新生代英语基础教程2 Unit3_电子教案

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《新生代英语基础教程2 Unit3_电子教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新生代英语基础教程2 Unit3_电子教案(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教 案课程名称 新生代英语基础教程2课 时 _班 级 _专 业 _教 师 _系 部 _教 研 室 _教 材 新生代英语基础教程2教学计划教学单元Unit 3 “Nobody has pizza for breakfast.”单元主题l Breakfast课时安 排8教学内容l Show Time“Nobody has pizza for breakfast.”l ReadingEnglish Breakfastl Chat TimeIm allergic to dairy.l WritingA recipel GrammarCountable and uncountable nounsl My

2、 StoryFood and nutrition教学目标教学活动建议Warm-upTo get students to talk about the main topic of this unit in a comfortable and relaxed manner l Have students look at the picture and ask them to tell you as much as they can about it.l Then, go through the questions and complete each answer. In addition, you

3、 can ask a few warm-up questions such as “Do you eat breakfast every day?” “Who do you eat breakfast with?” and “What do you usually have for breakfast?” If students have trouble with these questions you can write model answers on the board for them to use when answering. For example, “Yes, I do.” “

4、I eat _ with _.” and “I usually eat _.”This is also a good opportunity to review the present simple tense, since breakfast is something we repeat on a regular basis. l For an extension activity, you can also apply the same questions to other meal times.Vocabulary BuilderA and BTo teach students new

5、vocabulary related to breakfast and nutritionl Have students listen and repeat the words. The vocabulary for this unit is quite easy to teach since they are all concrete nouns (nouns we experience through our five senses, as opposed to abstract nouns, which we must imagine). Thus, you can teach them

6、 simply by pointing to the pictures in the book and having the students echo and repeat after you.l At this level, you may also consider making basic flashcard for the vocabulary. This is a lot easier than it sounds. All you need to do is find some pictures of the vocabulary items. Then you can prin

7、t them out and laminate them. Keep in mind that flashcards work best when used with concrete nouns. This is because it is difficult (or sometimes impossible)to show a pictorial representation of abstract nouns. Another point to remember is flashcards tend to be more fun and effective with lower leve

8、l and younger students. If your students are older or higher level, flashcards may not be as effective or necessary. With younger learners, having flashcards can not only help students learn, but can also provide you with a range of fun games and activities.l Once students are comfortable with the n

9、ew words, have them do the exercises, correcting any mistakes. C and DTo improve students listening and comprehension skillsl Tell the students they will hear a conversation between David and his mother. Now, listen to the conversation and have students complete the sentences. Correct any mistakes.

10、Have students practice the conversation in pairs. Monitor their performance.l For Exercise D, let students read the clues first and then guess the food one by one.Show TimeATo teach students speaking skills through the use of videol First, have the students watch the video in its entirety. Ask basic

11、 comprehension questions such as, “Who are the main characters in this video?” “Where are they?” “What are they doing?” “Why are they doing that?” “How are they doing it?” l Next, have students take turns in explaining what is happening in each picture. You can do the first picture, and then have a

12、more confident student try the second one. To make it more fun, you could choose two students, and then have them race to explain what is happening in the picture. The student with the fastest and best explanation wins. B, C and DTo improve students listening comprehension through the use of videol

13、Watch the video. Now, look at Exercise B, and ask students to complete the True / False statements. l Next, students can complete the dialogue in Exercise C. Have three students read out the dialogue with one student playing the role of Hector, one as Mr. Sanchez and the other as Mrs. Sanchez. For a

14、n extension activity, you can also have the students rewrite the conversation, using different foods.l For Exercise D, you need to first review the vocabulary word omelet. Ask students what the ingredients are for a typicalomelet, and then have them imagine the steps they might take when making one.

15、 Now, tell students to look at 1. And read it out loud. Ask, “What should we do after we beat some eggs in a bowl? When students have given you the correct answer, repeat the process using “What should we do after we _?” To check the answers for B, C, and D, students can change books and listen as you go through the answers. If you would like to give homework, you can tell students that they must rewrite every incorrect answer 5, 10 or 20 times at your discretion.ReadingA and BTo improve st



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