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1、 Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived Cheng Jiachuan Middle School Guo Heng 1 有关外星人的一些图片 aliens 2 Unidentified Flying Object UFO 3 1947年6月24日 一名叫做阿诺德的 美国商人 架着一架小型飞机在华 盛顿州上空 发现一组巨型不明飞 行物以1000公里左右的速度 同他 一起在空中翱翔 阿诺德的有关目 击报告第一次引起公众的兴趣 从 此 飞碟 或UFO便迅速流传开来 UFO 4 bedroomliving room bathroom kitche

2、n Welcome to my house 5 Barber shop library 6 He is playing soccer He is running 7 He is writing 8 He was playing football What was the boy doing just now What is the boy doing now He is playing football 9 过去进行时 含义 表示过过去某个时时 刻 正在进进行的动动作 结构 was were doing 例句 I was having an English class at this time

3、 yesterday 现在进行时 含义 表示现现在 正在进进行的动动作 结构 is am are doing 例句 I am having an English class 10 What was the boy doing when the UFO arrived He was playing football when the UFO arrived 11 He was sleeping when you visited What is he doing He is sleeping What was he doing when I visited 12 1 I was in the ba

4、throom 2 I was in my bedroom 3 I was in front of the library 4 I was in the kitchen 5 I was in my barber shop 6 I was in the barber s chair 浴室 盥洗室 卧室 寝室 厨房 理发店 为男子服务的 理发师 d b a c e f in front of 在 前面 指一物体在另一物体的前面 The girl is standing in front of the bus in at the front of 在 前部 指某物体处在某个地方内的前部 The gir

5、l is standing in at the front of the bus 13 a standing in front of the library studying in the library b cleaning my room sleeping late c making a milk shake cooking dinner d getting out of the shower talking on the phone e eating lunch cutting hair get out 出去 离开 get out of 从 出来 get out of the showe

6、r 洗完澡出来 14 a standing in front of the library studying in the library b cleaning my room sleeping late c making a milk shake cooking dinner d getting out of the shower talking on the phone e eating lunch cutting hair 15 A What was she doing when the UFO arrived B She was standing in front of the library Pair Pair work work barber boy man woman young man girl 16 Homework 1 背诵Grammar Focus的句 型 2 做练习册Section A 17 18 此课件下载可自行编辑修改 供参考 感谢您的支持 我们努力做得更好 19


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