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1、上海新世纪版备战2020年中考英语复习专题固定搭配(真题)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共40题;共80分)1. (2分)How long has your mother _ Beijing?About two weeks. But she will come back tomorrow.A . been toB . been inC . gone toD . gone in2. (2分)Please take some photos the pandas and send them to me email.A . of; inB . of; byC . by; inD .

2、to; by3. (2分)Could you please me a lift?Certainly, sir. Please get in.A . takeB . giveC . helpD . get4. (2分)It is selflessthe doctor to devote all the time he had to caring for the patients.I think so, they are so great.A . forB . ofC . withD . to5. (2分)My parents decide _ to the beach this week. A

3、. goB . goingC . to go6. (2分)The twins . Others always mistake them. A . look sameB . look likeC . look the sameD . look different7. (2分)I dont knowhe will win tomorrow. I never doubtit will rain tomorrow. A . if, ifB . if, thatC . whether, whetherD . that, if8. (2分) Which activity will you have on

4、weekends? Staying at home or going shopping? I prefer at home to shopping.A . staying; goingB . staying; goC . stay; goingD . stay; go9. (2分)I cant speak English well. What should I do? _ try to talk to our classmates in English?A . How aboutB . LetsC . Why dont youD . You should10. (2分)Do you want

5、to _ the sports meeting? A . goB . comeC . join toD . take part in11. (2分)How much will it take to build this library? _ yuan.A . MillionsB . Millions ofC . MillionD . Million of12. (2分)More and more people prefer _ in the wild _in the hotel. Because they want to experience life.A . to camp; to live

6、B . to camp; to livingC . camping; to livingD . camping; to live13. (2分)Why dont you get a watch for your friend as a gift?But its too expensive for me _!A . affordB . affordingC . to affordD . affords14. (2分)Its time. for rest (休息). Lets _ basketball together (一起). A . playB . to playC . playing15.

7、 (2分)We are supposed _ some housework with our parents when we have free time. A . to shareB . sharingC . sharedD . share16. (2分)Do you know that there are many different _animals in the zoo?Yes, I do. And I also know that some of them are _scaring.A . kinds of; kind ofB . kinds of; kinds ofC . kind

8、 of; kinds ofD . kind of; kind of17. (2分)How was the dinner at Peters home last night? I _ at 6:00, but I arrived at 8:00.A . dont supposed to arriveB . am supposed to arriveC . was supposed to arriveD . was allowed to arrive18. (2分)一What do you think about Maria?Oh, shes as as her sisterA . friendl

9、yB . more friendlyC . most friendlyD . the most friendly19. (2分)What happened to Mike?He had a stomachache. He began to work having breakfast this morning.A . withB . ofC . Without20. (2分)Winter is comingWe need warm clothes to protect ourselves the cold weather A . forB . withC . fromD . to21. (2分)

10、Now, its time _ lunch. Lets go. A . to haveB . for haveC . to having22. (2分)People usually _ at night, but Mr. Wang _ in the day.A . sleep; sleepB . sleeps; sleepsC . sleeps; sleepD . sleep; sleeps23. (2分) Its the best time _ in summer. Youre right. But dont go _ alone.A . to swim; to swimB . swimmi

11、ng; swimmingC . swimming; to swimD . to swim; swimming24. (2分)Too many exercises make the students _ very tired. A . feelB . to feelC . feelingD . felt25. (2分)Im still busy today like any other _ of this month. A . daysB . dayC . weeksD . week26. (2分)Hows it _?Not bad.A . goB . goingC . goesD . went

12、27. (2分)Do you often help your cousin with his English?No. He learns English _.A . by himselfB . for himselfC . with himself28. (2分)Mr. Smith invited my family _ to his birthday party. A . goB . goingC . to goD . went29. (2分)There is no coffee left. Shall we have some water _. A . instead ofB . inst

13、eadC . howeverD . either30. (2分)They are going to let tourists _ the new museum this year. A . visitsB . visitC . visiting31. (2分)I would rather die than _.A . to give inB . gave inC . giving inD . give in32. (2分)My hobby is _. A . play basketballB . playing the table tennisC . listening to musicD . play the piano33. (2分)Mr Lin will have_ next month. A . seven days offB . seven days offC . seven day offD . seven days off34. (2分)I _ to bed until my granny came back home.A . didnt goB . wentC . had gone


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