07/07/2009Reading level: Age: 9-12Price: $16.69Deceptively DeliciousBy Jessica SeinfeldHardcover,

8、204 pages.Publisher: CollinsDate: 09/01/2007Reading Level: ParentsPrice: $12.83Rich Dad, Poor DadBy Robert T. KiyosakiPaperback, 266 pagesPublisher: Business PlusDate: 01/01/2010Reading Level: Age 20-25Price: $5.59The RoadBy Cormac McCarthyPaperback, 304 pages.Publisher: Vintage BooksDate: 09/11/200

9、7Reading Level: AdultsPrice: $5.50(1)Among the books, there is/are _ written for children.A . oneB . twoC . threeD . four(2)Which of the following books is after2009 in print ?A . Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.B . Deceptively Delicious.C . Rich Dad, Poor Dad. D . The Road.3. (10分)(2017枣庄)阅读理解

10、The Silk Road is the name of different roads that long ago connected Europe,Africa and AsinPeopie reached these different places along these roadsScientists believe people began to travel the Silk Road about 3000 years agoBy the time the Chinese silk trade became important in the word,the Silk Road

11、covered almost 6500 kilometresIt spread from Rome to China,which is from the West to the Far EastTraders traveling along the Silk Road carried silk,of courseThey also carried and traded spices(香料),cloth,valuable stones and goldThere is a famous old story along the old road.It is said that Roman sold

12、iers(士兵) traveled through central AsinThey started to live somewhere near the ancient Chinese village of LiqianSome of these Romans married local Chinese women and the story of blueeyed villages of China was startedDuring its busiest period,the Silk Rond allowed people from many different cultures a

13、nd countries to meet each other and mixThe Silk Road allowed the sharing of valunble goods and new ideasThese included people and trading goods from the Mediterranean,Persian,Magyar,Armenian,Bactian,Indian and Chinese aresAll these peoples traveled the Silk Road,and they shared goods,stories,languag

14、es,and culturesIn modern times,the old Silk Roads routes(路线) are still used,but now they are crossed by trains instesd of camels and horsesThere is even a Silk Route Muscum in Jiuquan in ChinaIt has over 35,000 objects from all along the Silk RoadIn this way,China protects the of many countries and peoples(1)Hoe many kilometers did the Silk Road cover?A . About3000B . Nearly6500C . Almost 2000D . Over35,000(2)Traders carried all kinds of goods along the Silk RoadWhich of the following is not mentioned in the passage?A . SilkB . ClothC . Gold


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